
Chapter 164

Natalia fidgeted in her seat as she glanced from me to Sandra. It was futile for her to try and run but a part of her mind was clearly still thinking of the chances of her escaping. I sort of felt bad for her, not because we were about to hurt her, but of the fear, we were causing. I knew how it felt to be unable to do anything, and even then I had never been in a situation like this. My luck had been good and I usually got out of these situations.

"You work here as a madame correct?" I asked, leaning back in my seat to try and give off a visual and relaxed aura. Imtidmation would work, but I would try a more calm method first, and see how she responded to that.

She nodded. "I do. I organize a group of girls and make sure everything goes well with the patrons."

"Ok, well there is only really one question we have for you, the only one that matters in the end." I met her eyes and hardened my gaze into a promise of pain if she lied. "Are you and the girls here against your will?'