
Chapter 178

The procession picked up speed as it grew nearer to the center of the city which was a circular plaza surrounded by buildings, the largest some sort of town hall, and I was pretty sure there was a head guard barracks, and what seemed to be some sort of medical center, though it looked far larger than any I'd ever seen.

Where on any other day the plaza might have been bustling with activity, today only a handful of people waited, one of which was clearly the mayor. His entourage must have been people of influence or those looking to trade what they could with those of the expedition.

I was confused at first when I tried to figure out where the expedition would be staying, but as the vehicles entered the plaza and began to make a perimeter, I released they would be staying in the plaza itself.

The crowds did not enter the plaza, and guards blocked off any entrances, though people still tried to get a look.