
Chapter 262

Sandra wondered how long it would take before they finally grew confident enough to approach and try and talk with her. They had once before, but she didn't understand their language so hadn't responded. Then they'd tried violence. It hadn't ended well, and afterward, she'd broken free and after being recaptured was back here. So far, she'd made some progress on her bonds, and knew in another day or two she could break free if they didn't move her or increase her chains.

So far the only times they came close was to give her food that she didn't need to eat nor did she eat it. They'd gotten angry, but hadn't risked coming close. If they tired from a distance, then she'd burn a lot of aether, and break free quicker. It was one of the reasons she hadn't yet left. She could, but it would take a lot of aether, and since wherever she was didn't have any ambient aether, she only had her current amount and those in her spatial ring, which luckily was still with her.