
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 3

"Hungry? I'll get you something to eat. " She said she didn't see him eating when she was sweeping the road today.

Ling still took noodles, eggs, and simply burned a bowl of noodles to each other in an electromagnetic oven.

"Here, eat, but don't eat too fast, it will burn your mouth." She said.

He lowered his head and ate the noodles quietly. Ling still looks at each other quietly. Somehow, the loneliness that used to come back to the rental room seems to be gone. Is it because there is another person here?

After the man finished eating, Ling still cleaned up. "Don't mind if I sleep with the light on at night." She said that since she was released from prison, she had the habit of turning on the light to sleep.

The man answered.

Ling is still in bed, while the man is on the mat she laid on the ground.

She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep. She was afraid of falling asleep.

Because once she falls asleep, she always dreams about the scenes in prison, such as beating, abusing, tormenting... And the pain that every inch of her finger is broken when she is born and pulled out 10 nails...

even many times, she thinks she will die in prison.

But strangely, she slept till dawn, and did not have nightmares as usual.

Ling still looked at the figure lying on the bed.

Is it because of his relationship? Because she is not alone in this room, but there is another person... Accompanying her?

She couldn't help walking out of bed, squatting down, almost couldn't help but stick her hand on his cheek and feel the temperature coming from her heart.

He is a real person, not her imagination. Last night, she really led a person into her rental room.

When she came back to her senses, she found that he did not know when he woke up. Those beautiful eyes were looking at her.

"I'm sorry." Her face suddenly turned red. "I... I just... That... If you don't have a place to go, you can live here."

She said in a hurry, but after saying it, she felt relieved.

In his Obsidian pupil, there was a trace of surprise in her red face.

"If you don't want to, think I didn't say anything." She bit her lip.

His thin lips finally slowly opened, "do you want me?" It sounds like a cold spring in winter.

If other men said this, it would be like flirting.

But speaking from his mouth, it's just like asking a "want" or "don't" question, without any ambiguity, even his eyes are calm.

Ling still sipped his lips. "Well, I want to." This is her answer.

He stared at her, and then his thin lips slowly began to smile, "that's good."

This is the first time she saw him smile, although very shallow, very light, but... Very beautiful.

Ling still went to work, leaving 20 yuan for the man to buy his own food.

When the man left the rental room, someone was waiting outside. When he saw the man coming out, he respectfully said, "Lord Yi."

"Let's go." Yi Jin is away from the light tunnel.

A black Benz car was parked in front of her. Yi Jin left the car and looked at the 20 yuan in her hand. How many years, no one had ever paid him that, and it was still 20 yuan.

"Ye Yi, the woman who was with you last night is a contract worker of the environmental sanitation Institute. She rented her current residence here a month ago, and she was just released from prison two months ago."

Gao Congming, Yi Jin's personal secretary for many years, began to report the information he found as soon as he got on the bus.

"In prison?"

"Yes, her name is Ling still. It's the man who killed Miss Hao Meiyu three years ago, Xiao Ziqi's ex girlfriend. She was sentenced to three years in prison and her lawyer's license was revoked. " Gao Congming said, carefully observing the expression of his boss.

"Ling is still..." in Yi Jin's mouth, she whispered the name, and her thin lips raised a playful smile. "It's interesting."

At the beginning of the marriage with the Hao family, it was only because Hao Meiyu was determined to marry him and was a good marriage partner. If he was destined to marry a woman in his life, then Hao Meiyu was also a good choice.

Just unexpectedly, Hao Meiyu died in a car accident.

This Ling is still, if he knew the relationship between Hao Meiyu and him, what expression would he show?

For the first time in many years, a woman took him by the hand and brought him into her apartment. She said in a slightly trembling but affirmative voice that she wanted him.

"Cong Ming, what kind of woman do you want to be worthy of me?" Yi Jin flies from the sky."Ah?" Gao Congming didn't know how to answer for a moment, "it should be to see what kind of woman you want."

Yi Jin leaves light one basks in the sun, "turn round to put Ling's data still on my desk."

"Yes." Gao Cong says that Yi Ye is still interested in Ling?

At work, Ling still received a phone call from her father, asking her to go home, saying that since she was out of prison, she would go home and give Zhu Xiang to her dead mother.

Ling is still a little worried. Since she was in prison, her family has been eager to break away from her. In the past three years, she has been visited from the prison in the future. It's like she has nothing to do with that family.

Her biological mother died early, at the age of three.

Three months later, the father married his stepmother, who gave birth to a daughter, named Ling Luoyin.

At a very young age, Ling still knew that her father's and stepmother's heart was biased, so she tried to make herself sensible and let her return to the exam to get a good place.

From small to large, her reading has never been a worry, and gradually, her father is also willing to show off a good reading daughter in front of others.

When she and Xiao Ziqi became boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe it was the most beautiful time for her at home. Her father regarded her as a glory, and her stepmother asked her questions, and even her half sister courted her.

She understood that these were due to the relationship between Xiao Ziqi and the few owners of Xiao group. But at that time, she always expected to get a real affection.

But a car accident, but let her understand, all is her wishful thinking.

At the moment, at Ling's home, Ling still listens to Fang cuie, her stepmother, saying that Ling Luoyin has finally entered the performing arts circle, but if she wants to mix up a better role, she needs all kinds of playing.

"Still, you know we don't have much money, but your sister needs money now, or... Lend some money to the family first, and then your sister will become a big star, and pay you back when she makes a lot of money." Fangcui'e is painstaking.

"I have no money." Ling still only said these three words.

Fang cuie's expression was stiff, then she smiled a little. "You don't have money, but Xiao Ziqi has money. When you first got in touch with him, he broke up as soon as you had an accident. Shouldn't he make up for you?"

"Aunt Xiao, you and your father still have a falling voice. Isn't that why I hide far away when something happens to me?" Ling still said.

Ling's father, Ling Guozhi, said angrily, "why, are you looking at the old accounts now? If you hadn't killed someone, your sister would have been the heroine, and now she has become a big star! "

Ling is still laughing at lingluoyin. At the beginning, lingluoyin was chosen as the heroine because the drama was invested by Xiao group. Xiao Ziqi pointed out that lingluoyin should be the heroine.

Later, she broke up with Xiao Ziqi, and Ling Luoyin's heroine naturally disappeared.

"Sister, are you still complaining that when you were in prison, we didn't do anything for you?" Lingluo's voice is quiet.

"But you offended the Hao family and Yi Jin at the beginning! At the beginning, the Xiao family were afraid to let you and Xiao Ziqi divide their hands. What can our family do? If at that time, we really stood by your side and helped you to fight a lawsuit, then it's not only you, but also the whole family offended the Hao family and Yi Jinli. How can ordinary families like us bear their anger and revenge? "

"It makes sense." Ling still suddenly smiled and looked directly at Ling Luoyin. "But since you can't share weal and woe with me, why should I pay for your wealth?"