
Adventures of General J. Bottle

1 years after World War 10 a whisper of a legendary general lived on to this day. His name was General J. Bottle, on a fateful day he met a little girl who wanted his help. Bottle agreed, and thus the Adventures of General J. Bottle began.

Swag_YetFunky · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 1 BASE F.R.I.D.G.E. (Volume 2)

Deep beneath Sector 2 lay a forbidding bunker complex. Its thick steel doors and narrow corridors resembled those of a submarine, evoking a sense of claustrophobia and dread.

For some time, it had been the refuge of a nameless gang, but Captain Mocha Macko of the MPD was determined to dislodge them.

He first attempted to evict them himself, but ultimately had to call upon the aid of his MPD 2nd company.

It was no easy task.

The complex's welded doors were numerous and thick, and Mocha Macko's men had to laboriously drill their way through them like a groundhog burrowing through concrete.

It took a full week of strenuous effort, but what was gained was worth the cost.

The interior of the complex was shockingly cold, feeling like a sub-zero freezer.

It was believed that the freezing temperatures were a deliberate feature of the construction.

The previous occupants had been a Food Gang, and while their genetic makeup prevented them from rotting away, it was still uncertain whether they could survive the frigid conditions indefinitely.

Indeed, the environment made it difficult for most other factions to make effective use of the complex.

Cyborgs, robots, humans, and even most super-humans would eventually succumb to the cold, but the Food people seemed to possess an eerie and inexplicable resistance.

Even after Mocha Macko's takeover, investigations into the specific source of the perpetual chill yielded no results.

The MPD attempted various methods to warm the complex, including plasma generators coated in anti-freezing oil, a long cable connected to external heaters, and acid-based chemicals that emitted radiation.

While most of these efforts failed, they did succeed in creating something called the "Hell Rooms," where the heat and acid combined in an infernal mixture.

A single step would instantly scorch your throat, leaving you gasping for water.

The putrid smell of burning metal would strike your tongue, as if you were drinking liquid copper.

What was worse however was the fact that death wasn't quick, forcing you to suffer until your body gave out.

In one experiment, a human prisoner vomited a mass of scorched intestines upon leaving the Hell Room, resembling a dying dragon's twisted black fire.

After learning of the failed experiments, MPD HQ relinquished the bunker to Mocha Macko, to Mocha Macko's delight.

His 2nd Company, made up mostly of Food People, proved to be a perfect fit for the cold environment.

As for the heat? Several prototype suits were developed for the Hell Rooms.

Although the efficiency of which would deteriorate overtime, it gave a decent 15 minutes of extra life to the individual who wore it.

But alas all of his labor and pulling of strings has yielded his very own base; also known as the Base F.R.I.D.G.E.

*There was no specific acronym, rather Mocha Macko just thought it was cool, and thus its inclusion.* (He would be right.)


(A month has passed since the capture of Gesus Ghrist.)

(Inside base F.R.I.D.G.E.)

With each breath he took, a plume of steam escaped his lips, matching the wispy tendrils rising from his steaming mug.

Mocha Macko sauntered around the chamber, taking in the surreal scene before him.

As he approached a frosted table, his eyes fixated on a hilt of a katana sword, its blade missing entirely.

But the centerpiece of the room was a vat tube shaped like an oversized mug, filled to the brim with steaming hot chocolate.

The aroma filled the air, enticing and intoxicating.

The room pulsed with an otherworldly energy, as if Macko had stumbled upon a secret realm of sweets and pleasure.

He couldn't help but smile, relishing the absurdity of it all.

Gesus, floated within the mug of chocolate, struggled to stay awake as the warm liquid engulfed her.

Her clothes were gone, and all she clung onto was the buoy, which was a soft, fluffy marshmallow that never lost its shape.

The scent of the rich chocolate filled her nostrils, and as she sank deeper into the silky liquid, she felt as though she was being consumed by it.

It was a luxurious prison, a place where she could forget the worries and troubles of the outside world.

Although she knew she could leave the tub, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

The warmth and comfort of the chocolate had become an addiction, and she couldn't bear the thought of leaving it behind.

In this cocoon of chocolate, she felt safe and protected, as if nothing could harm her. Yet, she was aware that it wasn't real.

As she swayed back and forth, letting the chocolate wash over her, she wondered how long she could stay here before forgetting what it was like to be free.

The temptation to stay in this blissful state was strong, but she knew that she had to leave eventually.

Mocha Macko strolled over to the giant mug and proceeded to drink his own cup of hot chocolate.

(Gulp) (Gulp) "Ahh!"

"Nice isn't it? You should try to taste it, all of my other guests seemed to enjoy it… Eh, before they sank like an anchor that is."

Gesus barely was able to twitch her fingers.

Macko tucked up his rectangular glasses, seeing as his joke got no reaction gave way to a bit of disappointment.

Macko later sat down, with his back against the giant mug.

"Then tell me… Gesus? What do you know about him?" Macko asks Gesus, his eyes flickering with a hint of mischief.

A brief moment appears in which Gesus floats silently unable to respond, or perhaps unwilling.

Macko chuckles. "But I don't blame him, I'm bored of this world too."

Gesus frowns. "What do you mean?"

Macko leans in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You're a weapon kid, a ludicrously powerful one at that too, and he's going to use you to destroy the world."

"But you knew that… didn't you?"

Gesus's eyes widen, and Macko can see the realization in her eyes, or perhaps it was more accurate to say she didn't want to acknowledge it.

He feels a pang of pride, compared to the other captains Macko was an intellectual, in a way he was a detective first and foremost.

"He's going to come here soon… (Sigh) it's been a long wait personally, I thought he would be here during the first week of your kidnapping, but eh~"

"W-Wha? W-wai," just before Gesus could respond, Macko kicked the giant mug, making her lose grip from the marshmallow buoy.

She drowned in the soothing and encompassing embrace of the hot chocolate.

As she sunk deeper and deeper her mind faded into the abyss.

As Mocha Macko looked at the scene of Gesus floating blissfully. A grin overtook him as he whispered to himself, "Don't worry kid, I'm going to save the world today."

He walked out of the room grabbing the katana hilt of the infinity sword with his left hand.

Fidgeting as he walked he could hear the loud echoes of battle which felt almost omnidirectional in the labyrinth known as base F.R.I.D.G.E.