
To the rescue of the people

The temple was on the brink of collapse, its walls shaking violently and the ground trembling beneath Ethel's feet. Despite his speed and agility, the corridor he was sprinting through began to crumble. He watched in horror as the ceiling fragmented, and a massive boulder plummeted directly towards him.

"Damn it!" he shouted, instinctively shielding his head with his arms, bracing for the imminent impact. However, when the rock hit him, he felt no pain. Instead of being crushed, he experienced an inexplicable lightness spreading through his body.

Opening his eyes and looking down, he expected to see his body crushed, but instead, he saw his form had transformed. His body was no longer solid; it had become a gray, mist-like substance, as if he had merged with the very air.

"What...?" he murmured, incredulous as he watched the rock pass through him without causing any harm. "It struck me, but... it doesn't hurt at all."

His body, now composed of an ethereal and light substance, blended with the surroundings, flowing like a cloud. It was as if his physical form had dissolved into something intangible. The reality of what had happened began to dawn on him.

"I understand now..." Ethel said, a mixture of astonishment and relief in his voice. "The Devil Fruit... it's a Logia. It seems I've become a Cloud Man."

Still unfamiliar with this new ability, Ethel focused on maintaining his vaporous form and used the gaps between the falling stones to slip through the debris. Every movement required significant effort as his body adapted to this new and peculiar state.

After several failed attempts and adjustments, he finally managed to make his way to the outside. Sunlight enveloped him as he emerged from the ruined temple, leaving the chaos of destruction behind.

"The fruit saved my life..." he murmured, watching the temple crumble in the distance. "I was fortunate it was a Logia. Moreover, it seems like a useful ability if I learn to master it."

Ethel took a moment to catch his breath, still astonished by what had happened. He could still feel the Devil Fruit's energy coursing through him, as if every particle of his being was connected to the air and sky.

He glanced at Saga, who was holding the imposing sword in his right hand, its blade glowing with a vibrant green hue. The sword seemed to emanate a powerful and dangerous energy, yet Saga wielded it with unshakable determination.

"It seems we both managed to survive," Ethel said as he walked toward him. "I see you got what you were after."

Saga, with a serene expression, nodded. "Yes, now that I have the sword, I can protect my fiancée and the island. For too long, pirates have come here to pillage our villages. They will learn not to return."

Ethel examined the sword once more. The energy it radiated was palpable, and although it seemed to be a tool for good in Saga's hands, he couldn't ignore the warning etched at the temple's entrance.

"I understand," Ethel replied, but before he could continue, he noticed three figures running towards them. Each man was unique in his own way: one large and burly, another small and agile, and the third tall and muscular, with a mask covering his face.

Saga, anticipating Ethel's questions, introduced them. "These are my companions. We are all marines. The large one is Boo Kong, the tall masked one is Bismarck, and the small one with the sword is Toma."

Ethel nodded in acknowledgment, though his mind was more focused on their location.

"May I ask which island we're on?"

Saga raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You don't even know where you are? I thought you came specifically for the sword, but it seems I was mistaken. You're on Azuka Island, near the Grand Line."

Before Ethel could respond, the three marines reached their side. Bismarck spoke first, his voice filled with urgency.

"Saga, the pirates have returned."

Toma, panting from the run, added quickly, "Maya and the others have hidden in the forest, but the pirates are after them. We need your help to stop them."

Without wasting any time, Saga signaled for his companions to lead the way. With the sword in hand, he headed towards the forest, determined to protect his fiancée and his island.

Ethel didn't hesitate to follow them. "I'll help," he said, his voice firm. "I also want to test this new power."

Saga, without pausing, glanced at Ethel. "Stranger, if you come along, I hope you are not an enemy."

Ethel met his gaze with resolve. "Don't worry. I'm not a marine, but I'm no pirate either. I won't let innocent people be harmed if I'm present."

The group advanced swiftly, with Ethel close behind.

Ethel observed the scene from the safety of the trees, his eyes fixed on the chaos the pirates had wrought on the village. Black smoke spiraled into the sky, an ominous sign of the destruction they had left in their wake. In the center of the town, the survivors, shackled and desolate, were surrounded by pirates who kept a constant watch.

Saga clenched his fists upon seeing his fiancée, Maya, among the captives. Rage and despair battled for dominance on his face, but his voice remained calm and controlled as he spoke. "They're all there. Maya too... They've killed nearly all the other marines."

The others nodded silently, understanding the severity of the situation. Every move they made had to be calculated to prevent more unnecessary deaths.

Ethel, sensing the tension in the air, asked quietly, "What's the plan?"

Saga looked at his comrades before responding. "We need to rescue the prisoners. If we attack head-on and are discovered, they might use them as human shields."

Toma, the smallest of the group, quickly assessed the situation. "Then it's best to try and take them out quietly. But Boo and Bismarck are too big and slow for such an operation."

Ethel frowned, considering the options. "Perhaps it's better if they create a diversion. They could draw the pirates' attention while we free the prisoners. Once they're safe, we deal with the pirates."

Saga contemplated the suggestion, his dark eyes fixed on the group of pirates. "It's risky, but it might work. Boo, Bismarck, I want you to cause as much commotion as possible. Toma and I will move quickly to free the prisoners while they're distracted. Ethel, you come with us."

Ethel nodded, aware that the success of the plan depended on perfect timing and the speed with which they could act. "I'm ready. Let's get those people out of there."

With the plan set in motion, Boo and Bismarck prepared to advance, their heavy footsteps resonating on the ground as they headed towards the village, ready to attract the pirates' attention. Meanwhile, Saga, Toma, and Ethel began moving silently towards the center, staying in the shadows of the trees, ready to liberate the prisoners.

The deafening noise of the two marines breaking into the scene was the signal. The pirates turned in surprise, distracted by the sudden chaos unleashed when Boo and Bismarck charged at them. The prisoners, including Maya, looked up with eyes filled with a mix of hope and fear.

Saga and Toma moved swiftly through the shadows, cutting the chains that bound the captives with precise efficiency.

"Hurry, come with me!" Ethel whispered urgently.

Realizing the opportunity, the prisoners moved quickly, following Ethel through the smoke and chaos.

Meanwhile, Saga and Toma continued their work, freeing the last of the prisoners just as one of the pirates noticed what was happening. "They're escaping!" he shouted, raising his sword to attack.

Saga, with the cursed sword in hand, swiftly turned, blocking the attack and countering with a force that pushed the pirate back. The pirate's eyes widened at the sight of the green blade glowing in the darkness before he fell to the ground.