
Chapter 6: Horrors in a sparkly cave 2

Gripping the crystal tightly in his hand, Adrien decided to explore one of the two tunnels that branched off from the dome-like room. He knew he needed to make sure there were no more hidden dangers before he could allow himself a moment's rest.

Carefully, he made his way down the first tunnel, the various crystals casting their mesmerizing glow on the walls. As he rounded a bend, he spotted another centipede lurking in the shadows. After a quick confrontation and a swift, decisive blow, he dispatched the creature. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had dealt with the threat quickly and efficiently. But mainly just luck.

[You have slain..]

Ignoring the notification, Adrien headed back to the large chamber and into the second passage, his senses on high alert for any lurking danger. This tunnel, however, seemed to be free of any centipedes or other threats. The cave was now filled with even more shimmering crystals. After thoroughly checking both tunnels and collecting the items dropped by the defeated creatures, he felt confident that the cave was safe. A prompt appeared when he got back to the large chamber.

[You have unveiled 100% of the: Waterfall Cave]

[Additional information has been added to your map]

[Information provided is based on the current level of your Map Ability]

"Sweet!" Adrien quickly pulled up his Map and found that all the minerals were highlighted on the map and showed him 10 feet into the ground as well. The Vast amount of crystal in the ground easily dwarfed what he could see. He also got a list of other minerals that could be found albeit in low amounts. Satisfying his curiosity he closed him map and settled down near a cluster of crystals and leaning against the cool cave wall.

"Let's see what the centipedes left me," Adrien said.

He checked his inventory and saw he had acquired more spirit coins, monster cores, and some unusual monster material. He pulled out two large pincers that were brown at the base and black at the tip. With a simple thought, an information window popped up next to the item.

[Centipede Horrors' Forcipules, Monster Material]

[These forcipules, taken from the terrifying jaws of a defeated Centipede Horror, pulse with powerful vitality. Handle with caution - the poison within these pincers is as dangerous to the careless handler as it is to the intended victim. Useful for crafting, enchanting, and other purposes.]

"That's kind of creepy, but I guess it could be useful for something," Adrien mumbled, stowing away the forcipules.

Pleased with his loot, he closed his eyes, and the day's events played back in his mind. The breathtaking sight of the waterfall, the discovery of the hidden cave, and the thrilling battle with the centipedes. It had been a day of excitement and danger, and now, he could finally rest.

With the soothing glow of the crystals surrounding him, he took a deep breath and allowed his body to rest, knowing that he had found a temporary sanctuary in this mysterious cave.

As he rested, he continued to examine the crystal shard in his hand. The one he had used as a weapon was narrow and slightly crescent-shaped, with a translucent nebula of colors that sparkled even in the faintest light. The more he looked at it, the more he noticed something peculiar about the shard.

He peered closely at the crystal, scrutinizing its edges and surfaces. To his amazement, he realized that there were no cracks or chips anywhere on the jagged weapon. Despite having been used to strike the hard exoskeletons of the centipedes, the crystal appeared to be completely unscathed.

The crystal's resilience intrigued him, as he pondered over the extraordinary characteristics it might hold that allowed it to withstand brute force without any visible damage. The idea that a natural crystal could maintain such immaculate condition after being utilized as a weapon indicated something extraordinary about this fragment.

Upon touching the crystal, a notification emerged.

[Natural Magisteel Ore: Crystalized]

[Magisteel is formed by condensing and purifying Magi-ore. It has a high mana conductivity]

With the newfound intrigue towards the crystal and its potential, Adrien spent time in the cave pondering its uses. His do-it-yourself nature was piqued by the crystal's untapped power that he felt would significantly impact his journey.

After resting and refueling, he felt it was time to exit the cave and utilize the remaining daylight. However, as he stepped out of the cave, the weather had a different plan. The storm he had noticed on the horizon earlier had caught up to him faster than he had predicted. Instead of the warm sunlight he had expected, he was met with overcast skies and the beginnings of a rain shower.

Despite the weather, Adrien knew he needed to safeguard his makeshift home for the night. He set out to collect materials to camouflage the cave entrance, protecting it from the wild inhabitants.

Surveying the immediate surroundings, he spotted numerous branches and large leaves that were perfect for creating a natural barricade. However, a key ingredient was missing - vines to bind the branches together.

Then, he remembered the sturdy vine he had collected earlier and stored in his inventory. Its robust nature and flexibility made it perfect for his purpose, acting as a natural tie.

Equipped with all necessary materials, he retreated to the cave entrance and began constructing the barrier. He skillfully tied the branches together with the vine, layering the leaves on top for camouflage.

Once satisfied with his work, he stepped back to admire it. The entrance was well-disguised and almost invisible from a distance, giving him a sense of accomplishment and security.


[Quest Completed: Unknown Lands]

[You have woken in a land you do not know, explore the surroundings to find out more.]

[Objective: Seek shelter before nightfall: 1 / 1]

[Reward: Simple Shoes]

[Additional Reward: Sin Essence]

Looking around for the shoes but realized they probably were in his inventory. A moment later Adrien pulled up his inventory and pulled out his reward.

The shoes, they were simple but well-made. They were a rich, dark brown color and made of sturdy leather. Adrien guessed they would do a good job of protecting his feet from rocks and rough ground.

Adrien retreated back into the cave, confident of a safe night ahead amidst the storm, when another notification popped up.

[New Quest: Unknown Lands 2]

[now that you have found shelter, explore the surrounding area to find out more.]

[Objective: Unveil more of your map Map: 46/50 km - 92%]

[Reward: Simple Pants]

'Thankfully I did all that walking today!' Adrien thought

"What a crazy day," he muttered to himself before surrendering to sleep on the rocky floor of the cave.