
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 131

"Are you right? Sister He exhaled as LAN, still as before, calling her sister, Wei Yang's ending, as if with a kind of attachment.

But she felt as if there were so many mountains on her chest that she could hardly breathe.


Ling is still going back to the ward with Yi Jin. As soon as he enters the ward, Yi Jin leaves and asks the paramedics to leave.

Suddenly, only two of them were left in the ward.

Ling still sat in a chair with his head down. She didn't know what he was going to do. If he thought she wasn't miserable enough after she was released from prison and wanted to repair her, then why should he save her on the eve of the thirties?

As long as she let things go, she'll be more miserable, won't she?

However, no matter what he wanted to do to her, she was unable to resist. After three years in prison, she was burdened with the heavy fate and understood the cruelty of fate and her insignificance.

In the eyes of those high above, she is just an ant, and can be easily manipulated.

"Don't you have anything to ask me again, sister?" The elegant voice broke the silence in the room.

Ling's body was still slightly quivering. His voice was so pleasant. In the quiet night, it was like the night wind blowing through the silk and bamboo. It was sweet and gorgeous.

Slowly raised his eyes, I saw a beautiful but noble face, cloud like skin color, straight nose, thin lips with a slight smile, a pair of peach blossom eyes light flow, full of waves.

He stood in front of her and looked down at her as if everything about her was under his control.

Ling is still unconsciously biting the lip, biting too hard, but she doesn't feel the pain.

Instead, he frowned, then reached for her chin and said softly, "don't bite your lips, you'll hurt yourself."

Such tenderness, as if he was her a Jin, rather than that let her fear Yi Jin leave.

Ling still stared at Yi Jin, and Bei Chi unconsciously let go.

His fingers gently wiped her lips, so that she only felt that the lips seemed to be burning, burning badly.

She abruptly stopped and leaned back. "Mr. Yi, when is the end of the game?"

His eyes sank slightly. "Is that all you have to ask?"

What else does she have to ask? To get revenge, to what extent she was down and miserable, was all his business, and she only had to bear it.

Three years ago, that's it. Three years later, is there any difference?

She didn't say a word.

And he held up her hands, put her hands in his hands, "sister's hands are a little cold." As he spoke, he rubbed her hand and warmed it.