
Arguing With Uncle Bejo

"I don't mean anything, said Adi Angeles" Yes, he did play a little with the genie who claimed his name was Om Bejo.

At first, he felt disbelieving and strange, then when he had the chance to prove it, he happily did it

And here he is now, where he was scolded by a frustrated genie, thinking about this then he couldn't help but laugh " hahaha....." laughing happily

"Well look at this, your laugh makes me even more convinced that I was tricked by you boy!!!!!" angrily Om Bejo said

"Who said, I laughed because I was thinking about something, not laughing at Om," said Adi

"Who is your Om... !!!!" fast reply Om bejo

"Well, wasn't your nickname Uncle Bejo?" ask adi confused

"Oh, it's just a lot, remember it must be complete Ommmmm... Bejooo...." That's an example to Adi

"Ohhhh...Ommmmmm...Bejoooo..." Adi said quickly imitating

"Good, don't get me wrong again" replied Om Bejo

"Sory...sorry Ommm...." Adi said with a smile

"Okay, let's get into business again," said Om Bejo, starting the conversation again

"Ready .... I'll listen," said adi while sitting leaning on the bed

"Erm... good... because you managed to wake me up, then I give you three free wishes," said Om Bejo smiling then emitting light from his body

This made Adi a little surprised, but he also pondered, "Is the request free? What can you do? It's unlimited?" Adi said

"That's right, it's free, but you can't increase your age," said Om Bejo

"you said it was free, but you couldn't" replied Adi

"Ohhh...boyyyyy, my age didn't increase, why should I add you" replied Uncle Bejo

" ughhh... it turns out that jinn have a limited lifespan too" adi answered helplessly

"Yes, .... you think we are immortal," said Om Bejo

"Yeah...it's not that you are eternal and can live to the end because your job is to tempt humans," said adi answered innocently

"Damn it!!!!!!...what do you think of demitt....I'm a normal genie, a white genie" replied om bejo annoyed that he was equated with demons and devils

"Well... countrymen right?" ask adi weird

"Yes..., but different descendants and different paths" replied Om Bejo a little embarrassed

"Well...the point is the same, one family," said adi replied

"Your father's is family....!!!! different, you can still play it" said Om Bejo annoyed

"Then it's like this, isn't it the fall of the trap?" Adi said

"Most of the time you watch soap operas, brats...." replied om Bejo irritably

"It's not like that, the script is you persuade and then trap me, after that you ask for sacrifice right...let's admit it" teased Adi

" ahhhhh.... you... you I already said I'm not a black genie, I'm a white genie-like you" replied Om Bejo

"Some are good and some are bad, some are powerful, some are ordinary, some are rich or some are poor, yes it's the same with you, only we have advantages, you too," said Om Bejo

"Oh I see, then I dare to swear on behalf of the Creator that you are not lying," Adi said seriously

"Who's afraid" then Om Bejo swears (Note on the planet of style in this world, swearing is very important and can't be taken lightly, because if you lie the punishment will soon fall)

"Mmmmm it's been 5 minutes...yes you passed, it means that your request is correct," said adi

"Yeah, I told you earlier... I'm tired... hufttt" sighed Om Bejo while staring at Adi's room roof, as if he regretted being woken up by Adi

"Well if that's the case, I ask for my savings to be 100 M...shhh..don't...don't...1 trillion is enough. I guess" said Adi excitedly

"Ok, it can be arranged, um....wait a minute....at a domestic or foreign bank?" ask Om Bejo

"In both, 10% in the country and 90% abroad," said Adi quickly replied

"What currency, local or foreign?" ask Om Bejo

"Which expensive, the rate?" ask adi confused

"I don't know, I just woke up and haven't checked the exchange rate" shrugs a sign of helplessness

"So, let's check first ok," Adi said as he took his cellphone, and saw foreign exchange rates on the internet

(There are two strange sights, where two human figures and jinn are busy looking at foreign currency exchange rates on the internet)

Soon, "Nahhh.... just use the Royal Alliance exchange rate, it's more expensive" Adi decided

"Ok,," said Om Bejo

"But the funds are normal, right?" ask adi fast

"Normal...normal...calm..." said Om Bejo

"But I don't want people to know and the royal authorities are targeting me," Adi said with a little wariness

"Okay, I'll arrange it later, so your funds come in on a reasonable note"

"Well if that's the case, my funds will be hidden and can't be investigated," said Adi this time

"This counts two requests" replied Om Bejo "Are you sure?" ask again

"Oh, it's counted two, it's okay, it's easy," said Adi, smiling back

"But why am I the one who doesn't like it?" answered Om Bejo

"Already calm, quickly accept," said adi

"Okay...." Adi's cellphone voice was soon heard, and on his cellphone, there was a report of 10 SMS containing the balance that a large amount of money had been transferred

"Yeah... it's real.... hahaha... no need to bother anymore means heheheh" Adi said happily

"How, I said right" answered Om Bejo Proud

"Remember there is no interest anymore, tax-free, plus fast and safe, so tomorrow don't hesitate to use the services of a genie ok," said Om Bejo promoting himself

Adi who heard this was a little dumbfounded, then helpless "why is it like an advertisement he mumbles weird

"Ok, since you've made two requests, what's your last request?" said Om Bejo excitedly

"What's up.... I'll see you later," said Adi

"Ehhh.. not now" replied Om Bejo

"Why the rush?" reply adi again

"Yeah... it's not good to delay something" said Om Bejo quickly answered

"Yes, I do, but I'm confused about what to ask for," said Adi

"Don't be confused, apart from wealth, there's still a lot that can be asked for," said Om Bejo

"But with that money, almost all my needs are enough," Adi replied

"Yeah, how about it....just one more pleaseeeeeee...." said Om Bejo pitifully

"Okay I'll grant your request, I'm asking for unlimited requests" Adi smiles triumphantly

"Ok," said Uncle Bejo, but then seemed to realize something he was stunned, unfortunately, he has continued to grant Adi's request

In an instant, Om Bejo became smaller and soon Adi felt a bond with Om Bejo

"Yeah why are you so small?" ask adi confused

"ahhhh...why aren't you the same, like the others.....and and and...ahhhhhhhhhhh...why did this happen to me," said Om Bejo started to cry

"I don't know either, but it's strange look Om like you're crying," Adi said laughing

"Heartless you adi, you're right... right... aahhhhhhhhhhhh" said Om Bejo helplessly

"Ok, you can calm down, and explain what the consequences are for granting my request to you," Adi asked after seeing Om Bejo crying.

"Ha...because of your request and also because of my carelessness, so come on, this may have been fate, Ok from now on you have a quota of 3 requests every week no more or less," said Om Bejo without explaining much

"wahhhh...coolnnnn," Adi said laughing happily

"But remember only three," said Om Bejo

"Three are for weekdays, weekends are four, there's usually a discount on weekends," said Adi bidding

"No....no..no..no..." replied Om Bejo

"Well, how about adding 3 extra requests every month," said Adi

"Ok granted and can not be changed"

" Yeyeye .... great Om bejo you are amazing," said adi happy

"Ok then I want to sleep, tired of accepting the reality," said Om Bejo helplessly

"Ok, good night Om Bejo" Adi replied happily.