
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 19

Just then, a person appeared, but it was a little unexpected.

Gao Congming, Yi Jinli's private secretary.

"Secretary Gao!" Manager Wang respectfully hurriedly respectfully.

Gao Congming looks at Shen Wanhao as if he is looking at a dead man. This guy, who is not easy to be offended? He is interested in it.

It's also a coincidence today. Yi Ye is just in the club and just saw the scene just now.

Gao Congming said to the security guard, "just do what he did just now again."

The security guards immediately took the command. Two powerful security guards directly dragged Shen Wanhao to the pool, pressed each other's head, and pressed into the water again and again, just as Shen Wanhao had done to Ling before!

As for the students around, Xiao Ziqi and Hao Yimeng, they are all stupid.

Who could have imagined that things would develop like this.

The security guard didn't mean to be soft at all, and manager Wang didn't mean to plead for Shen Wanhao.

After all, the Shen family is only one of the shareholders of this club. At present, they are only sacrificing the son of one shareholder. I believe that other shareholders will be very happy.

Gao Congming turns his head and sees Xiao Ziqi and Hao Yimeng.

Hao Yimeng took the lead in returning to God and smiled, "I'm sorry, I've been waiting for Yiye for a long time. Let's go to see Yiye now."

"No." Gao Congming said lightly, "I don't have time to see you today. Please come back." Finish saying, also do not wait for two people to react, then left.

Hao Yimeng and Xiao Ziqi look at each other. Hao Yimeng and Xiao Ziqi bite each other's teeth with hate. They finally get away from the appointment with Yi Jin, but they are smashed because Ling is still there. She will never let Ling go!

Ling still went back to the sanitation station. The whole person was still in a state of shock.

"Still, how did you get wet and fall into the river?" Sister Xu asked, "nothing happened when you sent the documents."

Ling still took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "documents... Nothing, just... Accidentally fell into a small pool."

"In a cold day, change your clothes and wipe your hair." Xu said.

Ling still nodded. Fortunately, she had a spare set of clothes to change.

After changing clothes, Xu said, "by the way, Xiao Guo asked me to ask you what I want from you."

"Sister Xu, I said, I don't want to fall in love now, or you can help me turn down Xiao Guo and let him stop focusing on me. It will only waste time." Ling still said.

Sister Xu sighed, "if you really don't have that heart, I'll tell Xiao Guo for you. But girls, in the end, are looking for someone to spend the next half of their lives! Or are you really going to die alone! "

Inexplicably, at this moment, Ling still had a beautiful face in his mind.

She thought, she should not be lonely forever, because she will have the company of ah Jin, she and ah Jin, can be like relatives, accompany to the old.

In the evening, when Ling still returned to his residence, Yi Jin was already in the rental room.

"I'll make dinner now. Wait a minute." Ling is still thinking about going to Taomi, but Yi Jin grabs her hand and says, "sister, your clothes are broken here."

Ling still looked down at each other's eyes, only to see a slight crack in the collar of his clothes. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't really see it.

I think it was torn by Shen Wanhao in the club today.

"The thread is a little loose. I'll have a few stitches later." Ling still said.

Yi Jin's eyes flashed slightly. "What happened to sister a today?"

"What can happen to me is not sweeping the road as usual." She said she didn't want to tell him what happened at the club today.

Such a scene is too dirty to let him know.

"But sister, your back is a little red and swollen. Have you ever been hurt by anything?" He said.