
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 2

Damn it! At present, this man is just an ordinary passer-by. Even in this dress, he is obviously a poor man. How could he feel this.

Sun tengyang spat and shook his fist to beat him.

As a result, in a flash of summer, he had been trampled on by others. His face on one side was clinging to the ground, and he was extremely cowardly.

The other two men came to help the man who suddenly appeared.

Next, Ling still saw only one-sided abuse, which can even be called a tyranny.

In a secluded corner of the road not far away, there is a car parked. Gao Congming on the car looks at the background in front of him and mumbles, "don't go crazy, ye Yi!"

If ye Yi starts to go crazy, it's not surprising that he knows what kind of consequences will happen that day, even if there are real human lives.

Once upon a time, Gao Congming saw Yiye crazy once, and then... He felt that he would never want to see him again in his life.

Tonight, the road is clearly closed. Who knows that these five people and a Ferrari will suddenly break into here and disturb Yi Ye's cleanness.

You know, on this day of every year, Yi ye will seal the whole road, wear old clothes and stay alone.

No one dares to ask why. It's like a taboo.

Even though Gao Congming has been with Yi Jin for several years, he doesn't know why he did it?

At the moment, when Gao Congming looks at his boss directly carrying the slightly fat man and pressing his head against the wall over and over again, he doesn't know whether he should stop him or not.

At this time, suddenly, the boss of his family stopped. Gao Congming blinked in surprise to make sure that it was the woman who was almost violated who said something. Yi stopped.

Ling still said, "if we fight again, we will die."

"So what?" Yi Jin from bow, cold stare at is difficult to climb up from the ground Ling still.

Ling is still stunned, until now, she can really see this man.

It was a beautiful face, straight nose, thin and shapeless lip. His facial features were extremely delicate, but at the moment, there was no expression on this face.

The peachblossy eyes under the Liu Hai can even be described by stillness at the moment, just like human life is nothing to him, he doesn't care about other people's life, and he doesn't care about his own life!

Ling still took a deep breath, "it's not worth going to jail for such a person."

He stared at her in silence. A moment later, he released his finger. Sun tengyang felt like he had picked up a life, but could not care about the blood on his face. He got on the car with three other companions and ran away.

In the car, sun tengyang grinned, "when I find someone, I have to make this kid look good!"

And the woman who has been silent, her pupil suddenly tightens, remembering why she thinks that man is a little familiar. When she attended the banquet before, she had seen him from afar. The man is... "It's Yi Jinli, just that man, it's Yi Jinli!"

The other three looked at her in surprise, "Yi Jin is away? The richest man in Shenzhen, Yi Jin, leaves? How can it be?! "

"But... It's really the same as Yi Jin." Said the girl timidly.

The four people looked at each other with the same paleness...


Ling still looked at the man in front of him and said, "just now... Thank you."

"Why not ask for help?" He stared at her and suddenly asked.

"I thought you couldn't beat them, so I didn't think it was necessary to have another one." She said.

He said nothing more, but went to the other side and sat with his back against the wall.

Is this man... Not going home? In the current weather, the temperature will be minus 10 degrees at night. If I stay here all night, I don't know if the man will be alive by tomorrow morning!

Thinking that the other side saved her just now, Ling still raised her feet and walked towards the other side.

"Don't you go back? What about your family? Do you have a phone number? I can make a phone call for your family to pick you up. " Standing in front of the man, Ling still said.

The other side slowly raised his head, the pair with a touch of dead peach blossom eyes, and looked at her, but still did not answer her words.

Ling still had a sudden sense of silence.

For a moment, she seemed to see herself in prison.

At that time, everything was gray for her. Even if she lived, she just lived without hope.

"If you don't have a place to go, come with me." This sentence came out of her mouth.

————Ling still didn't think of how he dared to take a strange man back to his house on impulse.

Maybe it's because the man saved her, or... The man made her seem to see her who was in prison.

"This is where I live. If you don't mind, I'll put a mat on the floor for you later." Ling still said.

Seeing that the other side didn't say a word, Ling still turned out a new towel and a new toothbrush and handed them to the other side, "you can go to the bathroom to wash, but I don't have any clothes for you here. Don't get your clothes wet later."

When the man entered the bathroom, Ling still began to lay a mat and took out a spare quilt.

This rental room is not big, with a flat area of more than ten years. It's a small apartment with an independent bathroom.

When the man came out, he was still wearing his original clothes, but his hair was wet and obviously over washed.

Looking at the man's flowing hair, Ling still picked up a towel and said, "you bend down."

The other side looked at her.

"I just want to wipe your hair. There's no other harm." She said, "your hair is so wet. It's easy to catch cold if you don't dry it."

His eyes fixed on her, and after a while he said, "do you care about me?" The cool voice is very pleasant.

"Yes." Ling still didn't avoid each other's sight. "Since I brought you back, I don't want you to be sick."

His lashes quivered slightly, and he bent down slowly.

Ling still covered his hair with a towel and wiped it. "What's your name?"

Silence for a long time, he finally spit out two words, "a Jin."

"Ah Jin." Ling is still reading the name, which should be a small name, right? "My name is Ling still, where do you live, family?"

"I have no family." He said.

Her movements were fleeting. Was he alone? That's why you're on the street?

And she, though she has family, is like no family. The only difference is maybe that she has rented such a place.

"It looks like we are." She gave him a wry smile and went on wiping his hair.

When the hair is almost wiped, she puts down the towel and takes the comb to comb his hair.

When his bangs are combed back and his forehead is full, Ling still finds that he is actually better looking than she thought.

Delicate facial features, with the three-dimensional depth rarely seen by Oriental people, especially his eyes, looking at her at the moment, not as empty as before, as if a little more inquiry.