
Chapter 162

The three arcanists were exactly as Misty's thoughts had shown them to be, and the attached emotions along with those thoughts suited these three idiots perfectly. Cocky, smug, and arrogant. Each wore a red robe with pieces of metallic armor atop the garment that flowed like silk but looked far more like leather. The crowd parted for them, and many looked away in fear and fright, especially the young women who the three took great pleasure in leering at.

It was the one in the center that had my attention though. He was the one who had approached Misty first and had tried to force her into something she had no desire to do, something that made my blood boil in ways that nothing else could. Perhaps it was due to our bond or love or both, but no matter what, my vision was red. These three reminded me of the twin horn, people who thought that their power allowed them to do as they wished.