
Adventure Time : A True Journey

Leonardo Stormborn now Finn Cambell , our new hero of Ooo unfortunately meets an untimely end in his old world . The world grieved ! The people grieved ! But , one person did not grieve . Leonardo Stormborn himself !! In an unexpected twist of fate , he finds himself meeting a powerful entity that gives him a second chance at life and a promise of love , adventure , freedom and heroism that he cannot deny . He accepts the offer accompanied by a couple of wishes and sets of to his new world . Join him in his long adventure in this unexplored land with all the dangers , struggles and opportunities that will come along with it . IT'S ADVENTURE TIME !!! . . . . . . . . . . [P.S: I will be posting this story also on RoyalRoad.com] https://www.royalroad.com/profile/587087 An Adventure Time inspired fanfic with the addition of my own flare , twists and turns . This book will be slow-paced and it will majorly have a slice of life vibe . Their will be slight multiversal travel as well as a side story which will be posted on my ko-fi which is below https://ko-fi.com/prof_nuclear For those interested in reading ahead or viewing of images relevant to the plot please check out my discord and patron below. https://discord.com/invite/B6PSXSrY68 patreon.com/Prof_Nuclear Disclaimer : All characters , rights and images ownership belong to the original owners apart from my own OC's I will be using images I've found from various sites . If the original owners wish for their removal please inform me .

prof_Nuclear · Anime & Komik
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48 Chs

12 . Agreement, A Robbery! And Ninja shock ball!

POV: Finn the Human 12

Finn had finally figured it out. Cornifer was likely from the HolloKnight world.

How he knew of this, Cornifer was a very open talker when he was complaining.

And with how he mentioned his home town which was Dirtmouth, Finn believed the mystery was solved.

The thing that made Leo unsure about his identity was his slightly more humane appearance as well as his appearance in real life.

Only a madman would see someone on a screen and expect them to look as they were on that screen. That would be impossible.

Luckily for Finn, he only talked with Cornifer for a short amount of time, and his suspicions were put to rest.

Did he say luckily?

This was not a good thing to happen.

Why, the existence of Cornifer meant that the Hollow Knight universe could also exist.

Was that a good thing?

No! He thought he would have enough trouble dealing with the cosmic beings present in the adventure-time world, so now he also had to deal with a cosmic moth out for vengeance? 

How unfortunate. But it was not the worst of news.

It simply made him more aware of the dangers of the world, and Finn was satisfied.

If he could unveil all additional worlds present from when the goddess had told him, would he not be the one in the lead?

He would already be prepared and as a certain human detective had once proved. 

With enough preparation, he could be unbeatable! 

Finn was strangely relaxed now. The knowledge that the HolloKnight verse existed was worrying but so what.

Should he not live his life just because another dangerous world exists?

That was impossible.

The main reason he agreed to be reincarnated was because he wanted to enjoy this new life of his.

Who cared for the things that could potentially kill him?

His cooperation with Cornifer was simple but also had a lot of benefits for both parties.

Well mostly for Finn

Finn would act as Cornifer's bodyguard when the time was right and help him map out more dangerous places.

Sometimes Finn would make a map himself of all the places he went to, trying to make it as detailed as possible and also hidden places that were interesting or dangerous.

Finn was not that good of a mapper but he could learn.

Wasn't it just a detailed drawing? 

He had also noticed how Cornifer had said he did not need Finn's help for now.

Finn had noticed this was a way for Cornifer to try to put him away from danger for now, as Cornifer himself had said he was satisfied for now and would call him later when he needed help.

' What a king guy,' Finn had thought as he looked at the man, who was trying to put him away from harm's way despite his own goals of making the best map possible, and he could respect that.

"Remember, Finn, only come and help me when you are stronger. " Cornifer had repeated saying this, and Finn could only nod in agreement.

He wasn't stupid to do something that could potentially kill him.

Especially as he knew the places Cornifer would normally explore to make his maps.

" Okay Mr Cornifer. And you better save me the best maps you make. " Finn had told him.

He had noticed earlier how Cornifer had maps of special places and areas and even different dimensions.

Why he did not buy them? They held no use for the current him.

Even the map of Ooo he had was given to him by Cornifer for free as a goodwill sign of their cooperation.

Finn also gave Cornifer a couple of gold coins Jake had given to him to buy a map.

Finn was not one to take advantage of others. Luckily, Cornifer accepted the gold, saying his wife would like its color.

" Make sure you take good care of her Finn! " Cornifer said once more his voice slightly loud as he watched the map he had given to Finn be rolled up.

Finn understood the feeling. To see something you made taken by another to be of more use to them was both a great and sad feeling.

" I will Mr Cornifer. You can count on me. " Finn said as he wondered whether he should ask Cornifer how he had managed to come to the adventure time world.

Or would such a question be too personal for someone he had just met?

So Finn decided he would ask another time. Probably when he had a place, he wanted Cornifer to add to his maps. 

" Goodbye Mr Cornifer. " He walked away and waved his hand thinking about the map and his still present money which Jake had given him.

"Goodbye Finn . . . And be wary of Rainicorns! " 

Finn remembered now.

Yes, he had forgotten that piece of information.

Didn't Rainicorns eat humans? At least in the past, they did.

And when he thought about Jake's future wife being a Rainicorn he did not know how to feel about it.

The good thing, though, was that she was good. Or, more likely, preferred not to eat him. Finn hoped that remained the same.

But that was something he would have to look out for. How Kind of Mr. Cornifer to remind him of that piece of info.

Finn would make sure to assist him in making that perfect map of his. 

He continued walking around and wondered what now. Should he go back to Jake?

Was it the safer option, or should he walk around more? You never knew what could happen around these places.

" HELP, HELP! A Thief is robbing us, " A hysteric voice shouted.

Too hysteric for it to be considered some sort of joke and too desperate, clearly showing the urgency of the person shouting out.

Finn instantly knew that was a cry for help, and he almost wondered why the other people seemed unbothered by it.

How normally they went on with their business despite someone shouting for help.

Was this normal to them, or had they simply grown cold to other's suffering? 

Finn wondered how it felt to be like them, to look the other way while others were suffering.

Would they regret their decision? Or would their indecision eat away at them? 

He would never know. He was simply not like them. He was not one to ignore others when they needed help. 

He was rushing, his feet running at a fast speed in the direction of the shouting.

His blood was pumping wildly, and he could feel his breath quicken.

' What would he do when he arrived ' Finn asked himself.

His sword, Scarlet, had never felt heavier as he had it on his back.

He felt the increased sweat running down his back, and the picked-up distress once again rose in him.

' Would he fight and then kill them! Was that what he was going to do? Finn did not know how to feel at that thought.

This was neither a game nor the show he had grown up seeing. This was his reality.

In reality, decisions had to be made, and he would have to accept the consequences of those decisions.

Even if it meant spilling blood.

He reached the area where the shout had come from.

And to his surprise, it was quite far from where he originally was and that surprised him.

But how could that be?

Finn only shook his head as the shouts grew louder the closer he approached.

A lone stall slightly away from the other ones and it was selling candles? This fact confused him.

A group of young thug-looking teens with green skin and bad haircuts were trying to rob candles from the place.

" Oh yeah. This is going to look so cool in my room. " 

" I can't believe they have a caramel-scented one. Lucky. " 

" Candles! Candles! " 

Finn had never felt more weirded out than he did at this very moment.

To think that someone would want to steal candles of all things simply did not register in his mind.

No, the real question was why someone would want to steal candles.

" Help, help. They're stealing our candles! "

The two people shouting out were a slightly young lady and the other an older one. Both of them also with green skin.

 Luckily, the hooligans were more occupied with the candles and had not harmed the two. Or they did not care at all for the two ladies.

'They must like candles. ' Finn thought still confused.

But this did not last long.

Game time was over, now it was time for action.

Charging in without a plan would be a bad move.

He was outnumbered. Maybe if he was confident in using the sword without killing anyone, he would have, but he did not have such experience. 

But what else could he do?

Finn thought about what he had on himself that could be of use.

A sword, a map, a couple of coins and . . . a magical book!

Yes, how could he forget so quickly?

Did he not have the ninja Nomicon at his disposal?

The book appeared right beside him as soon as he willed for its presence.

He thought that feature of it was very neat, but he was in a rush.

" Give me something useful, Nomicon. "

He hoped as the book started flipping open over countless pages and Finn could only wait for it to do its magic. It then finally stopped.

" Britz, Britz. "

The sound of electricity started coming from the book as a sort of light show happened in front of Finn.

He saw then how a sort of black portal with red edges appeared above the book as a black ball with green kanji hovered from the portal.

The sound of electricity also stopped as Finn quickly took the ball in hand as a name came to him.

" Shock ball, " Finn said out loud. A truly perfect tool for the current scenario.

It also causes AOE damage. Truly perfect.

But Finn still wondered. Was the entire thing with the electricity sound and the portal really necessary?

Why did he feel as if the book was showing off?

. . . . . . 


Yes, a little early chapter for all the support you all have been giving me. Thank you all for the power stones, reviews and comments.

And a big shout out to another of my new patron members noble anime . I appreciate all the support and thanks a lot 🙏

The Nomicon finally takes action, and we see Finn face his first struggle. It's not a very deadly one, but it's still a struggle nonetheless.

Remember if you're willing to support me, donate to my Ko-fi
