

"How dare you try to kiss me knowing very well that I'm with Zoya now. I told you, I chose her and not you so fucking get over it, Emilie. I will never love you. I never loved you then and I won't start now."

As soon as Ivan spoke, my mouth fell open in shock. He went to Zoya, grabbed her waist, and pulled her to his side. He looked at me like I was the one that violated him. 

"What?! You're the one who kissed me!" I shouted, but I could see Zoya believed him more than I did. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have leaned closer to his body. 

He looked at her softly and conjured an expression of regret. 

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, baby. I realized I couldn't live without you and decided to come and apologize. That's when I saw Emilie on the dance floor. When I told her I was looking for you, she told me you were out here and then tried to kiss me. I pushed her away."

Anger rose in my chest. What was worse was Zoya melting into his touch and hanging on to his every word. I scoffed and shook my head. 

"Zoya, you can't possibly believe what he's saying. He pulled me from the dancefloor and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and slapped him. His cheek is even red."

"Don't lie to her, Em. You slapped me because I rejected you."

I shook my head in disbelief. He was such a fucking liar. I wondered what his intentions were for lying the way he was. What was he hoping to gain? If he wanted me to hate him, he was successful.

Zoya sighed and looked at me. 

"I can't believe you did this…"

"You believe him over me? Are you fucking serious?"

"Can you stop lying already? Ivan wouldn't lie to me–"

"Oh, and I would? Got it."

I shook my head and walked away. It was one thing for her to sleep with him after we agreed he was bad news but it was another for her to choose him over me. I would have accepted their relationship. 

Hell, I would have even given them my blessing. What I wouldn't do was stand and be accused of lying when I hadn't done so.

"Emilie!" Zoya called as she rushed after me and grabbed my arm. 

I turned to her and glared.

"Don't you dare touch me! You're my best friend, Zoya and you know how much I hate Ivan. Why would I kiss him behind your back?"

"I understand why you kissed him–"

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me! If you can't believe me then why are we even best friends?"

I didn't wait for her to respond. I immediately went back into the club and grabbed my bag. I was only a little tipsy. I grabbed Boris and we left the club. I wouldn't hang out with someone who thought I was a liar.

We got to the penthouse less than an hour later. As soon as I stepped inside, I noticed Milo sitting on one of the couches with a drink in his hand. I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

Boris scurried out of the penthouse, leaving us alone. Milo was in a black button-up shirt and black slacks. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. 

His tattoos were on full display as usual. That was his usual look but somehow, he always managed to look hotter and hotter by the day. 

I'd never seen him in anything but a suit. I bet he would look good in gray sweatpants and a tight T-shirt. 

"Where were you?" He asked as he raked his eyes all over my body. 

My heels were in my hands and I was nervous as hell. Milo looked like he wanted to slit my throat. 

"Out with my best friend."

He scoffed and shook his head. 

"What are you playing at, Emilie? Kissing my son outside a club and sleeping in my penthouse? I didn't know you were a–"

"You better not call me what I think you're about to call me," I said while buzzing with anger. "You should ask me what happened instead of sitting there and accusing me of something I didn't do."

Milo took out his phone and lifted his phone to show me a picture. It was a picture of me and Ivan locking lips. 

In the picture, I could see why Milo would think that we were kissing. His hand was around my waist and my hands were on his chest because I'd been trying to push him away. 

"Who took that picture? Was it Boris?"

Milo threw the glass on the wall and it broke into small pieces. I jumped and stepped backwards to step away from him, scared of what he would do in his state of anger.

 He stood up and walked towards me. 

"You got caught, Emilie," he said as he slowly neared me. I backed backward until my back hit a wall. I was trapped between Milo and the wall with nowhere to run. 

He put his hands on both sides of the walls, caging me in completely. "You're playing with fire, Emilie. I'm not the man to play with." He brought the back of his hand to my cheek and stroked it delicately. It was a far cry from the storm brewing in his eyes. 

I knew he was really mad at me because not once did he call me, 'little girl'. The nickname I swore I hated would have been a relief to hear. 

His hand moved from my cheek to my neck. His thumb lightly pressed against my pulse. My heart wouldn't stop racing. "You're so delicate. I could easily snap your neck if I wanted."

I took a sharp inhale and shook my head as if begging him not to kill me.

"Are you seeing Ivan?"

I shook my head.

"Are you trying to turn me against him?"

I couldn't help but scoff. "You are the one that sought me out and forced me into whatever this is, not the other way around. I didn't come looking for you, Milo, so don't try to act like I'm some sort of whore that wants to destroy the already dysfunctional relationship you have with your son."

As soon as I spoke, I regretted it. Milo was already angry. Making him angrier wasn't a good call, especially because I mentioned his son. 

"If the thought of me disgusts you so much then maybe you should leave."

He stepped back and walked away. His words were like a slap on the face. 

"Did Boris also take a picture of me pushing Ivan away and slapping him across the face?" I shouted at him. 

He paused but he didn't turn back. 

"Don't be here come morning," Milo said and left. 

I fell to the ground and tears freely flowed down my face. Zoya didn't believe me and now Milo. It was all too much.