
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 6

"I don't need your favor." Ling still said.

With the strength of wine, he rushes directly to Ling and shakes his hand. "I want you to drink, you have to drink. Now it's just a down-to-earth situation. What can I do for you?"

He said, holding the bottle directly, he poured it into Ling's mouth.

Ling still wants to push away the other side, but the strength of a man is much greater than that of a woman. What's more, Ling Luoyin works as a helper nearby.

He's very appreciative of Ling Luoyin's help. "Luoyin, you're still sensible. I'll talk to the director when I come back to add a play for you."

Ling Luoyin naturally worked harder. "Thank you, deputy director he. My sister is not sensible. Please forgive me."

Ling still doesn't know how much wine she's been filled with. She doesn't drink well. At the moment, the whole person just feels a little tipsy. She is almost trying to control her remaining consciousness, "I... I want to go back..."

"OK, I will take you back later." He's still holding Ling's eyes full of desire and hope.

The woman in front of me is not so much of a natural beauty, but when I think of this woman, who used to be Xiao's girlfriend, he's assistant director can't help but get excited.

At this time, he's cell phone rings.

Originally, he wanted to cut off the phone directly, but when he saw the caller ID, he still picked it up. Who let the director call.

In particular, the director is still his eldest brother, and he also relies on the eldest brother to get into the position of deputy director.

Just after picking up the mobile phone for a while, deputy director he suddenly woke up like a drunk. His face became pale, and even his breathing became short.

"How can it be... How can it be? She, she... She is just an environmental sanitation worker, without any background. Even if her former boyfriend was Xiao Ziqi, Xiao Ziqi now has a fiancee, and doesn't care about her at all." Otherwise, how can I make my ex girlfriend become an environmental sanitation worker?

"In a word, you can't touch this woman, and you need to let her leave peacefully. You know, this is the boss of the company calling me directly. He told me that if there's something wrong with this woman tonight, the cast will be dissolved tomorrow. As for you, don't want to stay in Shenzhen any more." Director he said that when he thought of the solemn warning of the manager just now, he felt very sad.

"How is it possible to invest several hundred million yuan? To be dissolved? " Deputy director he couldn't believe it and said, "who is this woman?"

"How do I know? In a word, you're the one who caused the trouble. If you dare to touch her hair, I'll see how I clean you up!" Director he said fiercely, "how is she now? Is she OK?"

He's ready to cry without tears. He doesn't dare to say that he has slapped Ling and poured half a bottle of red wine.

Ling is still staggering to open the door of the box and walk out. Ling Luoyin wants to stop him and sacrifice a half sister, as long as she can be red.

What she didn't expect was that he rushed up and slapped her hard. Ling Luoyin stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Stop what!" Deputy director he hates lingluoyin. If it wasn't for this woman, he would have caused this?!

Ling Luoyin was shocked to see that he assistant director opened the door respectfully, and let Ling still walk out of the box. "He assistant director, you are..."

"do you want to kill me? Who is your sister? Who's behind her? " He asked in a harsh voice.

Ling Luoyin is at a loss, big man? Is there a big man behind Ling still? Why doesn't she know?!

Ling is still staggering out of the box at this time. The effect of alcohol has made her false and blurred her vision.

To go back... To go back quickly. Otherwise, it's dangerous to get drunk outside like her!

Her reason was desperately telling her to go home, but her body seemed to be disobedient.

Where to... Where to go... Where to...

a blur of figure, into her eyes, the figure... But give her a familiar sense of peace, as if as long as the figure, she is safe.

Ling still walked towards the figure step by step. Finally, she came to the figure and looked up at each other. Her eyes were almost out of focus, but her lips showed a relieved smile. "A Jin..."

at the next moment, her eyelids, which she had been holding, finally closed and her body fell down.

An arm catches her falling body. Yi Jin is staring at the hunchback cheek of the man in her arms. Her fingers caress the obvious beaten mark on her cheek. There is some coldness in her eyes.

"Lord Yi." Gao Congming put away his mobile phone and said carefully what he had just learned. "Miss Ling should have been filled with some red wine and slapped.""Is it? Whoever hits her will lose her hand. " Yi Jin leaves the road and directly picks Ling up and sits back in the car.

Gao Congming and Yilin, is it because Ling is still ahead? Even if Yiye's fiancee died, Yiye didn't do half of the work for each other. Now, for the person who was responsible for the accident in that year...

in the car, yijinli only felt the scar on her cheek, which was dazzling. Obviously, she is just a game for him, but why does he feel so unhappy when he sees her hurt by someone?

Is it compassion? Once upon a time, did he have sympathy for people?


when Ling still wakes up, what he sees is the ceiling of the rental house and... A familiar face.

"Ah Jin!" Ling still jerked himself up, but his head hurt. She suddenly took a breath and said, "why am I back? I am clearly at the club... "

the scenes in the box before were replayed in her mind, and her face gradually became ugly.

"I saw sister a coming out at the gate of the club and brought her back." Yi Jin leaves the way.

"But I didn't tell you I went there."

"When sister answered the phone, I heard the address nearby." He said, "sister, would you like some water? Maybe it will be more comfortable. "

He handed her a glass of warm water and she took a few sips, which made her feel more comfortable.

"I didn't do anything strange when I was drunk, did I?" She couldn't help asking.