
Adventure Somewhere Down That Road

When you venture out in the world you imagine a vast and direct place to go to. What if you don't know where you're gonna go and it depends on your life to go somewhere you don't know? Will you go hinder aimlessly on a jungle terrain to get lost? Or trying to find somewhere you can relax on? If so get along with this travelling circus of an annoying young man and his elf companion as they walk the path to nowhere. Will they found a place? Or will they just get lost... Again...

Sandwich_Author · Fantasi
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2 Chs

New Life, New Adventures

The sound of a person getting smacked in the face echoes a deep dungeon as mounds and mounds of goblins surround and beat the crap out of a young man just staying down, laying face side up staring at the ceiling for more than 10 minutes now.

The young man doesn't grunt or shout in pain as he just takes all the beating all of the goblins could give. He rolls to one of his sides.

'Yep this is me. And here's my life as a wanderer. You're wondering why I'm getting beat up by these goblins. Well that's a long story, to give you the short answer me and my travelling companion travelled to this dungeon but got separated by a trap and I fell on this pit full of goblins.

I have to get out of here ASAP. She's not gonna survive without me anyways. As usual I have to do all the crap to save her the problem is where should I go?' The young man without noticing that his simple touch he started demonstrating how cracked he is in this stuff and his bad sense of direction.

'Maybe it's this way. Oh get away from me I'm trying to walk here.'

Yeah, right... Our hero to the rescue? The young man casually runs trying to figure out the way out of this dungeon to find his companion. Eventually...

'Man this dungeon goes on and on. Where is the exit already?'

As he gets lost even more overtime until he found her.

"Hey I've been trying to find you, where have you been?" Said the Female Elf.

"I got lost okay? I was fighting a lot of goblins too so cut me some slack." Said the young man.

"Okay then I found us a path to leave here. Just follow me then okay?" Said the Female Elf.

"Yeah, yeah I get it Olivia geez." Said the young man.

"Well try not to get lost this time Porter." Said Olivia.

The two walked towards the light to finally see outside of the dungeon where the land is beautiful and peaceful. Where hills are alive with the sound of... Well a noisy couple.

"We're finally outside! Sheesh that was a stretch of pure headaches." Said Porter.

[Dungeon Cleared!]

[+300 exp]

[Dungeon Clear Time: 4 days.]

"We were in there for FOUR DAYS?!" Said Olivia.

"Well can't expect from me getting lost there hahaha." Said Porter.

"Enough with the chitchat we have to go now." Said Olivia as she pulled Porter running towards the horizon.

2 Weeks Ago...

That young man was given a chance in life to ask God whatever he wanted and he used to be a knight for a certain kingdom when he died standing up guarding the gate from heat exhaustion. That young man hated his job. Always in the heat and just standing there for 12 hours a day with low pay and no compensations.

He was chosen by God and that he can ask anything he wants since he died way to quick for his age.

"I am here to grant you your greatest compensation a wish from me." Said God.

"Well my old job stinks anyways so what's the catch?" Said Porter.

"Quite a cunning young man you are. It is sad you died standing seems like you are a talented man and yet your talent is wasted guarding a dead kingdom." Said God.

"Wait what?" Said Porter.

"Yeah I gave that Kingdom a proper punishment for wasting your greatest potential." Said God.

"What did you do to them?" Said Porter.

"Well a drought for one, then a widespread sickness for their livestock, then a deadly disease that no magic can save them. It's basically their curse." Said God.

"Geez aren't that a bit too much?" Said Porter.

"Now if they didn't screw up your job and actually made you their frontline soldier you would have conquered 3 kingdoms by yourself. And not as a gate guard." Said God.

"Okay I can see the point now." Said Porter.

"Well then what's your wish young man? I could give you anything except divinity." Said God.

"I want a slow life." Said Porter

"So you're saying you want a slow life?" Said God.

"Yes, and I want a companion also for that long and slow life." Said Porter.

"Anything else?" Said God.

"Actually give me a task or a quest that will make me occupied while I live my slow life. Like travelling with no direction. With a companion of course. And that give me a leveling up system that makes me occupied as well to keep me going and have goals in mind." Said Porter.

"Anything else? That actually sounds nice if I'm honest. Since you won't get bored for the rest of your life." Said God.

"Give me an Elf Companion instead make it female so it would be nice." Said Porter.

"Is that all?" Said God.

"Well give me a 5 level head start then and make me immortal." Said Porter.

"Sure thing well my time is up well then Mr. Porter enjoy your slow and oddly specific life." Said God.

'The next thing I know I woke up in a meadow with a Elf woman shouting at me to wake up'

"Wake up you! We have to travel south!" Said the female elf.

"Okay, okay I'm up. Who are you anyways?" Said Porter.

"You already forgot about me? I'm Olivia you forgetful prick!" Said Olivia.

"Okay I'm sorry but this is my journey where we heading? South?" Said Porter.

"Yeah, we have to before sun down there's a bar that I wanna visit." Said Olivia.

"You're an alcoholic?" Said Porter.

"I'm not! There's a guy there that will give us the next destination on this quest of ours." Said Olivia.

"Right... You sure you're not an alcoholic." Said Porter.

Olivia smacks in the back of Porter's head.

"I'm not let's go we have a long journey on our hands. Oh and have you checked if you have excess stat points? You might need to use them now." Said Olivia.

As a screen appeared in front of Porter with his stats and level.

[Current Lvl: 5]

[--- Current Stats ---]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Endurance: 5]

[Magic: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Speed: 5]

[Luck: 5]

Remaining Stat Points: 5

'Hmm which one should I upgrade? I should add 2 on strength, 1 on speed, and 2 on agility then.'

[Current Lvl: 5]

[--- Current Stats ---]

[Strength: 5] +2

[Agility: 5] +2

[Endurance: 5]

[Magic: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Speed: 5] +1

[Luck: 5]

Remaining Stat Points: 0

'There that should do it.'

"I'm done adjusting my stats for now. Let's get going! Welcome to a sweet and slow life!" Said Porter.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Said Olivia.

The two waltz into the horizon as their journey begins right here and now. The slow life of adventuring somewhere down that road over there!

Thanks for reading this new novel of me hope you guys keep up with the mayhem these two are gonna come across.

Sandwich_Authorcreators' thoughts