
shadow in the dark

In a world of magic and fantasy a certain hooded figure glided through the dark night, as silent as an owl he was, as he flew on he had only one thing on his mind 'revenge' and he didn't care about the consequences, neither did he care about casualties caused by his quest for vengeance.

Miles away from the furious figure the Duke of Yorkinheim was throwing a magnificent party, to celebrate the newly found mines rich in Rishi ( the energy that powers magic), the discovery of the mines meant Unlimited Power and the Duke would do anything to get that power, a few years back he had wiped out 3 villages killing thousands of innocents.

The mines were meant to be a blessing to the Inhabitants of this world but unfortunately it turned out to be a curse, the villages happened to be lying on top of a vast Rishi deposit, Rishi could be found everywhere including the air but Rishi found in underground deposits was in it's purest and most potent form, for that reason the Duke of Yorkinheim destroyed the villages without warning.

Tonight the Duke was going to drink his fill, take the prettiest girls to bed for tomorrow his plans to overthrow the emperor would begin!, ding! ding! ding! the music stopped and the Great hall went silent as the Duke was about to give yet another speech.

The hall was huge and beautifully decorated with golden chandeliers the size of an elephant, curtains made from the finest quality of cotton adorned the windows, there were tables place opposite each other handmade from the best Oakwood,almost 24ft in length, and coated with fine gold, on top of the tables laid numerous delicacies enough to feed the guests three times over, everyone in attendance held some kind of high ranking position, and if they didn't they were from the wealthy houses in the kingdom.

"My friends!!" the Duke raised his arms as though he wanted to hug his guests, he looked around, enjoying the effect his presence had on these people, an arrogant smile appeared on his face as he continued his speech.

"Tonight we celebrate, tonight we take a step closer to becoming immortals as we have found new mines!".

Loud cheers from the guests interrupted his speech, he allowed himself bask in the glory of that moment, but with a wave of his arm the hall went silent again.

Just as he was about to continue his speech there was a loud crashing sound BOOOOM!!!, louder than the loudest thunderclaps as the roof caved in, and as the dust settled the hooded figure appeared amongst the rubbles.

'Shit, I missed' he was aiming for the person with the most aura which according to his intel was the Duke, but somehow the Duke managed to suppress his aura like he knew an attack was imminent.

Takashi was immediately surrounded by soldiers armed to the teeth,wearing armour made of gold and silver, they were the duke's elite guards, they had their spears pointed at him as they got ready to attack at a moment's notice, unbothered by this Takashi started walking towards the Duke.

"You lucky bastard, tonight your life is mine and I would enjoy every second I kill you slowly In the most painful way imaginable" he said, his killing intent rising with every step he took.

"Have at it little boy!" the Duke said with a wicked and arrogant laugh.

And with that, three guards closest to Takashi attacked, they moved in a well synchronized rhythm each thrusting their spears towards the hooded figure, the first guard aimed for his head, the second for his heart and the third for his penis, why he did that we'll never know as in a twinkle of an eye, all that was left of the guards were their headless bodies still wriggling as life slowly left.

The other guards were taken aback but recovered their composure after a few seconds and attacked, one could tell by their movements that they were indeed worthy of being an elite team.

Takashi released and projected series of ball like flames which detonated like a bomb whenever it made contact with their shields, among the twenty four guards only four were left standing and they were badly injured, they proceeded to bring out some pills from their pouches attached to their waists.

After taking the pills most of their wounds began to heal immediately, returning their strength and vitality and then they attacked again this time using more than twice their normal strength thanks to the pills highly concentrated in Rishi.

"Get him!!" the soldier who seemed to be the head of the guards yelled.

They immediately attacked and kept coming even though the hooded figure was blocking and evading their attacks, where he found an opening he would slash their bodies but they seemed not to mind, they were completely taken over by the power of the pills.

Takashi released the ball like flames again which detonated with even more intensity than the first set, but the drugged guards kept coming even though the force of the explosion sent them flying over the tables, one crashed into the chandelier bringing down a rain of glass shards on top of the screaming guests that had taken cover under the tables and in the corners of the hall.

They attacked again but this time Takashi moved like a blur and in a zig zag pattern he decapitated the four guards, three fell to the ground while the last one kept on running like a headless chicken, before falling at the feet of the Duke, Takashi couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him.

The arrogant smile that had until now appeared on the duke's face vanished, he was getting worried but not scared.

"What is wrong with you boy??, what do you want?" he spat out those words as his arms were shaking from the anger which had begin to replace the worry.

"What do I want?, I told you already that I want your head" Takashi replied and immediately moved at a terrifying speed towards the Duke.

Just as he was about to plunge his sword into the duke's chest, a shadow appeared around the Duke's feet and what seemed like ethereal black hands emerged from it and tugged at the Duke dragging him inside the shadow which disappeared immediately along with the Duke of Yorkinheim.

"Nooooo! come back here you bastard" Takashi yelled as he struck with all his might the spot which the Duke was standing, creating a massive crater in the ground.