
Aetheria: Reincarnated to a world of swords and magic!!

In the world of Aetheria the Kingdom of Heisenberg Embarks on a journey of Conquering and Dominating the Whole world with it's advanced Technology against Magical Kingdoms.

Daoist8g69MA · Peperangan
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3 Chs


Seeing that James did not speak, Lamosa continued

You are originally from the Ilocos region and now you are wandering here in Manila correct? 


And you were adopted by an Old woman called Aisa Lu half Filipino and Chinese right? 

Don't Mention her! James responded his voice colder...

Oh alright, I won't said by Lamosa thinking that Aisa Lu might have been the reason why James is showing criminalistic behaviour...

Lamosa quickly changed the topic and went on to the actual case...

Do you remember what happened 3 days ago? Inquired by Lamosa curious if James can clearly remember what he did.

Yes! I remember it... And I won't forget them, especially that f@king lady, said by James with his fist clenching and his eyes turning red...

Hmm careful of your words young man, that can be used against you. Lamosa responded.

So if you remember it then do you confess that you tried to assault the Elder and the woman!? Lamosa followed up, his voice tense as if condemning James.

What assault the Elder? I did no such thing!! don't fucking make up things you f@cker!! 

hearing this... Lamosa lost his temper and slapped James' right cheek* 

Slap* show some respect, young man, I'm a police officer! intoned by Lamosa feeling Irritated.

Respect? oh, you're talking about respect now? do you deserve it? As I see it, all of you don't even deserve my respect you f@ckers go burn in hell!! 

Ha.. right Investigation closed, see you in court bastard* said Lamosa before leaving...

A month later James' Physique Improved and can now walk slowly...

Just as he was about to leave the Hospital, a group of Police officers entered and apprehended him...

W...what the heck... James was surprised by the sudden apprehending of the police

Cuffs* ca-chick* You are Under arrest for the violation of RA 8353 or the Anti-Rape Law of 1997 the police said and also recited the Miranda Rights

"You have the right to remain silent. And if you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire".

What rape!? You f@ckers!! stop accusing me, when all I did was get beat up by a gang of people you piece of sh*ts!! shouted James while being dropped to the ground and cuffed.

The police after cuffing James, then boarded him in the police car and brought him to the prison...

In the prison, James was the Youngest one in the cell of 8 people, and all these 8 people were known murderers... James faced with such a situation tired of living challenged all of them into a brawl.

Hey you Criminals!! Let me teach you guys a lesson, shouted James making an arrogant expression.

The criminals agitated by what he said stand up one by one inclosing into James...

ha... You are a Courageous young man!! Very brave I tell you... Said the ugliest criminal his tongue slurping as if ready to eat his meal... 

James sees that this guy is approaching him without guarding himself, he then delivers an Uppercut and this Uppercut made the Ugly guy fell unconscious...

Bang* the first guy fell, shocking James and also the other inmates.

the other 7 rushed forward one by one, 2 inmates locked him and the 5 others made him a punching bag, Throwing jabs and hooks one by one until they were satisfied...

Pak* Ug-woo James' face is now swollen his eyebags bleeding and his mouth producing blood.

James muttered to himself... Finally, I get to have some peace...

The beating continued for an hour and the correctional officers seemed to have no care about the brawl...

An hour later the 2 inmates let go of James, James' body fell to the ground lifeless, and the Inmates who beat him up are now worrying that their sentences will be extended as they accidentally killed another inmate...


In a realm, James found himself brought into a place where the sky was full of beautiful stars and the ground colorless and transparent, James could even see his reflection he couldn't believe it.

Asan ako!? James asked himself... Am I already in heaven?

In a while, he had gathered his thoughts and looked for any signs of life...

Hyahh... Finally, I can have my peace...

If I get a chance to be born again I would rather be born into royalty and then punish the people who would go against me hahaha..

After contemplating, a screen suddenly appeared in front of James, 

{Reincarnate} {Disappear} 

Huh!? what is this? Is this thing giving me a choice? 

well, I'll think about it for now...

after a long time of thinking...

James chose the {Reincarnate} and then wondered what might happen...

after a few seconds, another panel appeared


{Aetheria: Swords and Magic}


{Aqua Marine: Alternate Earth} 

please choose the world you desire!


what!? I can choose a world!? Is this a game!? 

James carefully thinking what he would pick...

well, I already Experienced Earth so I'll just pick this Aetheria Stuff for now...

James then clicked at {Aetheria: Swords and Magic}

and another panel longer than the previous one appeared


{Pick your role}

{King} {Prince} {Hero} {Emperor} { Villain}

{Royal Consort} {Imperial Doctor} {Merchant}

{Grand magician} {Sword master} {General}

{Count} {<, >


What!? is this a game!? really? I need to pick a role? 

well alright, I'll pick this sh*t no questions asked...

James clicked the {Emperor} in the panel and after a while his vision became blurry...

In the Continent of Pontus, the Empire of Sylverastra held its succession Ceremony officially crowning the 1st Prince Brahim Sylverastra, the new Emperor of Sylverastra with the crowning ceremony many nobles and rich merchants made their way to the capital to give the New Emperor a gift...

and in the East of this Empire is where the Kingdom of Zephyrion is located a kingdom that has a territory of 12,213 square miles.