

The sound of rain beating against the roof wasn't enough to draw Mwinza's attention. He was lining on the wall beside his bed thinking about what his teacher had told him on that days lesson. The thought of it all made him grievous and confined. All this thinking made him fall towards his bed until he found himself in a deep sleep.

It was 6pm and the sun was setting producing a series of orange stripes in the sky. The evening was with harmony, each family was indoors because of the cold weather. Mwinza was still asleep when his father knocked off from work. He noticed the sudden silence in the house and knew Mwinza was either asleep or had gone somewhere. Although it was very rare for Mwinza to sleep at such awkward times ,his father didn't give much thought to it. 

It was now 7pm and Mwinza's father was just about to settle for dinner when he heard the door tilt open bit by bit. Opening the door was a young boy wearing a vest. He looked tired and had black rings around his eyes . It was Mwinza!