
Chapter 11: The Currency of Power

In the heart of Tianhua, where ambition and cultivation thrived, Lu Sheng's influence continued to grow. His wealth, measured in spiritual stones, had reached a considerable sum. These coveted stones were the lifeblood of cultivators, and Lu Sheng possessed a fortune that could rival many.

But Lu Sheng's wealth wasn't solely in the form of spiritual stones. Within the enigmatic cauldron that had been his constant companion since childhood lay a hidden treasure—an expansive sub-space filled with countless rare and precious items. The cauldron's powers were as boundless as the world itself, and Lu Sheng had harnessed its potential to further his training.

Within this sub-space, Lu Sheng immersed himself in rigorous training regimens. The space offered solitude and isolation, allowing him to focus his mind and body on mastering martial arts techniques and cultivation methods. It was here that he honed his skills, pushing the boundaries of his abilities.

The sub-space was also a repository of treasures, acquired over time through his auctions and adventures. Rare herbs, exotic materials, and ancient relics filled its vaults, each with its unique properties and applications. Among these treasures, Lu Sheng uncovered a set of Legendary rank middle-tier armor—a powerful and rare find. These enchanted pieces of armor were said to possess the resilience of ancient dragons and the agility of mythical beasts. They would become a formidable asset in Lu Sheng's journey to power.

As his abilities grew, Lu Sheng expanded his pursuits beyond martial cultivation. Alchemy had always intrigued him, and he dedicated time to mastering the art of crafting spiritual pills and elixirs. His knowledge, bolstered by the Immortal Godking's teachings and the cauldron's guidance, allowed him to create potions of unparalleled potency.

It was during this time that he received a plea for help from the Alchemist Association. The association's leader, a renowned figure in the world of alchemy, had fallen gravely ill with a mysterious ailment that defied conventional remedies. Lu Sheng's reputation as a skilled cultivator and alchemist had reached their ears, and they hoped he could save their leader's life.

Lu Sheng accepted the challenge, knowing that his abilities could make a difference. As he arrived at the association's headquarters, he was greeted by a desperate group of alchemists who placed their hopes on him. The leader's condition was dire, and time was of the essence.

With unwavering determination, Lu Sheng set to work, brewing a concoction of rare herbs and elixirs from his sub-space. His expertise in alchemy shone as he combined ingredients with precision and care. The dialogue between Lu Sheng and the anxious alchemists filled the room, a testament to the urgency of the situation and the faith placed in him.

As the moments ticked away, the fate of the Alchemist Association's leader hung in the balance. Lu Sheng's skills as both a cultivator and an alchemist would be put to the ultimate test as he sought to save a life and further his own journey towards power and enlightenment.