
Adopted Soldier

Raised to be the perfect soldier for battle, Alexander had risen to be the youngest S rank Merc. After attaining the strength he so desired, his adoptive father had forcefully made him leave the battlefield. Alex unwilling to acknowledge his retirement was given a mission by his adoptive father. "The mission objective is to find a girl in the public High School you'll be attending and protect her." Triggered by the words mission objective, Alexander who had a 100% completion rate, accepted the conditions of the mission. Follow Alexander in his weird, almost comedic high school life. Alex's father: Hey Alex, did you get to school properly? Alex: Affirmative, I reached the designated place on time. Alex's father: So why did you call? Alex: The target I have picked is situated in classroom 1-B, while I'm in classroom 1-A. Asking permission to threaten the Principal into placing me in classroom 1-B Alex's father: DENIED! ... *This is the first part and there is a second novel called Adopted Soldier 2: Changing tides. *The novel is already completed, I'm just adding some after stories.

lynerparel · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
420 Chs

It is time

Alex who had just finished another one of his grandfather's crazy test was now resting inside the room provided for him. As he was resting Alex tried to sense the changes in his body, he felt that his body was somehow changing, he was once again growing. His current strength was way beyond what it was back when he was still an active merc.

It would seem that not only was his immature body becoming stronger, something else within him had burst out. That crazy f*cking b*stard of a grandfather was actually able to release Alex's full potential. The numerous tests that Alex had endured had push him to his very limits as he needed to go beyond those limits to survive. So after surviving those numerous tests Alex felt that if he grew up a bit more and reached the full potential of his body, he felt like he could breakthrough the shackles of human limitation and reach the realm were Lyner and the other SS rank mercs stood.