
Chapter 66

"Poisons?" I asked in confusion. "Not much if I'm being honest."

"That's unfortunate," Zirani replied. "Although didn't you spend time working with your aunt? She's a healer, isn't she? You didn't get any lessons on poisons?"

I shrugged. "I know the basics. A lot of poisons are naturally occurring in nature and are very deadly. They can have a wide range of effects."

"Better than nothing." Zirani sighed. "Well the technique I'm going to teach you is a simple paralytic poison. It's going to be a lot harder to use since you won't be immune to it. You're still only at the first level of infusion and your body is still normal. Honestly, if we weren't at war I wouldn't be teaching you this, but against large groups and low-level arcanists it's very useful."

"How exactly am I going to be able to use it if it's going to affect me?" I asked. "Won't I just get paralyzed the moment the technique is formed?"