
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 51


In the evening, Ling still went back to the rental room. He was having dinner with Yi Jin when he knocked at the door.

Ling is still a little surprised. Usually she doesn't have anyone knocking at the door. Is it her father, stepmother and sister who have come back?!

Just when she opened the door, she accidentally saw Guo Xinli standing outside.

Guo Xinli is wearing a black cotton padded clothes, his face is slightly red. Seeing Ling still, he seems to be a little embarrassed. "I..." he just wants to open his mouth, but when he sees Yi Jin who is still behind Ling, he stops suddenly and seems to hesitate.

Yi Jin is staring at the man standing outside the house. This man, he remembers, is Ling still a colleague of the environmental sanitation office. It seems that he is still interested in her.

"Why, are you looking for sister a?" Yi Jin asked.

"I... I have something to talk to alone." Guo Xinli blushed, then looked at Ling and said, "still, is that ok?"

Yi Jin frowns slightly from her brow, and the address of "still" spits out from the other side's mouth makes him feel a little harsh.

Ling is still about to answer, Yi Jin has cut in, "what can't I talk about here?"

"This..." Guo Xinli hesitated.

Ling still said, "if you have anything, just say it."

"Still, I... I want to say that I don't mind that you have been in prison. I really like you. I hope you can be my girlfriend. I... I can wait, as long as you don't like people, I can wait. " He said in a breath, as if he had summoned all the courage to say it.

Ling was still in a daze. He didn't expect that the other side would say such a thing.

"I also know that I am just a little driver now, but I will try my best to earn money to support my family. I just hope I can give you happiness." Guo Xinli finished, and did not wait for Ling to still talk, he left a sentence, "you can think about it," and left quickly.

Ling was still staring at each other's back, until one of her arms was around her waist, pulled her whole body into the room, and then slammed the door, which made her come back to her mind.

"How do you..."

her voice is not down, he has put her whole person on the door, leaning down, dark eyes, fixed staring at her, "what is elder sister thinking?"

"Nothing." She said that the distance between the two was so close that she was at a loss. "Let go of your hand."

But he turned a deaf ear, but his face was closer to her, and his lips brushed her ears gently. "Is sister moved by what the man said just now?"

Moved? She didn't know, but the accident was certain. After all, she thought that Guo Xinli would give up after knowing that she had been in prison.

But unexpectedly, he came to her house and said these words.

In this world, there are too few people who have been in prison with ordinary eyes.

Her silence, however, made his brow furrow and disliked her thinking of another man, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.