
Chapter 227

The two of us moved at the same moment. I teleported to the tree located behind him while he spun and tugged on the strings in his hand. The moment I was at the tree, my instincts, and arcane sense cried out and I ducked as his strings cut through the tree with ease.

I dashed forwards, my glaive spinning, and as I moved, I formed a tendril of wood and shot it towards the top half of the cut tree. I pulled and flung it into the air while feeding aether into it.

Just as I met him in close quarters, the tree burst into a dozen spears of wood each with a mark. Normally it would have been very costly to create twelve of them, but the tree had already been marked and full of my mutated aether so I was able to pull it off fairly well.

Pate was forced to dodge not only my attacks but the spears which put him on the backfoot not that he didn't have tricks of his own a moment later, more strings of shadow shot from the lines of shadow upon the ground, and moved towards me.