
The Almighty Push

Khaleesi tent

Aegon remained asleep unaware of the disappearance of the Khaleesi, he seemed peaceful on the outside but on the inside something was taking place.

(1st Person POV)

Darkness once again filled my view only this time I was sure it would end soon. I wasn't sure what I was waiting on the last time I was here it was a speck of light maybe it would be the same this time.

"PUSH," I was wrong as I grabbed my ears in agony the voice continued to repeat the same word over and over again and I was sure my ears would be bleeding if I actually had any. As I did my best to block out the sound the voice faded as I closed my eyes. Memories flooded my brain not nearly as much as I had gotten from Aegon no this was only glimpses of something pictures maybe.

"Aegon, wake up," I could hear again only this time it didn't hurt, opening my eyes I realized I was back in the Khaleesi's tent. Kyra stood before me with a worrying look, I frowned wondering why she was here.

"You were screaming," She answered my question before I was able to ask it, I nodded looking around wondering where the Khaleesi was.

"Where is she?"

"She left I'm guessing while you were asleep," Aegon nodded knowing there was no way she would stay with the Dosh Kaleen no matter how docile she seemed. "Drogo awaits for you at your tent."

I nodded standing up still shaken by the new memories that plagued my mind, they weren't much, the best I could compare them to was pictures. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and yet I could barely take three from each of them. Kyra passed me my shirt before following me outside of the tent. The atmosphere was bleak, sadness flooded most of the Dothraki. Khal Bharbo had made them a prosperous Khalasar they would surely grieve his death. I kept my head down quickly making my way to my tent entering it Drogo stood alone.


"He's gone," He turned around looking into my eyes, I could see the pain.

"So is the Khaleesi," They were the two focal points of the khalasar losing them would change a lot.

"The funeral Pyre will be set aflame tonight," Drogo didn't say much else, I was sure he was exhausted, he had been up all night. The funeral would be tonight and Drogo would be formally made Khal tomorrow.

Once he was gone I took a seat among my pillows, I had to do something about the pictures in my head. Crossing my legs I began to meditate, the Dothraki were wild people that enjoyed killing and pillaging but they also meditated regularly.

I had never taken a liking to it my mind was always on overdrive which made it hard to focus on one thing for long periods of time but for some reason I knew I would no longer have that problem.

Closing my eyes I focused on the pictures in my head, the first one seemed so much clearer now. A man with brown hair stood tall his right hand poised in a choking motion. His name was nick grant I didn't know how I knew his name but the more I focused on the picture the more information filled my mind.

He was known as a mover, he had the ability to move things with his mind, it was basically another way of saying telekinetic. He wasn't the only one with abilities his whole life he did his best to remain hidden until finally, he had no choice but to step into the light. His whole life filled my mind how at a young age he showed signs of having the abilities of a mover, how his father died right before his eyes after being chased by an organization known as the division. Most movers were the heavy lifters but Nick was different, he had the mind of a leader. Maybe it was the way he was raised maybe it was just fate but he outsmarted everyone standing against them with minor bumps in the road.

As I opened my eyes I felt different, now there was something inside of me. It felt like a force one I knew I couldn't completely control, I raised my right-hand palm facing me looking at it I slowly turned it around my attention turned to one of the gold coins I had received from my uncle. The coin slowly began to float into the air, there was a strain as the coin left my telekinetic grip I caught it in my right hand.

For some reason I felt I should treat it like a muscle, right now I could barely lift a coin from the ground but as long as I kept at it I would be able to match nick grant maybe be even better then he was. I told myself I would practice with the coin whenever I could, the thought of one day being able to send people flying with a wave of my hand made me excited.

Now that I understood what the first picture depicted I closed my eyes moving on to the second. My brows furrowed as I focused on the second picture I couldn't even tell what it was anymore. It was a blur as if it was out of focus, 10 minutes later I gave up there was no point in forcing myself to see something that was no longer there. I decided it would be best to focus on the first picture from now on it was the only thing I could focus on anyways.

Standing up I walked over to a bowl of water dipping my face in it I rubbed my hand through my now wet hair as I surfaced. Reaching to my left I grabbed a vase full of water pouring myself a cup.

"Prince Aegon, I bring news," Looking to my left Rabi stood outside of my tent he wouldn't be allowed to enter not with Kyra standing guard, she held a sword at his neck as he looked at me with hope in his eyes. I motioned with my hand for him to enter as he sent a gracious smile to me before Kyra released him.

"Speak Rabi," Rabi nodded taking his time he opened his mouth before stopping himself.

"How do I say this? Khaevgo son of Verro wishes to become Khal, he has gathered a couple of other blood riders. He plan's on attacking Drogo the first chance he gets."

"Is that all?" I looked at Rabi with a frown on my face he was telling me something I was already aware of. Drogo and myself would be prepared for whatever greeted us tomorrow.

"They plan on attacking tonight?" Rabi said with little to no confidence but that was news. Something I was glad he had told me I figured it was beneath the Dothraki to betray their own rituals but there was always someone.

Khaevgo deciding to attack tonight meant his disregard for Khal bharbo. I had never even heard of the guy so I doubted he was someone worth mentioning yet Rabi said he had already gathered a couple of other bloodriders behind him. They were likely the ones clinging on to life yet they were too cowardly to plan the coup themselves.

"Rabi tell me about the Khaevgo."

"He was recently made a blood rider he's young probably only a couple years older then Drogo."

I shook my head thinking about it being made a blood rider was one of the highest honors but becoming a blood rider right before your Khal losing your life must suck. Every blood rider dies with his Khal whether you were made one 10 years before his death or a day. I wonder if Khal Bharbo planned this, not Khaevgo plotting the coup but him being forced to die alongside Khal Bharbo.

I nodded telling Rabi to continue, "He hasn't done anything amazing since becoming a blood rider. His father, on the other hand, is a different story. I Hadn't yet arrived when this took place but from what I'm told it's completely true. When Khal Bharbo became Khal he did so against all odds. Alongside him was his closest friend Verro, for years they led the Khalasar alongside each other. They would both end up marrying wives of their own with Verro having a son named Khaevgo not too long after. Khal Bharbo would eventually have a son of his own naming him Drogo. His birth was celebrated for days but with his birth came the loss of his mother."

Rabi took a quick breath before continuing, "Now you must understand that the Dothraki believe that as long as you're strong enough you can have as many wives as you want."

I was already aware of it, which is why to me it didn't make sense that the Khal only had one wife that being the Khaleesi but no matter how beautiful she was I believed someone like Khal Bharbo wouldn't allow himself to be tied down by one woman.

"Khal Bharbo is a firm believer in the Stallion that mounts the world he and Verro began to challenge other Khalasars I'm told the battles were amazing to see. Their bond only became stronger with time they were brothers who had each others back on the battlefield, but one day a Khal from a distant Khalasar arrived. This Khal was an ally from a time before, with him he brought an army he sat down with Khal Bharbo and they made a trade. He would give complete control of his Khalasar to Khal Bharbo as long as someone married his daughter. Khal Bharbo is often described as the wildest of all Dothraki but you don't become Khal without having at least half a brain. He promised the older Khal that either he or one of his blood riders would marry his daughter. He called upon his friend and brother, he wasn't sure what the Khal's daughter looked like and not wanting to trap himself he pushed his promise onto Verro.

This is where things get tricky, Verro was still married but for his brother, he would take the fall. Khal Bharbo set up a meeting with the Khal's daughter as they entered the tent they were surprised by the beauty of the Khal's daughter. Her name was Haffi,(Haf meaning Soft/Quiet in Dothraki) she was young and beautiful both men were enraptured by her appearance."

I nodded internally as he paused once again that name fit the Khaleesi I knew so well, she could only be described as Soft, quiet, and warm.

"As Khal Bharbo stared at her he fell in love he turned to his friend and brother wanting to renege on their deal but he could tell his brother had already fallen for her as well. A bond built over years began to crumble, the Khal went to extreme lengths to make sure the future Khaleesi didn't fall in love with Verro. The next morning he sent Verro away on a scouting mission before the older Khal arrived they had been planning on battling another Khalasar. When Verro returned the deal had already been made the Khal married Haffi and added another Khalasar to his own.

The Khal was aware that he had betrayed his friend and they would no longer trust each other, so in the next battle against the neighboring Khalasar, he didn't watch Verro's back no instead he watched as his brother was killed. Guilt flooded his mind but he had already taken Haffi as his he couldn't allow someone like Verro to live. He allowed Verro's wife and child to remain in the Khalasar even promoting Khaevgo son of Verro to blood rider."

I had a feeling there was more to the story, but Rabi was only telling the story from an outsider's perspective to get the full story I would have to talk to someone actually involved. Khal Bharbo was no more, he allowed Verro to die and the Khaleesi had left in the night. I had been doing my best to avoid thinking about her the whole day and I would continue avoiding it.

"Rabi, what do you think will happen if Khaevgo becomes the next Khal? How will things fare for the slaves, with Khal Drogo becoming Khal things will remain the same, who knows Khaevgo might even free the slaves."

"He'd never do that from what I've heard he's been the reason for plenty of the slaves' deaths. The women are raped and the men are castrated even after that our treatment isn't that bad but some people treat us worse than slaves."

"I'll offer you a way out, I need you to gather some slaves mostly those you trust. Help me deal with Khaevgo and his helpers and I will personally see that you and the slaves you gather are set free." I needed to get rid of them before they were able to disrupt the ceremony. Khal Bharbo had treated me with enough respect that I could at least make sure his funeral went without any real hiccups.

Rabi nodded before leaving my tent as he left Kyra entered. "Do you really think that's a good idea. You think the slaves will be of any help the best they'll do is mess everything up, you should send me when my poison takes effect they won't even know what hit them."

"You wouldn't understand, freedom is something they'd give their lives for. All they would have to do is what they've done every day since they became slaves. Khaevgo would never suspect that the slaves that he can kill on a whim will be the reason for his downfall."

MC will have abilities any questions just ask I may or may not answer

MrGodlyGod01creators' thoughts