
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 140

Xiao Ziyi can effortlessly smear Ling still.

Yi Jin left but casually played with Ling's fingers beside her. She said softly, "I'm the one you gave to clean the road. What's the matter? Even if the mayor's daughter polished her shoes today, she can stand it! "

Xiao Ziyi choked so much that she couldn't compare with the mayor's daughter.

"Miss Xiao, please hurry up. I don't have much patience." Gao Congming urged, "when ye Yi is impatient, it's not just shoeshine."

Xiao Ziyi doesn't want to bite her lips, but no matter how she doesn't want to, she still has to walk towards Ling step by step. Then she squats down in front of Ling still, takes a tissue, and begins to wipe Ling's clean shoes.

Ling still looked at Xiao Ziyi squatting in front of her. Never thought that one day there would be such a scene. Now, what Xiao Ziyi has experienced is what ripple has experienced?

At that time, what will ripple's mood be like?

At this moment, Ling is still in love with her friends. At the same time, she seemed to understand why Yi Jin would call Xiao Ziyi to leave, and then staged this scene in front of her.

He wanted to tell her that he could easily turn over his hands to cover the clouds and rain? Even those who used to be arrogant and dismissive of her in front of her, but as long as he said a word, the other side could only kneel and polish her shoes.

Xiao Ziyi wiped it for a while and then said, "Mr. Yi, that's OK."

Yi Jin from Yang lip a smile, "not finished, how can it?"

At this moment, Gao Congming came up to Xiao Ziyi and said, "Miss Xiao, I'm offended." Said, a foot directly stepped on the back of Xiao Ziyi's hand.

Xiao Ziyi immediately cried out, "Yi... Mr. Yi, what are you doing?"

"Just doing what you did to Qin Lianyi that night, or haven't you done it?" Yi Jin asked lightly.

Of course, Xiao Ziyi has done it, so at this moment, she can't even say the retort.

But Yi Jin leaves at this moment, facing Ling still softly, "sister, didn't you say that Qin Lianyi is very important to you? Then I'll help you out for her now. Are you happy? "

His appearance, even with a pure taste, as if to do so, just want to please her.

As he spoke, his hands were still playing with her left hand, pressing his fingers into her fingers, and then slowly buttoning the back of her hand... Just like ten fingers are clasped...

Ling still felt that his left hand, which was clasped by him, was completely as stiff and hot as death, making her want to pull her hands out of his hands.

But the hand seems to deviate from its own consciousness, and it can't move at all.

Such a Jin, which she has never seen, can do such things in conversation and laughter, but this is the real him. What she has seen in the past is just an illusion.

Xiao Ziyi's back is in agony now. If she steps on it like this, she may have the same hand as her feet.

"Mr. Yi, I... My hand will be broken. Mr. Yi, you... Please forgive me." Xiao Ziyi's tears and snivels are all coming down now. She has no ordinary image at all.