

Hopkins_Isanda · Komik
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

"Choices have consequences it's just you heroes don't care naive little ones"

Ur here to listen not talk back then we co existed with the dinosaurs we had technology way higher than the current civilization but we didn't know the rule of the dark forest everyone is prey and everyone is a hunter and that led to the end of that time but we were ideological if you can't beat them run live to fight another day and we survived my people did so di most of the dinosaurs they soon left this reality . Ur thinking didn't they get wiped out by the meteor that a good explanation but I want you to think of basics if the environment today oxygen level increased what will happen to humans they do what they are beat at evolve become smarter stronger right."

Burner: in theory yes humans shall have the ability to heal like wolverine.

Afraka : exactly so in that era we they smarter than you they built colonies on on mars and you tell me that we couldn't blow up a rock in space right unless we know what's behind it.

We created technology beyond our time so I took my people away but to completely escape we need a place where time does not exist . To communicate from one world to another we use quantum tunnels so the brightest of our civilization thought since you can use the the quantum realm to pass messages then u can travel in time or send a message to the past self but for you not to mess with time you will need a being that exist as one no him in other universes or time a trance-dental being . Hence they connected to the multiverse in every earth when civilization begun they all worshiped the sun hence the creation of Afraka. The first sun soul a being that exists wherever a sun exist but he is the only one and all my people in every time and space ceased to exist they all entered the quantum realm where they were then again taken away .to repay the earth we simply decided for me to remain and warn you idiots anyway my time to repay is up ."

Tony : nice story but have you taken revenge or fought back .

Afraka: nope only an idiot would fight them all you can do is figure out how to survive then escape and never reveal where you go but if you escape then u are one lucky bastard . Rules have to be followed but if u escape you make u're rules.

Tony : who are they ?

Afraka : They are Fate and Destiny they are are like death, life , infinity etc concepts but on a whole other level I mean whole other level . My people have grouped multiverse as a world this world is marvel their are many worlds all over the place some terrifying some weak but they follow a simple rule of the dark forest some beings are strong enough to create multiple multiverses with a thought but they are still under Fate and Destiny. All of you listening thought I was a coward my people were cowards for running well yes we are but we survived to live to fight another day. I know why not fight to the last man standing my people want to fight also but I know their no use fighting for a lost cause so I made the choice to my people this is wrong but what do they know sometimes you have to face the facts I'm the King I fight for the lives of my people they live to fight another day I only pay a little price . Why do the weak all want to be stronger ?

Tony : To control their fates .

Afraka: indeed but the stronger you are the stronger fate control you. so the weaker you are the lesser the control the easier it is to escape. But u have to pay a price .

As he was talking turns out fate and Destiny released something.

Top Ten lists of sacrifices in the myriad worlds

10 Fourth hokage

A video begis showing

Minato Namikaze used the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style to seal the Nine-Tails into his infant son, Naruto Uzumaki. Before Minato performed the seal, he summoned a ceremonial altar that he placed Naruto on. Naruto's seal is located on his abdomen, but only becomes visible when he uses the Nine-Tails' chakra.

[ Sealing the nine tails in your own son even though he would be treated as an outcast reward husband and wife are revived ]

In the Naruto verse in the leaf village everyone was looking up at the list when the fourth hokage and his wife were brought back to life .