
Adventures of Yavetel, last of the Scythewings

this is a survival story originating in the How To Train Your Dragon world ( around the same timeframe shown in the movies series) except for one difference.. I created my own species of dragon. The Scythewing is very similar to the nightfury in intelligence and build, but it takes on weaponry as a part of it's design. imagine a nightfury with slightly longer wings... except they have sharp blades at the end. ( resembling a current day scythe blade without the handle) allowing the creature to divebomb and attack fiercely as well as have an advantage in Arial combat. This serves as a armour rather than a permanent part of the creature. ( more like scales, they can fall off and be damaged but can be re-grown as well) some other features and powers can be discovered throughout the novel! yes, because I thought that a basic survival story would slowly become boring (basically eat, sleep, drink) I added the well-known system to this story , and no the character is not reincarnated. if you want a logical reason for the system, the dragon god gifted it as a way to help the species stay alive. thank you for your time and if anyone has judgement or advice I will happily accept it as this is my first novel and everything helps!

Kiko_The_Dragon666 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - New life

In a vast expanse of darkness, new life is being born. The thought of this is simply amazing to perceive, yet no one is here to do so, the only source of life, is within.

As the black, bumpy egg starts to crack, a small rounded claw about two inches in length pokes out of the eggshell. Soon after, an entire clawed hand breaks through and widens the hole. If one were to peer inside, a black reptilian creture could be seen inside the large egg. As the head of the creature breaks free from the eggshell, it takes it's first breath and opens it's eyes..


POV: ???

'..why..can't I see?' It reached out in hopes of light, but hit something. 'Am I traped? This barrier cannot contain me!' A small claw hit the inside of the eggshell, cracking it while letting a small stream of light inside. 'light.. from where?' the creature inside attacked the eggshell with newfound hope and more ferociously than before, effectively breaking through...

After one final hit, the eggshell broke in two. the creature fell forward due to the force behind the attack, hitting the ground harshly. "thump!" 'what..? what happened..' In the darkness of the cave, the small reptile looked around with wide eyes, full of curiosity.

'What am I? where am I? who am I?' Inspecting the surrounding area, the reptiles eyes soon landed on itself. 'this is me?' If a human were to inspect the situation, they would see a black-grey dragon with wings looking too small for it's body. The dragon stands up to the height of the average human's knees, with four clawed limbs and a long tail ending in what seems to be stretched skin, This appearance highly resembles the feared nightfury. the only visible differences are the sharp ended (rather than round) ears, thicker spines, and most noticeable- the claws have a silver tone to them.

After assessing the situation and seeing it's appearance, the dragon hears a noise in the back of it's head. "ding" 'huh? where did the noise come from?'

looking around the dragon sees no entity or creatures. 'hello?' as the dragon guessed, the response originated from its mind.

"Hello, I am @#$-;:" The strange voice started " Don't worry, I pose no threat to you in any way. I was created to keep track of your strength and progress in order to determine whether your species is fit to continue existing." Startled, the dragon thinks carefully about what the odd existence said. 'So it's not evil, won't hurt me, and will help me know my strength? Then this must be a friend!' the dragon seemingly determined it's relationship with the entity. "You are correct, I am similar to an ally. if you wish to understand your current strength, all you need to do is ask"

After the entity responded, the dragon felt a slight pain in it's stomach, seemingly forgetting about it's recent incounter. 'food, I need to eat' Looking around once more, the dragon sees three large tunnels each leading in a different direction.

'hmm, I could stay and sleep a little, but then I'll be extra hungry when I wake up. Mabey I can find food in one of the tunnels? if I'm here then another dragon must have brought me here! if a big dragon lives around then there can't be any danger!'

After seemingly deciding it's course of action, the innocent hatchling turns twords the three caves to begin it's adventure.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone who reads this!

Kiko_The_Dragon666creators' thoughts