

Barrage of shots

And when the security forces of the black organization consisting of 12 people fell asleep, on the other hand, the team in charge of growing communication immediately carried out their duties which were now preparing to take out the network systems that existed throughout the black headquarters and organizations.

It's just that when they work they realize that the operating system that is inside the headquarters of this black organization, is divided into two stages where one side is in charge of monitoring the entire defense system that is outside Goa or it can be said that the system is outside and then the system that is inside. Cave

Where this system functions to regulate everything that is inside the main headquarters of the black organization after realizing that they can only digest the outside system for now and need more time to digest the system inside.

So the decision was immediately made to immediately turn off the existing system on the outside, in this case, to reduce the existing monitoring of the existing system in the next step when 12 guards were successfully paralyzed by Anton mosquitoes by dropping smoke bombs which had an anesthetic effect.

Then the next team that was preparing to sweep the front door of the cave had now begun to prepare to knock out the two main gatekeepers of the black organization's gate, after a while and communication reported back the results of their work where they managed to infiltrate and take control.

The existing system at the headquarters of the black organization is both inside and outside so that then preventive measures for attack leaks are also carried out, such as monitors who have manipulated the culture of the entrance to be accessible and some of the defense products in the cave.

Everything was successfully infiltrated and disabled by the communications team who had taken control of the system in the black organization so now all that can be said is that the entire operation is going according to the plan "Okay now we can disable" the inner leader in front of the main entrance of the cave gave orders to his men

Because of their complicated position, in this case, the two main gatekeepers of the black organization are difficult to forget by the seniors above because the terrain is not easy, then, on the other hand, the dam made to guard the two main guards is also difficult for the special team of the sun kingdom.

So in this case the special operation that wanted to immediately paralyze the two guards inevitably had to rack their brains to plan a better situation until in the end when they saw the appointed time and there were not many choices that could be given so now they hope to The snipers who had been assigned to the teacher were not the shooters of the two great walls at the entrance of the black organization

"Bang...." A gunshot was heard, but unfortunately, the bullet didn't hit the target

On the other hand, the operator in charge of keeping the heavy machinery at the entrance of the cave was shocked by the sound of gunfire and immediately Tia told her friend "intruders defend the entrance" a heavy weapon machine operator spoke shouting to his friend

Hearing a call from his friend on the other side, the operator on duty for the main shooter, immediately responded that he had taken the action of opening the safety lock and immediately pointing his weapon in the intended direction, and soon the sound of a series of gunshots was heard "ta....ta.. ..ta....ta....ta...." The sound of heavy machine guns was heard strafing the positions of the special forces

"Damn our position is known to the enemy, take cover immediately and take revenge" The command of the team leader ordered his subordinates

So then a series of gunshots echoed throughout the outer headquarters of the black organization, fortunately, thermal in charge of disabling the system had succeeded in controlling the entire system of the black organization so that it could manipulate the battle that was taking place outside so that that inside did not know about it.

Not wanting to miss the special fire, immediately retaliated and then the sound of a series of gunshots echoed again on the other side because of the great firepower of the machine guns used by the main guards of this black organization very dominating, and the shelter area of ​​the special forces of the sun kingdom is now continuously given a shot

At the same time, the snipers from the Sun Kingdom's special forces certainly did not remain silent, seeing the dangerous position of their friends, the four of them immediately aimed at their targets, but it was clear because of the geographical advantage that their shots were difficult to hit the target even though their shots were able to make

The shooters who operated the heavy weapons of the black organization became nervous because of the return fire from the snipers, moreover,e y felt that this shot was something that was not done by the general army, in other words, this was what snipers did.

Knowing that it is clearly not easy and also clearly threatens their lives, the shooters from this black organization are more careful and reduce the intensity of firing even though with the high explosive power of the heavy weapons they use.

The initial position that became the shelter of the special forces of the Sun Kingdom whose task was to paralyze the gate could be said to be destroyed on the other hand because of good intelligence and also the assistance of advanced technology made the evacuation, in this case,e, the city that was the attack on the organization. the Islam

Luckily the position of the Sun Kingdom's special forces team had managed to repel to a better place, where they were only able to counterattack from the two main door guards of the black organization seeing that the battle was becoming increasingly fierce and there was no sign of a truce or truce. even submission from one team

Of course, this was not easy to do because it was clear that each of the two teams had its advantages even though an idea occurred to the minds of these attacking soldiers they were the important existence of mosquito drones that could make a difference in the operation.

So then after learning what happened the drone team in charge of operating the mosquito drone immediately brought some bombs that were thought to be able to paralyze the two main guards from the entrance to the black organization's Cave.

Then scenes such as when the drone paralyzes 12 guards behind bars are now clearly visible where after the first bomb was dropped by the mosquito the bomb exploded and made the target of one of the main guards at the entrance to the black organization sleep instantly.