
Chapter 119

My head was pounding when I awoke to the feeling of a soft material brushing the right side of my face. I blinked open my eyes and for a long moment I tried to process where I was and how I'd gotten here, then it hit me like a flood and I shot up, my eyes glancing around for the elder, except he was nowhere to be found.

"Zirani he's awake!"

I looked over to my right to see Sandra smiling down at me. She looked fine, uninjured, just like I was. I looked down and frowned at the lack of burns or bruises that the elder had given me. Hadn't we just been in a fight a moment ago? The elder had been charging up an attack and then everything had just gone white.

The sound of footsteps made me tear my gaze away from Sandra and to Zirani who was walking up with a bowl of something in her hands. "Here eat this, slowly."

I took the proffered bowl and gave her a questioning look. "What happened? Did we win?"