An 32 year old man with Telekinetic powers and deep control over is body who wants to live and see the mysteries of past and future. let us follow the him on his journey and see what he finds.
In a deep root forest there sits a man in his shorts and blue T-shirt, in front of a wood cabin on a chair. Man looks to be In his 30s.
he is fishing in a slow moving river with a relaxing expression then suddenly he moves to look behind him when he hears rustling sound. He says " Not very good at hiding are you! ,well, time to die..., haha just kidding".
Then a invisible force pickup the Sound makers in forest who were hiding and drops them slowly near his chair when he looks at them he sees two boys and and a girl. These children were looking bit frightened except the one boy with necklace *It was not that he was brave instead he was trying very hard to not look frightened* . Other boy had a slim figure and black eyes but girls was most peculiar. He could not see any energy around her but he knew She was not a regular girl.
" what are you children doing here this deep in roaring forest , do you have no fear of death" said the man with amusing and deep manner.
Boy with slim figure being little intimidated by him says in a meek voice "Sir, we are students of union supernatural school , we got separated from our classmates during our tour of outer layer of roaring forest " then the boy with necklace stop him from speaking any further and asks a counter question to the man " who are you and why should we answer you" , hearing this man in an amused expression says " you should answer me because I am the one here who can get you out of this forest but if you don't want my help than" then a invisible force starts to pick them up but suddenly the girls punch the boy with the necklace on arm and says " Sir, If you can take us back to the school then we will tell you everything".
The man reply " if you want to ask a favor shouldn't you introduce yourselves first".
The boy with the necklace says " we could ask the same from you". Man then gets up and extends his hand toward the boy but goes past him to the girl and says " you can call me Cyrus, Cyrus Rogue. now your turn" then he goes back to his seat. This made the boy with the necklace bit irritated.
boy with the slim figure now steps ahead extending his hand and says " sir, my names is Aiden Hatchett ". hearing this Cyrus smiles and looks at him and Questions him " Oh, are you from the Ralph Hatchett's family?." Hearing this Aiden jumps up and says " do you know my uncle?"
Cyrus smiles and says " yeah we go way back" Then he turns to the other boy and girl. After a second of pause they introduce themselves as Raphael Creed and Anaya Jennings". All three looked to be 14 years old. All three were admitted to the union supernatural school this year because they have awakened their abilities.
Hearing the girls name Cyrus got up asked the girl in bit serious voice " Are you from the sword grandmaster Ari Jennings family. Girls bit worried said " yes he is my grandfather, do you know him?, he is coming today to school to visit me". hearing the this Cyrus got up started walking toward his cabin and asked the children to follow him. Raphael the boy with the necklace was bit reluctant bit after some persuasion from other two they started following the man.
From the outside the cabin looked very small and ordinary but from the inside it was every thing but that.
Raphael with a surprised expression asks the other two " how? " other two are also surprised but not as much as Raphael. Aiden explained saying "This can only done by a powerful and upper-level Architect witch/warlock.
From their conversation it was clear that boy name Raphael was new to supernatural marvels unlike other two who come from prominent Families.
As they were admiring the cabin and many different gadgets ,Cyrus comes out his room, he was now in full cloths and and belt around his waist. Belt had some small weapon in its Pouch's , then he waived his hand the glasses filled with juice and a Snack basket came floating to the table and landed on it. seeing this surprised Aiden asked " Sir, are you a psychic ?" .Cyrus answered " I have telekinetic abilities but that's enough about me , tell about yourselves?"
Seeing that Cyrus was avoiding the question about his power Anaya answered "like Aiden said we were with our class on a tour of roaring forest but somebody *while pointing to Raphael* saw a specter and decided to follow it , and we being his friend could not leave him alone so we also followed him but as but we went deeper, we Forgot the way back and got lost, then we heard water sounds coming from ahead so we decided to go toward the sound and then, then we saw you...."
on the left side of girl Aiden was sitting and nodding , while Raphael was look down being the guilty one. From Anaya's answer it became clear that they were very close friends.
After hearing the girl Cyrus understood the whole story and asked " okay , but that doesn't explain how you got near the river without encountering and any Beasts", then suddenly his attention went to Raphael's necklace it. necklace was inscribed with magical runes and they were emitting very faint dragon energy. Cyrus now understood the reason behind no beast attacking the group , It was because Dragon were at top of the power chain in forest and the necklace created an illusion of a Dragons presence. Cyrus stood up to grab the necklace but seeing this action Raphael tucked it in his shirt.
Cyrus sat back on his chair asked " who gave you that?" *in a questioning voice* boy answered " my grandfather, why". Cyrus hearing this and not wanting to involve himself in the matter Said " no reason , it just that one of my acquaintance had exact one" then to change the subject he said "alright now that you children have answered my question lets get you children back to School ". hearing these words children smiled and got up from the couch and started following him.
Getting out of the cabin they saw that sun was starting to set so Cyrus asked " Sun is setting so if you don't keep close I can't guarantee your safety, forest is not safe at this time". This warning made groups faces pale. Seeing this Cyrus understood that he scared them and tried to cheer them up by saying" Don't worry, as long as you keep close I show you the night wonders of the this Dragon layered enchanted forest".
This made them excited because roaring forest is Reva continents most dense forest and hold many breath taking marvels which cannot seen by ordinary people reason being dangerous beasts that roam the forest, And now they were getting this rear opportunity.
Now, In the shadow of the setting sun the group started their journey of getting out of this forest. But ,what these children didn't know was that the guide they were following will also be there on the extraordinary journey they were destined to have in their life.
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