

Crystal Lake

I was approaching what I saw was a beautiful blue lake with clear colors, you can see there the reflection of very clear water can reflect the shadows from the clouds that cover the sky, just looking at this was already very amazed by what he found at this time

After controlling his jump and coming to the edge of the lake, Adi couldn't help but walk towards the edge of the lake and saw the reflection in the mirror so he had to be amazed that this was really like a mirror, without many rules and much thought then Adi squatted down and curiously tall one

His hands stirred the calm lake water, and suddenly ripples appeared on the surface of the lake water due to Adi's hands being dipped there for me, the ripples spread and spread throughout the lake until finally, they were invisible.

The younger brother who didn't realize this phenomenon was still engrossed in playing with water like a child but it was clear when he looked closely there was a look of surprise that crossed Adi's face, and looking further now it seems that Adi's intentional movement is something that wasn't done for no reason.

What you are doing right now can be said to be full of question marks, but on the other hand, Adi, who did this, knows clearly what he is doing because when his hand touches the water in the lake, the cold current flows like ice water. immediately wrapped his hands

This of course shocked him and couldn't believe how it could be that amid the hot sun the lake water he felt seemed like ice water, especially since it was clear that there was no rain saying something that was against the existing logic, so when Adi felt that cold feeling

Inevitably he became very interested and because of the cold feeling that enveloped his hands he moved his hands more actively in the lake water and because of his actions ripples spread over the surface of the lake water, of course again what Adi did was a deliberate act

After realizing that the temperature in this verse is really cold and it is clear that there is a secret behind the lake water which looks clear but cold, Adi can't help but think to find out what this beautiful lake is hiding.

Although he also understands that it is not an easy matter to determine the answer from what he is thinking, Adi clearly remembers everything he feels at this moment when his hand just touched the lake water and an instcoldness offs read almost to his arm if he didn't move his hand. in the lake water maybe he thought the cold would spread further

Then without waiting for a long time he raised his hand and stood staring at the fairly large fund, Adi felt an inexplicable feeling, so than feeling the doubt that was in him he decided to walk around the lake

Because it's not too big so he feels that the rounds made to surround the fund shouldn't take too long or too tired to walk along the edge of the lake and stare at what's in front of him Adi can only say other than beautiful this lake is full of mystery

The name of the questions in which the mystery was solved he only knew apart from the extremely cold temperature of the water contained in the lake, the rest he did not know, and here it was after walking around almost half of the lake.

Adi still hasn't found the answer to what he wants to find, he doesn't expect more without much burden. Adi begins to continue his journey around the lake until he finally arrives at the end of the lake he sees a rock that appears like an inscription, with a height of 1 m and a width of 30 cm there is writing written on the stone inscription

Take a closer look and realize that he can read the language, without much delay Adi reads it and how surprised he is when he reads the writing on the achievement because what he reads is the name of the lake in front of him with the story behind it

So the name of the lake is called crystal, given the name crystal because the fund is formed from the tears of someone who feels betrayed by his lover, until here Adi, who knows the meaning of the writing, can't help but ask if this is a fairy tale or a legend.

How can someone's cry can form a lake this big is impossible but then Adi thinks if it's diligent with their age that can reach thousands of years and also with their unknowable strength then it's not you maybe it's done

The only question now is who is crying or who is the person who created the lake from crying, let alone the name crystal, is this the name of the crying person and if true, doesn't it mean that he is most likely a woman?

If everything is linked then the possibility becomes even greater and of course, it makes progress, but it is too early to determine this because there are other writings from the continuation of reading the inscription that Adi is reading, while the continuation reads as follows

He who gives his heart and gives everything must feel deep pain when betrayal comes to him, in his daydream and sadness crystal funds are formed and the green grass that accompanies him is a picture of the disappointment suffered

After reading the sound of the next inscription Adi becomes clearer about what is happening at this time it turns out that Jamrud is not a place to fall in love and also a place for heartbreak because it is clear when he remembers the flower bed on the hill and also the stone table that has a relief on it explains the sign. love from 1 figure

Then when he found a stretch of meadow and in the middle there was a beautiful lake but with cold water then after knowing there was an achievement with a story engraved on it all explained that the law of this lake was formed due to the cries of a broken heart.

So Adi concludes that Adi thinks that the Jamrud person is like the diary of a figure who tells about his love life and personal life of a figure, but who this figure is Adi still clearly doesn't know but he feels this is an extraordinary achievement.