
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 15

"I'm with you. The floor is beside the bed. You can see me on your side." She said.

"This bed can be used for two people. Sister, would you like to stay with me?" He murmured, not knowing himself, and now his eyes were filled with longing.

Ling still slightly bit his lip, hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "OK." Then she picked up the bedding on the floor and lay down beside him.

Even she was surprised that she would agree to sleep with a man. Maybe at that moment, he looked like a fragile glass doll, as if with a single stroke, it would break, so that she wanted to protect him.

Lying in bed, she turned out the light, and her right hand was always held by his left hand.

"Ah Jin, if you still feel bad, call me." She said.

"Good." He should have said, is it the relationship between drugs? He felt much better than ever before.

Or... Because of her relationship? In the palm of her hand, there was always her temperature.

"Sister, will you always be with me?" He was in a low tunnel.

"Of course, we can always accompany each other. Even if ah Jin marries her daughter-in-law and has a family, I will accompany ah Jin." Will always be accompanied by her sister, although there is no blood relationship, but she regards him as a relative.

Yi Jin's eyes closed slowly. Her voice made him feel more and more comfortable and painful.

Take a wife... Since Hao Meiyu died, he never thought about taking a wife again. She was thinking.

"Elder sister, do you count?"

"Well." She should.

He finally let himself go to sleep.

Ling is still careful to give Yi Jin another tuck in by the angle, this just sleeps over.

In the morning, when she woke up, he was still asleep. She raised her hand and touched his cheek and forehead, but there was no sweat, and his sleeping face was quite calm, I think it was no pain.

Just as her hand was about to leave, his eyes suddenly opened. The beautiful peach blossom eyes seemed to be carrying a piece of Jian Shui Qiu Bo, "sister..."

"sorry, I woke you up." She said, "it's still early. You can go to sleep." As she said, she quickly dressed and washed, "there is porridge in the rice cooker. You can eat it when you get up. You had a stomachache last night. Today, you eat it lighter. Porridge can nourish your stomach. Also, don't forget to take your stomach medicine. You should take it three times a day. Remember to take it when you go out."

When she had finished, she hurried out of the door.

In the narrow rental room, Yi Jin is left alone.

He glanced at the rice cooker on the small round table, then buried his face in the place where she had been lying in bed.

On the bed, there is her breath. On the quilt she covered last night, there is still her temperature.

It seems that he began to be greedy for some things...


GAO Congming watched his boss touch a cheap mobile phone, and the style is the old one. This mobile phone is totally different from his boss's style, but his boss also told him, "go and get a mobile card, use it."

Gao Congming was stunned, then managed a mobile phone card with high efficiency and speed, and handed it in obediently.

Then he saw that the boss put the mobile card into the mobile phone, and then sent a text message. Before long, the mobile phone's text message prompt ring. The president, who has always acted coldly, actually saw the text message, and his lips began to smile.

Gao Congming blinked. Well, he didn't read it wrong. Mr. Yi is really... Laughing.

Is it because of the message just now?

Gao Congming caught a glimpse of the sender of the message just now. Her name was sister a.

Well, it seems that Ling is the only one who can be called "sister" by Ye Yi now.

Yi ye will laugh because Ling is still texting?! Gao Congming was shocked.

Does this mean that this woman has occupied a place in Yi Ye's mind?

In the afternoon, at the high-level meeting of Yijin group, just as everyone was listening to the report attentively, Yijin's mobile phone suddenly rang.

So in full view of the public, they saw Yi Jinli take out an old cheap mobile phone, press the answer button, put the mobile phone on the ear, as if listening to the speech on the other end of the mobile phone.

"Well, I see. I'll eat it. I won't forget it." Yi Jin leaves the way.

And those high-level people are surprised. When boss talks on the phone, his tone is much gentler than usual. Who is boss talking to?

After the call, Yi Jinli suddenly got up and said, "I have something to do. Let's leave first. You can continue the meeting." After that, he left the conference room, leaving a group of senior executives to look at each other, and then looked at Gao Congming who was still in the conference room."Secretary Gao, what's the matter? The phone number that the president just answered was... "

GAO Congming smiled awkwardly. When the president answered the phone just now, because he was sitting recently, he vaguely heard the other end of the phone and sent the word" take medicine ".

Lenovo today appeared on the president's desk that box of stomach medicine, Gao Congming didn't mean to say that I'm afraid the president is answering the phone and taking stomach medicine.

Think about it, it's a bit incredible. Ling still calls the president to take medicine. In the past, even if the president's stomach was uncomfortable, he would not take medicine as long as the pain was not too bad.

"For the president's personal affairs, let's continue the meeting." Gao Congming smiles and continues to chair the meeting.

On the other side, Ling still put away his cell phone and continued to sweep the garbage along the road with sister Xu.

Sister Xu said, "who can I call?"

"For my brother." Ling still said.

"You have a brother?" Sister Xu was surprised. "Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Ling still smiled, but did not make a sound.

After sweeping the ground, Ling and sister Xu still went to the tool group to return the tools. They heard that the people in the tool group were talking about the marriage between the Xiao family and the Hao family. Because the two children are about to be engaged, this has become the most popular Bagua news in Shenzhen these days.

"Xiao Ziqi sent a 6-carat diamond ring, or a rare pink one. It seems that such a ring alone will cost tens of millions."

"I feel that Hao Yimeng is really a winner in life. He is not only rich and beautiful, but also has a handsome husband."

"If my boyfriend gave me a carat of diamond ring, I would be married."