
Get Out!!

I didn't wait to be told twice. When Milo said something, I knew he meant it. I guess I should have been glad that he was letting me go. After all, he was a dangerous man who did bad things.

If I was supposed to be glad, then why was there a lump stuck in my throat?

No matter how much I tried to swallow it away, it wouldn't go away. As I packed my clothes, I wanted to scream and break everything in my vicinity. Milo was such a complicated man. 

But I wouldn't stay with a man who didn't believe a word I said. I told him that I didn't kiss his son. Yet, he still asked me to leave. He wasn't worth my time. 

I tried my hardest not to sob as I picked the last of my items from the closet. I didn't have much with me since I wasn't planning on taking anything Milo bought me. Maybe Irina would take them.

Then again, she went on and on about how I was fat so I wasn't sure my clothes would fit her–they wouldn't fit any of the women Milo hung around. 

"Are you finished?" Boris asked when I appeared in the living room. I couldn't stand to look at him because I couldn't help but blame him for the falling out I had with Milo. 

If he didn't take that picture, I wouldn't be leaving. 

Since I didn't want to talk to him, I nodded my head and looked away. Irina had been right. I wasn't good enough to last the three months Milo kept a woman for. 

"You know I didn't kiss Ivan. Why did you give Milo that picture to make him think that I did? Not only did Ivan violate me and turn my best friend against me but you also turned Milo against me."

I had promised myself that I wouldn't confront Boris but I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. I needed to know why he would do something like that. I'd never treated him badly. 

Was I angry that he followed me around? Yes. However, I never once insulted him or treated him badly. 

"I wasn't the one that sent that picture. I was in the club looking for you when the incident happened, Ms. Smith. You know I wouldn't do that to you. I know how much you mean to Milo."

I scoffed at his last statement. I didn't mean anything to Milo. If I did, he would have believed me. 

I believed Boris. There was truth in his eyes. I guess someone else wanted Milo to hate me. For a moment, I thought maybe Ivan knew of my relationship with his father and he was punishing me for it. 

After all, he had made me lose my best friend and the man I pretended to hate all in one night.

"He didn't believe me," I said. 

Boris laughed. It was the first time I'd heard him laugh. He was always so serious and alert when it came to me. 

"He believed you, I'm sure."

"No, or I wouldn't be leaving."

"I don't think that was the reason he asked you to leave."

"I don't follow," I said as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"You told him he forced you into this arrangement and I think he feels like you will never want to be here willingly. He has been giving you a chance to adjust for weeks and you still can't. You want to go back to your mundane life."

Milo cared what I thought? I could have sworn he didn't give a fuck if I wanted to be his mistress or not. 

"But he forced me into this. He threatened to kill my father for heaven's sake!"

"But he knew how you felt about him so he hoped you would adjust and love your arrangement. When you told him that he forced you, tonight, I think he lost it."

I sat on the couch as I thought over Boris' words. He was wiser than he looked. I thought he was just a muscle man. 

"I thought he didn't care…"

"Believe me, this is the first time I've seen the boss act this way. He doesn't give people an out. He clearly has a soft spot for you. If you want him so much, go find him. He's at the office at this time of night."

"What would I even tell him?"

"What you know is true. You want him just as badly as he wants you."

I thought about Lena's words at the club about submission and how it took trust. I trusted Milo. He had given me everything, respected me, offered me an out, and defended me like no one ever had. 

I didn't know what it was like to be taken care of by a man until I met him. Plus, the thought of him replacing me with another skinny mature model didn't sit well with me. I didn't want him with another woman.

"Take me to him," I said as I stood up. 

Boris drove me to Milo's company. He may have been a mobster but he also owned a legitimate business to launder his money. It was an oil company that probably brought in as much as his mafia business. 

It was why he was a billionaire. 

Once we got there, I rushed inside. Since it was nighttime, there weren't a lot of people. The guard at the entrance only let me in because I was with Boris. Otherwise, I would have been kicked out. 

I took the elevator to the top floor of the building. The first person I spotted when I stepped out of the elevator was Irina. She had a desk outside of Milo's office and she was typing relentlessly on her computer.

When she saw me, she gritted her teeth in anger. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to see Milo."

Without asking her if it was okay, I walked to the office and grabbed the knob. She grabbed my hand to stop me and glared. 

"You don't belong in this world. Leave while you still can."

"Get your claws off of me. Now." I said with a deadly tone. 

"Milo will never want someone like you," she spat out as she let me go. She was more delusional than I remembered.

There was dim lighting in the office but I spotted Milo sitting on his desk staring at his computer intensely. When he saw me, he didn't react. He had already mastered the art of hiding what he was thinking. 

"What are you doing here? I told you that you're free to go."

I walked closer as I said, "I don't want to be free. I want you."

He was taken aback by my words. He got up from his chair and rounded his table. He leaned against it and smirked. 

"You don't know what you want, little girl. I told you, you can't handle my tastes in bed. I like it very rough."

I walked closer until we were inches apart.

"I think you know that I can. It's why you chose me."

He grabbed my chin and said, "I'll hurt you and ruin you. I'm a fucked up man who was turned on when you were on your kness with tears running down your face as you begged me to spare your father's life."

I didn't hesitate to get on my knees. 

"I submit to you Milomir Petrov. I want you to ruin me. I want to be yours and surrender my body to you."

"Are you sure? There is no turning back. Once I say you're mine then you're mine. Forever."

I nodded my head. 

"I want to be yours."

" Are you aware of the Dom and Sub relationship?"

"Just a little…"

"It treads a thin line between pain and pleasure but don't worry, I'll show you. Will you give me control of your body, mind and soul?"


"These are my rules. You speak only when spoken to and do everything I tell you to do. You're submitting to me in and out of the bedroom. You understand? You exist for the sole purpose of my pleasure. You cum when I say you can. Beg me if the need is too much."

All he said scared me but I was ready to take him as he was. I wanted him badly. 

"Okay then what is the safe word in case I don't like something."

He chuckled darkly and said, "There are no safe words, dochka. I'll do anything I want with your body and you're just going to have to trust I'll know when your body wants me to stop."

Was I ready to take that risk? Without an ounce of doubt, I had an answer. 

Without hesitation I said, "I agree."