
Chapter 59

The mayor's office was far simpler and more normal-looking than I'd imagined a mayor's room would look like. The walls lacked any decorations apart from a single painting of an unfamiliar landscape, and to the right was a small bookshelf that was only half-filled. At the center was a large desk and sat behind it was a pudgy-looking man that looked to be in his late thirties. He had messy brown hair and beady eyes, but that was contrasted by the king smile he wore on his face. He gave off what I could only describe as a fatherly feeling and I immediately felt some of my nerves vanish.

"Well come in, come in," the mayor said jovially, getting for us to take a seat. "I'm mayor Hayson, though I suppose you already know that. May I have your names?"

"I'm Aiden," I replied, taking a seat then pointing to Sandra and Misty. "And these are Sandra and Misty. We're here from th—"