
Chapter 174

"That was a low blow you know," Sandra said, suppressing a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. "He deserved it. Pain and embarrassment. He can consider it his only warning. He tries something again, then I'll take a limb or his life. Those who I give a second chance will not get a third, I'm that type of man, I think."

"Brutal," Misty commented.

"Do you disagree?" I asked, genuinely curious. It did sound quite brutal, but people like that didn't understand logic and reason. Not like normal folk at least, and brutality was a necessity when it came to dealing with certain people. I wasn't in West Vale where people were kind and anger would only lead to shouting or maybe a fistfight, though rarely. That peaceful and simple place was long behind me, though I would return one day. I knew that in my soul. Mainly for my aunt as she was someone, I could never forget.