
Adventures of a Goddess

A random person suddenly got infinite power. What will she do with it? Note: I'm just writing this cuz I'm bored... It probably won't be good.

Mr_SlimePB · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 3

A portal appears in top the hokage mountain.

What walks out of the portal is a beautiful young lady with blond hair and green eyes.

She wore a simple white shirt with a long skirt covering her legs.

Although she wore simple clothes, but it doesn't diminish her beauty. Rather, it give her a sense of uniqueness.

That is our mc in this story, Altria void.

She looks down below the hokage mountain, seeing the entire village. From civilians going about their daily lives and a certain blond haired boy running around pranking certain peoples.

"What a beautiful sight."

After saying this, she is just about to take another step when several anbu ninjas surrounded her vigilantly.

How did a bunch of people with powers at the level of scum surround her without her knowing?

They don't.

She already knows them arriving here, but she doesn't prevent it.

'It could be interesting…' was what she thought.

A man wearing a unique mask stepped forward and said.

"Intruder, What is your purpose here?"

Usually the Anbu Captain would immediately capture the intruder and send he/she to the interrogation department for intel but…

When he looked at her eyes, all he saw was the endless abyss while his intuition was screaming 'Danger!'.

When seeing the Anbu Captain like this, She smiled with a hint of amusement while replying with.

"Just traveling."

Although the answer is quite unsatisfactory but The Anbu Captain wasn't irritated, he quickly said.

"Follow us, you'll need to meet the hokage first, lady."

When Altria agreed, the surrounding ninjas disappeared in a flash while the Anbu Captain quickly lead her to the hokage.

On the way there, she walked in a moderate speed, letting her catch up to the anbu captain without any exhaustion.

After a minute or two, they arrived at the hokage office. The anbu captain told her to go in which she did.




(Mc Pov)

Hearing the random anbu captain telling me to go in, I did as I told. Not because of the words of the anbu captain but purely because of my curiosity.

You know the hokage can be an indicator of a timeline. I know I could've easily known what timeline I'm in and know everything about this world but if I keep doing that then wouldn't that just give me boredom?

Knowing everything isn't really fun, you know? Anyway, walking into the office, I saw an old man smoking a pipe.

Doesn't he know that smoking can kill him? even if he has medic ninjas to save him, but cancer isn't something chakra can fix– Well not something medic ninjas in this village can fix.

When the hokage saw me, he went in a trance for a second before snapping out of it. he then coughed and said.

"Hohoho, Welcome to Konoha, miss."

(A/N I guess the Hohoho is a laugh for old people…? I'm not sure, but it sounds like it.)

Introducing myself, I said.

"Hi, Hokage… I am Altria Void, I guess a goddess…?"

The hokage looked at me in disbelieve while the anbus hidden in the dark was astonished.

There are also root members, but they don't really have any emotions so…

Anyway, Yes I know that there are anbus in the room. I guess they are hokage's guard since the hokage is quite old. He might hang up any second with his age and also health issues, can't forget about that.

He is not what he used to be; you know.

The hokage quickly composed himself and said.

"A goddess? Forgive the old man for not knowing, goddess-sama."

Seeing him not believing me, I just smiled a bit and said.

"If you still don't believe it then how about me showing to you?"

The hokage froze and said.

"What are you going to do, goddess-sama?"

After the words has been said, the surrounding anbus became vigilant while having cold sweat pouring down their face. Some are even ready to call reinforcements.

'It is quite fun to mess with the hokage… hehe~' I thought while saying.

"Ho~ Do you think you can do anything to me?"

As I said this, I released a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of my aura. I had to dilute it to this much because if I don't then they'll be crushed into nothingness, and I don't want that.

I'll just teach them a lesson.

A huge amount of aura presses them down, like gravity multiplied on them by 50 times.

This huge amount of aura is controlled perfectly so only the hokage and his anbu entourage received this pressure while the whole village is oblivious to it.

This lasted for a second until it was lifted but a second on the outside world feels like eternity to them. All they felt is endless pain and fear.

After it ended, the entourage of anbus looked at me with fear in their eyes while the hokage has an almost unnoticeable fear in his eyes.

'Hehehe, this is funny. The great hokage fear a little girl.'

"So, Do you believe me now? Hokage-sama."

(A/N The one above doesn't mean she respects him…)

The hokage quickly recovered and said carefully.

"Yes, Goddess-sama. I believe now."

"Then Hokage-sama, I would like to explore this village. Could you trade gold with the currency used here?"

After saying this, a bunch of gold bar appear in my hand. It's quite light with my strength so I easily carried it and handed the gold to the hokage.

After the conversation with hokage, I exchange the gold I created with money. Which is quite a lot, 1 Billion ryo.

I could've created money but like… it will destroy the economy so the least I could do is prevent as little damage as I can do to this planet.

Don't want to cause an economic depression for the first world I travel to.

Walking out of the hokage office, I went to a nearby dango shop. Why not ramen? Well… I want some sweets!

Thinking of some sweets, I need a loli! But I'll summon one later.

On the way there, a lot of people stared at me. Not because of something else but beauty! Face value is very important in this world! Not only in this world but all worlds.

And I think I am in the category of peerless beauty or something. Anyway, arriving at the dango shop, I bought a few plates of dango.

Taking a bite of dango, I felt it a bit sweet.

After eating the rest of the dango, I feel quite satisfied. I guess I'm becoming a foodie.

I think I need some ramen… I heard it's the best ramen in this world. But… I need a place to stay.

I then asked a nearby person, the nearest inn. From what he told me; the nearest inn is a place called Danzo inn.

And it's opened by an Uchiha. I don't remember an Uchiha opening an inn in the anime but maybe it just wasn't mentioned.

So I quickly used my omniscience to see if it's owned by an Uchiha or Danzo because I'm not going to live in a place filled with root ninjas.

[Omniscience] Answer, The owner of the inn is a child by the name of Uchiha Sasuke.

So it's indeed owned by an Uchiha but isn't sasuke focused on revenge?

[Omniscience] Answer, No. The entity known as Uchiha sasuke died in a hospital bed. He is replaced by a man named Aku Akunin, a traverser.

That makes sense. I won't bother him just because his a traverser, unless he provokes me then I'll do nothing.

Walking to the inn, I found that the interior is really modern. It may look at of place during the warring states period and screams 'I'm a traverser!' but him doing this must mean he is ready for any dangers, right?

[Omniscience] answer, No. The traverser isn't ready to fight another traverser, his strength is only at the threshold of superkage.

The heck? his only at superkage? That's weak. Pitiful for a traverser– wait. Superkage? Isn't he already the strongest in the ninja world?

[Omniscience] answer, No. Kaguya is the strongest.

Ok he's weak I get it.

Finishing my conversation with my omniscience, I bought the most expensive room in this in.

This inn is 20 stories high. The most expensive room is at the top of the floor overlooking down below. The reason why it's very expensive is probably because of the service and the interior and furniture of the room.

Anyway, the bad thing is that elevators don't exist. Even with ninjutsu, elevators can't be created.

Too bad, I guess the traverser is quite stupid or dropped out of highschool.

Arriving at my room, I opened the door and saw a beautiful room.

A white and comfy bed. A couch over there and some books.

Yes books, there is even H-books.

I swear I have never read an H-book, it's my first time seeing an H-book in my life. It's even a limited edition one, and there is even a collector's edition.

I guess the expensive part is the book, not the room…

I'll read that later. Looking outside of my window, I saw that it's getting late.

Dinner is almost up, I guess I took a few hours here and there.

So I got up and get ready to eat dinner, I want some ramen.




(A/N Some Revisions are done…)