
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 18

Hao Yimeng's face is unbelievable. Yi Jin leaves here... To see Ling still?

As a member of the Hao family, she naturally understands that Yi Jin may not be so interested in her sister. She chooses her sister because she is suitable to be the hostess of the Yi family.

At the funeral of his elder sister, the man was indifferent, just like his elder sister's life and death. In fact, it was also an insignificant thing for him.

Even she sometimes can't help thinking, what kind of things will make this man's mood fluctuate?

Now, she saw the thin anger on that handsome face, which she had never seen before.

But it's because... Ling is still?! That ant like woman?!

She turned to look at Xiao Ziqi beside her, but in the eyes of the other party, she saw the same unbelievable.

At this moment, Gao Congming, who is standing beside Yi Jin, hurriedly responds, "yes." Is Ye Yi angry? Gao Congming's heart trembled.

Anyone who has seen Yiye angry will never want to see him again.

But at the next moment, Yi Jin's voice rang again, "forget it, you go down to deal with it. It's too noisy!"

Gao Congming responds again and leaves in a hurry.

Ling still only felt as if he had heard a Jin's voice just now, but... The voice of a Jin's voice was always light, and never had a trace of anger just now.

A Jin... A Jin... In her mind, flashed the beautiful face of the ice cooling like an angel.

If she really died, would ah Jin feel sorry for her?

At the moment when Ling still felt that she was going to suffocate and faint, suddenly the strength of her neck was released, and her whole body was lying on the ground almost paralyzed, choking and breathing the fresh air.

Shen Wanhao has now been controlled by two security guards in the uniform of the club. He is in a state of embarrassment on the ground. All of a sudden, many security guards were standing around.

Just now, the yelling voice of Yi Jin's leaving, even if Shen Wanhao heard it, he didn't take it seriously, let alone think that the person who uttered the voice was Yi Jin's leaving who could turn over the clouds and rain in Shenzhen.

At the same time, a senior manager of the club came over in a hurry,

"manager Wang, what are you talking about? Let them let me go!" Shen Wanhao said that his family also has shares in this club, which is one of the bosses, so he is so arrogant here.

But manager Wang didn't even see Shen Wanhao. He went to Ling's front and said respectfully, "Miss, you can leave now."

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, especially Shen Wanhao.

"Manager Wang, what are you talking about? She's just an environmental sanitation worker. Why didn't I let her go..."

"this is Yiye's order. Yiye doesn't like to be noisy." Manager Wang said.

The word "Yi Ye" should shock Shen Wanhao. In Shencheng, Yi Ye means only one person - Yi Jinli! The person who just scolded... Is it Yi ye?!

"Lord Yi? How could Yi ye make a start for this woman? She was the one who killed Yi Ye's fiancee! " Shen Wanhao couldn't believe it.

But manager Wang's expression was not joking at all.

Even Ling on one side was still stunned. This time, the one who saved her... Was Yi Jinli?!

It's almost like an incomparable irony.

Ling still gathered up his clothes, stood up in embarrassment and left in a hurry. I didn't notice that there was a look on the second floor. I kept looking at her.

Yi Jin is staring at Ling's back.

She is just a game object, but why... At the moment, seeing her being treated like this will make him feel uncomfortable?

Is it because... Even if it's the object of the game, he doesn't allow others to touch it? Even if it is to torture her, only he can, others - no one can!

A moment later, he turned and left.

Standing not far away from Xiao Ziqi, looking at Ling's back, I saw a bit of thinking in my eyes.

Hao Yimeng, who is beside him, has bitten him in a dark and hateful way. It's really cheap. Ling is still cheap. Shen Wanhao, an idiot, won't he be quiet?

I have to fight for Yi Jin to leave!