
Adopted By The Evil Duke

Leon Viosta the Grand Duke of the Ruby Kingdom is known for his unique looks. His red hair and red eyes are said to be a symbol of blood and death. Thousands of years ago the Viosta bloodline earned the blessing of the god of war, bestowing to them a power so immeasureable that they can wipe an entire kingdom by themselves. Generation after Generation the Viosta only produces an heir with red hair and red eyes thus this features became a symbol to them. A symbol of having a power of a god. Because of this many became jealous of the Viosta blood. Many Nobles wanted the blessings of the god of war for themselves and others feel threaten by the Viostas, having too much power install fear in them, so while many wanted the Viosta blood in their family many also wanted to illiminate them. Leon Viosta lived his life being the well known 'Beast' of the kingdom, his dark power, manacing aura and murderous stares is enough to make people bow down at his feet. As the only living Viosta decendants, Leon Viosta have no intention of getting married more less having a child. He was dead set on being the last Viosta on history..... Well thats what he thought..... Until he heard a news from the Emperor about a child having the same red hair and red eyes as him living in an orphanage. Leon didnt believe the Emperor at first, he knew for a fact that he doesnt have a secret child or a secret lover. He's been celibate his whole life so its impossible to have a child with the same red hair and eyes as him. But when he saw the child he was dumfounded at how she resembles him so much but.......... in girl form. The first time he saw the girl he was intrigued, her animalistic instinct and braveness to stare at him straight in the eyes caught his attention. So he decided to adopt the girl, and name her Leonna Viosta. Now another Viosta has been born, will the other nobles stay quiet knowing that another generation of Viosta will dominate the world? Who is Leonna Viosta? How and why does she has red hair and red eyes? Is she even a true Viosta or is she fake? Who is her mother? What's her identity and what does the Emperor has to do with her? The more Leon investigate Leonna's past to uncover her identity the more questions appear rather than answers. Join this father-daughter duo in uncovering the secrets that the kingdom is hiding from them and their journey to conquering the world! - Author's Note. Photo not mine, credits goes to the owner (Saw it on pinterest. Willing to take it down if said) Thank you! mwah.

MissCringeyAuthor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Chapter 11

"Your grace! Sebastian has arrive!" Winston yelled in a panic as soon as he entered Leon's room.

Sebastian Beuer is the Viosta's personal doctor he's known for his exceptional skills in medicine and healing magic, many nobles tried to scout Sebastian to work for them even the Imperial family tried to hire him to work for the palace but he refused them all, he was adamant to not to work for anyone besides the duke.

"Let him in." Leon said blankly staring at Leonna's unconscious body.

When Sebastian entered the room he immediately felt cold as ice, the room was dark and and almost completely destroyed. Shattered glass everywhere, the walls was full of holes and the furnitures were all scattered and broken.

Leon's black mist has covered not just the entire room but the entire kingdom! this is one of the reason why Sebastian practically flew back to the Viosta mansion.

"Master, I have return as fast as I could." Sebastian said standing infront of the door.

From the corner of the room a bright golden colored eyes stared at him in a glaring way, it sent chills in every bone in his body.

Sebastian was apprehensive in going inside the room because he has never saw Leon this angry before.

Leon's eyes are normally red in color but when ever he uses his powers immensely his eyes changes color to golden yellow.

"Do whatever it takes to wake her up." Leon said he didnt look at him, he just sat at the side of the bed staring at the child laying in it.

Sebastian walk towards the bed to get a closer look at the child, the first time he heard about the duke bringing in a child was three weeks ago when Winston sent him a letter ordering him to come back immediately.

When he heard from Winston about the duke's child needing medical attention, he immediately set his journey back to the dukedom. Aside from that he couldn't believe that the duke has a child, he knew he just have to see the child for himself.

When Sebastian got closer to the bed, only then did he saw the physical appearance of the child.

He's shock to say the least when he saw her tiny body covered in bruises and scars, but thats not what shock him the most its the fact that the child looks exactly like the Grand Duke!

[s#%! just cut her hair short and its practically the duke in child form!]

"Your grace, I'll start by extracting the poison out." Sebastian said. Leon nodded in response holding Leonna's hand.

Winston briefly stated that the child was poison given to her by one of her maids. He doesn't know what kind of poison it was but truth be told he doesnt need to know.

Sebastian put his hands above Leonna's body, he chanted a spell and from his hands a light green magical force came out.

The magical force is liquid in form, it has no definitive shape but you can see it and control it however you like.

Sebastian gently covered Leonna's body with his healing power and in just a matter of seconds Leonna's scars and bruises is gone.

Sebastian smiled seeing the scarless and bruise free body of Leonna.

[Now for the posion...] Sebastian thought.

The magic green liquid entered Leonna's body through her nose and mouth but before the healing magic could even get to the very core of her body a sudden bright yellow light emerge from Leonna's body..

"What's happening?!" Leon shouted.

Before Sebastian could even comprehend what's happening this light yellow aura keeps getting brighter and brighter until it exploded and sent him and Leon flying accross the room.


"Leonna!!" Leon yelled, he quickly got up and look to see of Leonna's ok.

Her body is still glowing.

Sebastian is still on the ground trying to get up. "She pushed my powers out..."

"What?!" Leon glared at him, he grabbed his neck with his black mist and lifted him off the ground.

"Augh! uggg!" Sebastian choked.

"Your grace! please let him explain first!" Winston said trying to help Sebastian to get the mist out of his neck.


Leon yelled and threw Sebastian accross the room, making him banged his entire body on the wall before falling to the ground.

"Explain." Leon glared.

Sebastian cough a few times while holding his neck before answering.

"She pushed my powers out of her body your grace!"

"Pushed your powers?" Leon asked confusely.

"There's something inside of her thats blocking my healing powers."

"Then what about the poison inside her?!"

"Let me try one more time your grace!" Sebastian stated, Leon looked at him menacingly.

"Fine. But if this doesnt work youre dead."

Sebastian gulp in nervousness. He went to Leonna once again who is still laying in bed unconscious.

Her body stopped glowing so Sebastian put his hands on top of Leonna's body once again but this time he used a different kind of spell.

A spell that scan your whole body, its vastly use for scanning what kind of poison is inside a person's body.

"If I cant extract the poison out directly, we just have to make an antidote." Sebastian stated.

Sebastian knitted his brows when he saw the poison inside her body slowly vanishing like its being burned from the inside out.

"What? what do you see?" Leon asked anxiously.

"Her body is eating up the poison." Sebastian stumbled he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Her body is healing itself from the poison your grace. Its like there's something inside her body that protects her from poisons. I've never seen anything like it! "

"Your grace, have you tried extracting the poison yourself using your mist?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, but it didnt work my mist is not like your healing powers. Her body didn't reject my mist but I couldnt go further because it might kill her if my black mist continued to stay longer inside of her." Leon answered, he sigh in frustration.

"This is something new, its like her body has this shield inside of her that prohibit any kind of magic from going inside her.... well except yours." Sebastian said.

"Are you sure that the poison is healing from the inside? she's not trained to be immune to poisons like me."

"Im sure your grace! I have never seen anything like it. Her body is protected from the inside."

"Then why isn't she waking up?" Leon is still skeptical about Leonna having unque ability but at the same time he's frustrated and Sebastian and Winston can see it.

"we have to investigate this as soon as possible your grace." Sebastian answered.

Leon screamed in desperation he grabbed one of the chair at his side and threw it accross the room.

"Get out..." Leon ordered, he was destraut. For the first time in his life he felt hopeless, he couldn't do anything.

A feeling so foreign to him that he didnt know how to react but lash out in anger.

He stared at Leonna. "Wake up little cub, youre scaring me."

Leon caressed Leonna's cheeks before clenching his fist in anger. "Wait for me here. I'll avenge you little cub, I'll make sure they experience hell from me before they experience it from the devil."

With that in mind Leon went out of the room, outside Winston and Sebastian was waiting at the stairs.

"Both of you come with me."

"Where are we going your grace?" Winston asked.

"To the dungeon." Leon said with a stoic face, the three of them made their way to the dungeon.

"Im itching to kill them all."


[End of Chapter]