
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 8

But he didn't come back until after 9 p.m. Ling is still worried about something. He is afraid of something unexpected. However, he doesn't have a mobile phone on him, which makes her unable to contact even if she wants to make a phone call.

Ling still simply walked out of the rental house, came to the main gate of the community, and kept looking around, hoping to see the figure she expected soon.

I don't know how long, she finally saw the familiar figure towards this side.

"Ah Jin!" She was relieved to see the figure approaching.

Yi Jin looks at the figure running towards him, and can't help but feel a little shocked.

He watched her run to him, gasping slightly. Her face was red with cold, but her apricot eyes were bright.

"Great, you're back at last." She said.

"Sister, are you... Waiting for me?" He looked at her and asked, fingers gently across her cheek, the cold seeped into his fingertips, it seems that she should have been waiting outside for some time.

"Yes, I'm worried that you didn't come back so late. Fortunately, you are back in peace. " She said with a smile.

His eyes light slightly flow, she is worried about ah Jin, not Yi Jinli of Yi group, just don't know if she knows he is Yi Jinli in the future, but she will be so worried about him.

Lift the lip angle, he said, "the flyer is late, and elder sister's hand is cold. I will help elder sister warm it." He said, holding her cold hands in his hands, he gathered them in the palm of his hand, learning from her last appearance, and rubbing the palm against the back of her hand.

Ling still felt that the palm of his hand was getting warm. It was so cold, but... It was so warm.

"Ah Jin, it's nice to have you." She murmured.

"Then elder sister remembers this sentence. I hope I don't regret saying it in the future."

"I will never regret it." She said, "well, my hands are warm. Let's go back to the house. I'll reheat the food." She led him into the community, and did not notice that at the corner of the street at the entrance of the community, there was a black car.

At the moment, Gao Congming in the car can't believe what he saw just now. Yi ye... Is actually warming a woman's hand... Er, that move just now should be called warm hand.

He has never seen Yi ye do such a thing to any woman, even Hao Meiyu, who was Yi Ye's fiancee.

But now, Yi Ye actually does this to Ling, who is still the cause of Hao Meiyu's accident!

Then, thinking of the scene that Yi ye went to the gate of the club and then Ling was drunk, Gao Congming felt that his head was not enough.

What do ye Yi think? And Ling is still, in Yi Ye's heart, how much position does he occupy?

The next day, when Gao Congming reported to Yi Jinli about his schedule and work in the president's office, he could not help but glance at her hand.

Yi Jin's hands are very beautiful. Her fingers are long and her bones are clear. Even Gao Congming, who is a man, thinks her boss's hands are really beautiful.

Gao Congming once saw these hands holding other people's necks mercilessly, which almost killed that person. He could also let the dripping blood flow all over his hands, making people tremble and get goose bumps.

But I have never seen this hand to warm another hand, especially that the owner of the two hands is a woman who has been in prison.

"What happened to my hand?" The voice of Yi Jin suddenly rings in Gao Congming's ear.

"Ah, nothing." Gao Congming returned to his senses and quickly looked away and handed an invitation to Yi Jinli. "This is the invitation from the Hao family. The Hao family and the Xiao family are married. Two weeks later, Hao Yimeng will be engaged to Xiao Ziqi. Chairman Hao hopes you can attend."

"Engagement?" Yi Jin glances at the invitation.

He naturally understood the intention of the invitation sent by the Hao family. After all, Hao Meiyu, the eldest daughter of the Hao family, who had died, was his fiancee, while Xiao Ziqi and Ling, who had caused the accident, were still boyfriend and girlfriend. The Hao family wanted to see his attitude, "then go and have a look."

Gao Congming wrote it down.

In the afternoon, Gao Congming accompanied Yi Jin to a private hospital in the city. Those who can enter the hospital are usually not rich but expensive.

Gao Congming stood outside the ward. Yi Jin pushed open the door of the ward and walked in slowly.

Gao Congming knew that the old man who was in the ward at the moment had been powerful. He wanted wind and rain in the deep city, but his only son left home for a woman.

Many years later, it was only a handful of ashes and a child who came back to the Yi family.

In the ward, Yi Jinli looks at the old man on the sickbed, the man he should call Grandpa. He is wearing a sick suit and has some drips on the back of his hand. His body is getting weaker and weaker. He looks a little thin."Here you are." Old Yi looked at his only grandson.

"Well, here I am." Yi Jin said goodbye.

The grandparents and grandchildren face each other quietly, and they seem to be familiar with this "Silence".

After a long time, the old man Yi broke the silence. "I heard the Secretary say that the Hao family and the Xiao family are going to get married?" Even though the old man was in hospital, his secretary would report some important things to him every day.

"Two weeks later, I'm engaged. I've sent an invitation." Yi Jin leaves the way.

"Are you going?"

"Why not?" He asked in reply.

Yi's eyes suddenly stared at his grandson. After a long time, he suddenly smiled, "OK, OK, you are not like your father."

Since the death of Hao Meiyu, in the past three years, his grandson has not been associated with any more women, and Yi Laozi once worried that his grandson would be like his son. For a woman, he would be deeply immersed in emotion, and then he would be unable to accept the marriage of the Hao and Xiao families.

After all, Xiao Ziqi's ex girlfriend was the one who killed Hao Meiyu.

Yi Jin naturally understood what the old man meant by "not like". "Yes, I'm not him and I won't be like him."

Old man Yi suddenly grabbed Yi Jin's wrists, wrinkly fingers, and grabbed them as if with all his strength. "Remember what you said today, never learn from him. If he would have listened to me, he would not have..."

old man Yi gnashed his teeth, and there was a flash of hatred in his eyes. The fingers were on each other's wrists, and he pinched them With deep red marks.

Yi Jin left as if she couldn't feel the pain at all, and a smile of mockery was slowly raised at the corner of her lips. He will not pay all of his own for a woman, and will not be humble to the dust for a woman.