
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 1

The nails were torn by the cold tweezers, and the sharp pain was like a beast with a big mouth open, devouring her completely.

Several women in prison clothes, under the pressure of a struggling woman, the body of the woman is thin, the same wearing a prison clothes.

Ling is still watching his nails peel away from the skin one by one. The blood is flowing at the fingertips, mixing with the stinking mildew in the cell. It's disgusting.

"The best new lawyer of the year is nothing more than mud." The cold and mean voice sounded on Ling's head.

She raised her head desperately and looked at the charming face in front of her eyes. Who could have thought that the famous stars in the film and television circle were as pure as white lotus in the eyes of others, but they were so poisonous.

"Hao Yimeng, why?" She asked in a trembling voice.

"You killed my sister, and you have the face to ask why?" Hao Yimeng said with a sneer. His lips were cold and his eyes were very sinister.

"Not me... I am wronged!" She said difficultly, shaking her head constantly, and the sweat of pea came out of her body constantly. The beautiful and lovely face was almost changed because of the pain.

Hao Yimeng only lightly ordered the man who started, "continue to pull."

As soon as she had finished speaking, the man who started the work speeded up.

However, in just a minute, Ling's nails were all pulled out, and the bright red liquid rushed out of the bloody wound and dyed the prison cement.

Ling was still convulsed by pain, but he still wanted to straighten his body. His black eyes looked at the man standing beside Hao Yimeng.

That's her ex boyfriend! The man who said he would protect her for life.

Once upon a time, her fingers were accidentally pricked, and he would be in love for half a day, but now, he is watching her nails being pulled out one by one.

"Zi... Ziqi..." she almost shouted at each other, "please... Believe me..."

he is still the same as before, a suit of suits, but only those black eyes, when looking at her, there is only haze and indifference.

"Ziqi, you don't want to sympathize with this woman. She killed my sister's murderer! I just want my sister to close her eyes. "

Hao Yimeng holds the man's arm affectionately, and the cruel expression becomes a kind of touching and pitiful when facing the man.

"It's all her fault. There's no need for sympathy." Xiao Ziqi gently stroked Hao Yimeng's well maintained hair. "You can do it as you want."

It's like the bloody woman on the ground, just an object.

Ling's eyes are still wide!

Do what you want?!


This once held her in the palm of the man, now to her, but only a self inflicted.

I don't know where the strength came from, she suddenly broke away from the person who pressed her body, struggling to climb forward, trying to get close to the man.

"Ziji, I don't know what happened to the car accident... I didn't drive drunk that day. It was Hao Meiyu's car... Hit me..."


Her left hand, which had no nails, was heavily trampled on the ground by a foot, and the back of her hand was in deep pain.

But these, all can't reach the sharp pain in the heart at the moment.

She raised her head hard and looked at Xiao Ziqi, who was treading on her left hand with leather shoes. He could not believe it. He would never reach this level.

The pain came from her hands. She took a deep breath. Her voice was like being run over by the sand. "Have you ever loved me?"

"The most regretful thing in my life is to find you as my girlfriend." Xiao Ziqi said in an extremely cold voice.

"Ziqi, let's discard her hands. It's her hands that drove the car and killed my sister." Hao began to dream.

The next moment, she heard him say "OK!"

Then there was the sound of broken bones, with severe pain, bursting in her body like...


"ah!" Ling still opened her eyes abruptly, only to find that she had dreamt about what happened in the prison.

She looked down at her calloused hands. After three years in prison, her hands were no longer as delicate and smooth as they used to be.

Although the nails of ten fingers have grown out, her hands are still hurt.

At that time, the finger bones were broken one by one, only relying on the bone's self-healing is not completely wasted, but the finger joints seem to be a little twisted, and many fine movements, she can't do it well.

When it's cold and wet, the fingers are more painful.Sometimes the pain is so bad that I would like to chop my hand off to get rid of it.

In a car accident that year, she was charged with drunk driving and killed Hao Meiyu, not only the eldest daughter of Hao family, but also the fiancee of Yi Jin, who was covering the sky in Shenzhen.

After that, she defected, was driven out of the house, and finally sentenced to three years in prison.

Standing up, Ling still picked up the cleaning tools on one side.

She was wearing the fluorescent work clothes of sanitation workers, and her beautiful face was slightly red because of the cold weather. Under a pair of apricot eyes, she had a beautiful nose and a light pink lip. Her long hair was simply tied into a ponytail.

If you only look at her face, you will feel like a college student just out of campus. But her eyes, instead of the youthful vigor of the young people, seemed to be a little gloomy.

Today, she was on night shift. She just had a rest in the sanitation center and almost missed her working time.

When she was about to leave, she heard a colleague looking at the mobile phone news and saying, "Hey, Xiao Ziqi and Hao Yimeng are engaged. Hao Yimeng's life is so good. He is a big star and miss Qianjin. Now he is married to the same Xiao family."

Ling is still a body suddenly a shock, then hurried out of the sanitation.

Xiao Ziqi, Hao Yimeng, these two names, for her, are like the pain of carving a bone.

On the night of January, it was cold. Ling still swept away and swept the road. The bone on the hand, again because of the cold weather, and the bursts of pain.

Just bear it and it's over! Ling still said to herself in her heart, now she is an environmental sanitation worker, even taking painkillers has become a luxury.

When Ling was still sweeping the road, suddenly, a Ferrari stopped in front of Ling.

Three men and one woman got off the bus. Obviously, all four of them had drunk. One of them looked at Ling still with some intoxication and said, "Yo, who should I be? It's our girlfriend of Xiao family."

Ling's face is still white. The man in front of her, she recognized, is a rich second generation. When she was with Xiao Ziqi, she used to act on her and was scolded by her.

"Aren't you a barrister? Why sweep the road here? " Sun tengyang asked the tunnel.

The other man on the other side said with a laugh, "of course, because she has been in prison, a woman who has been in prison, still want to be a lawyer?"

And that woman, is still spitting at Ling, "bah, return lawyer, now is a street sweeper!"

"Your Xiao is going to be engaged to Miss Hao er. How about that? Otherwise, I'll give it to you last time. It's a lot more than sweeping the road." Sun tengyang's face narrowed, and he still held out his fat hand towards Ling.

The other three laughed in unison.

Ling still can't let the other side succeed, desperately Dodge, but sun tengyang grabs her arm and presses her directly on the roadside wall.

Now in the evening, there is no one passing by. Seeing sun tengyang directly pull out the belt on his trousers waist, Ling still raises his feet and kicks at the other side's crotch.

Sun tengyang has a pain, holding Ling's hands loose, and Ling still runs away like crazy.

Run, run!

Sun tengyang red eyes, where willing to let Ling still, directly behind the Ferrari to chase Ling still.

Ling is still at this time and has run to the other side of the road, but it's strange that it should be a busy road in the evening, but at this moment, it's so cold that he can't even see any figures or cars.

It's like... It's empty.

The four people in Ferrari obviously thought the road was a little strange. Suddenly, the woman said, "I remember the road seems to be closed today."

"Road closure? Why? "

"I don't know."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have to kill this woman today!" Sun tengyang fiercely said that when he stepped on the accelerator, the car still rushed towards Ling.

Ling still hurriedly avoided, but he was still wiped by the car and fell to one side.

Ferrari stopped, four people came out of the car, sun tengyang looked at Ling with a sneer, "do you think you can still let me see it now? Today, I want you to be a bitch on the road! Now, no one can protect you. "

Ling is still struggling to get up, but her body aches so much that she shivers, unable to exert any strength.

Sun tengyang smiled ferociously, and some of his plump body came directly to Ling.

Just when Ling still thought that he was destined to escape the humiliation, there was a sound of footsteps, which was very clear in the silent night.

Then Ling still saw a tall man. His bangs almost covered his eyes. He couldn't see what he looked like. He was wearing an old-fashioned Zhongshan suit.When the men came to their heels, Ling opened his mouth subconsciously and wanted to call for help.

But then she closed her mouth again. There was only one other person, but there were three big men in the group. One to three. If she really asked for help, it would just be the misfortune for no reason.

"Go away, don't spoil my good!" Sun tengyang shouted at each other.

Men's line of sight, lazy glance toward sun tengyang, sun tengyang suddenly has the feeling of hair up. It was filled with cold and dead eyes, as if he was already a dead man on the other side.