
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Komik
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78 Chs

Chapter 60

Eden was heading to the gym to help Totsuka with his training. To be honest, he was a bit unsatisfied, not with Ryoko herself, but mainly with the fact that she did not have the same superhuman stamina he did. So after doing that once, she was pretty tired. Eden could use magic to get her back to full energy, but doing that too much was bad for the human body, and using it just for his own lust made him feel like a bad boyfriend. So he tried to let the thought flow out of his mind.

Getting into the gym, he saw that Yukinoshita and Totsuka were already there. "Good afternoon to you two," he says while walking over to them.

"Good afternoon, Eden. I hope you are well," Yukinoshita said.

"Hello, hope we have a great day of training," Totsuka then said.

"So, Totsuka, today we are going to do some sprinting like yesterday and also some pushups and general strength training."

"Yes, sir," then, as Eden was going through the more specific details of the exercise and why it helped the body, Yui walked in.

"Hey, Yui-chan. I'm just briefing Totsuka here on the training today."

"Yeah, I'll be over," she said a bit weirdly as she blushed when she saw Eden. People blushing when they saw him was not an odd occurrence for Eden, but Yui had not been doing this recently.

After that, he kept talking about exercise, and the two other guys came, and he talked to them about training and then sent them to run laps. But Yui, unlike yesterday, stayed behind. "You good, Yui-chan?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, but umm, I've been hearing, you know, weird rumors about you, that you're, like, have, you know, been with a bunch of girls in the school."

"Really? I mean, I had, you know, sex with my girlfriend and a couple of girls at school, but I wouldn't really call that a bunch," Eden said, remembering hearing the rumor from his sister.

"Wait, it's true?" Yui said, blushing.

"I mean, not really. You should know best. I don't sleep with everyone I meet," he said, not really expecting Yui to overreact.

"Eden, I mean for me and Yuigahama, who are virgins, and the fact that you have only just started your first year, that does appear to be a lot," Yukinoshita said.

"Yukino, I thought you would be more on the saying what Eden was doing was morally wrong or something," Yui said, not understanding the tolerant thing that Yukinoshita had said.

"Ideas about sex are different between people and cultures. As long as he obeys the law in Japan and the rules of the school and takes proper precautions, I cannot really reprimand him for making his own life choices, even if I, as an individual, believe sex should only take place after marriage," Yukinoshita said. After that, Yui seemed to get what she was saying.

"Well, I was not trying to, you know, shame you, Eden. Just people were saying a lot of things about you, and I was worried."

"Thank you for looking out, Yui-chan," he says as he pats her head. Yui blushed a bit before saying goodbye and then joining for exercise.

"I somewhat agree with Yui. I did not expect you to take my side."

"I did not take your side, Eden. I think having a girlfriend and still having sex with other women is morally reprehensible, and that the law that legalizes polygamy lowers the public morals of Japan. But I have no right to give you advice or criticism about how you conduct yourself in today's society, where hookup culture is the norm," after she said that, she paused. "But for the sake of the club, as long as your actions do not bring the Service Club name into the mud or impact your ability to act as a Service Club member, I will let you do as you please in your personal life without telling your aunt."

"Thank you, Yukinoshita-sempai," and with that, Eden went back to looking after the runners, while Yukinoshita started reading a book.

After lunch, Eden decided to actually go back to class for once. As he walked into the classroom, everyone, as usual, locked eyes with him. After a while, when he pulled out a grimoire to start reading, three people came up to talk to him. The first person he recognized was Lihosi-chan, the class representative, and two other girls, maybe her friends.

"Hello, Eden. Umm, I have not seen you in class often, so I thought you might be sick," Lihosi-chan said.

"No, I just skip often," he said, knowing because of the curse she could not tell on him. 

"You should come to class, you know. We have exams next week," she said.

"We do?" Then another girl near her jumped in. She was a smaller girl with shorter brown hair. He had seen and heard her talking a lot in class, so she must have been one of the more popular girls. Looking closer, she had cute features, and her makeup was done in a way where you could hardly see it.

"Yes, we do. I don't think we have really met. I'm Shinobu Yuu, but you can just call me Shi-chan. We wanted to invite you to the class group chat so we can organize study groups as a class," Shinobu said. Then the girl next to her spoke up.

"Yes, I mean, you don't show up to class much. I mean, I don't blame you; it's boring. So we thought it would be nice to, you know, make sure everyone in the class does well, I know I need the help" the last girl said. Out of the three, she was probably the prettiest with a classic popular girl vibe. With a great figure with good sized brests and medium length black hair. 

"Sorry, have we met?" he said to the girl. She then blushed, most likely not used to giving an introduction.

"I'm Mishima Rei. You can just call me by my first name if you want. she said.

"Okay, Mishima. Thanks for looking out."

"Its cool hopefully we can all improve together she said. After a bit more small talk and exchanging numbers, they left. Eden was confused; he thought just acting like he did not want to talk to people would make them stay away, but it seems now everyone was suddenly interested.

He sent a text in the group chat to see if anyone could meet up after this class, and the only person to text back was Yukina. So he texted her where his hideout was before getting back to his book.