
Chapter 267

[Author Note: I am back.] 

Elsewhere, beyond the world of Analar, where mages harnessed aether limited by the design of their ancestors, twin moons shone brightly, reflecting the light of the artificial sun that had been placed so long ago when colonization for the world known as LC/0192 had been approved, just before the fourth core war. The world's destiny numbers had been lost, and its bound fate cracked, leaving it in the clutches of original madness, that which inherently binds and unbinds all existence, what existed before mortals rose higher than the heavens and decided to tame certain laws, to control what should not ever have been controlled. 

Between the two moons a lone figure, wreathed in splendent white and with a cloak as dark as the void itself, stood motionless in the vacuum. Its dull eyes watched, seeing far more than any mere mortal or even arcanists of the highest caliber. 

"How interesting."