
Chapter 95

There were a few problems we had to face if we wanted to get to the next floor the first of which was figuring out where the portal to the next floor was, but that was solved easily enough as we made our way to the top of the mountain. From the top we could see that there were five floating mountains in total and that the one that would lead to the next floor was most likely the mountain at the center which led to the next problem, getting across the half-mile of open space in between our mountain and the mountain at the center.

"I have a plan," Zirani said as we made our way down to the edge of our mountain. "I can build us a crude skyship, more of a floating barge to be honest, but I'm going to need wind cores. We have earth cores and I can make the ship itself, but I need you three to get me the wind cores."

"I don't think there are any wind affinity beasts on this floor?" Sandra replied to which Misty shook her head. "There are, the flying beasts."