
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 12

At the beginning, she was alone in prison. If there were not ripples, she would often visit her, encourage her, and run for her affairs, maybe she would not be able to get out of prison alive.

That difficult three years, is ripple has been supporting her.

Is the life-saving straw... His eyes flash. It seems that Qin Lianyi's position in her heart is quite different, "but it's not funny to regard a person as a life-saving straw. If one day he was abandoned by the life-saving straw, wouldn't he be more desperate?"

"Ripples will not." She was absolutely sure of it. She saw it as an absolute trust.

Inexplicably, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his heart, as if he didn't want someone to be worthy of her trust, as if she could give everything for that person.


in the next few days, because the superior department of the environmental sanitation office is going to check it, Ling's workload is still increasing, and sometimes he needs to work overtime.

Fortunately, when she went home, ah Jin had finished the meal and waited for her, but it made her warm.

She also said that if she came back late, he would eat first, but he insisted on waiting for her to come back and eat together.

Sometimes, she would feel like they were living together in a small and simple rental house. Maybe there was a younger brother, that's how it felt.

In the early morning, after cleaning the responsible street, he went back to the sanitation office, put the tools away, and stood on the open space at the door.

In a moment, the inspectors from the Urban Management Bureau will come, and the office will let the people in charge of street cleaning stand here to welcome them. In a moment, it will be convenient to report the work.

Ling is still thin, standing in the middle of a group of 40-50-year-old mothers and uncles, it seems quite conspicuous.

"Still, you are Ling still!" When the inspectors came to the sanitation station, one of the 27 or 8-year-old women suddenly shouted after seeing Ling still.

Ling still looked up, only to see each other wearing a light blue business suit, hair dish up, round face narrow eyes, looks ordinary, but it is painting delicate makeup.

Ling was still in a daze for a moment before she recognized her high school classmate Miao Jiayu.

"It's really you." Miao Jiayu looks at Ling unexpectedly. "Why are you here? Are you... Working as an sanitation worker? "

"Well, I'm working here now." Ling still should be, and did not dodge the other party's eyes to explore, after all, in life, there will always be people who have met, even if there will be embarrassment, but it also needs to bear.

"Jiayu, do you know each other?" Asked Miao Jiayu's colleague who came to inspect.

"Yes, still. At the beginning, it was the class flower and the school bully in our class. Every time they took the exam, they were at the top of the list. We didn't know how many boys in our class liked her and chased her. But still, no one looked at her." Miao Jiayu said to her colleagues, it's like deliberately, holding Ling high.

But the more so, but still with the current Ling, forming a sharp contrast.

Sure enough, the colleague frowned, "just her, still learning to bully the class flower? You're kidding. "

Miao Jiayu smiled a little, but she felt happy. At the beginning of the class, Ling was still like a swan admired by many people, but she was just an ugly duckling, no one noticed her at all.

But now, how about the swan? It's not just for sweeping the road!

Some of the colleagues of the environmental sanitation Institute around Ling still heard this and looked at Ling still one after another. The eyes were all kinds of, including surprise, sympathy and ridicule.

The next day, Ling is still cleaning up in the morning. When returning the tools, a girl in the tool group asks Ling curiously, "still, were you really a class flower or a school bully?"

Ling still hasn't answered, another member of the tool group, Fang Qianqian, says, "what kind of class flower learning bully is that useful? It's not a sweeper yet. If I could, I would have changed my job. "

The little girl who asked Ling is still looks at Ling in embarrassment, but Ling just bows his head, signs his name on the record book of the return tool and turns away.

After catching up with Ling, sister Xu patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't take Fang Qianqian's words to heart, because she likes the team's Xiao Guo, so she scattered her anger on you."

Ling's face was still blank, and she had no idea who the "little Guo" in sister Xu's mouth was or what it had to do with her.

"Xiao Guo is the driver of the team in our school. He seems to have some meaning for you. He doesn't often say hello to you." Xu said, sincerely for Ling's sake, "in fact, Xiao Guo is a good man, and he is also organized in the Institute. His parents have also bought a wedding room. Don't think about it."

Ling still shook his head. "No, I don't want to fall in love at present."

"You're all 27. If a woman's age is longer, it's not easy to find someone."

"Then live alone." In fact, she said, when she was released from prison, she no longer had any hope for love.At the beginning, Xiao Ziqi made a vow with her, but later, in prison, she was born with ten nails pulled out, but he didn't even frown, just said a light "self inflicted".

At that moment, for her, all the emotions in the past seemed to be completely destroyed.

Many times, she would dream of this scene, would wake up from the dream.

And how many times, when her fingers ache, she will tell herself that the so-called love is just such cruelty.

Now she doesn't want to touch love at all.

What's more, she's been in prison and it's so hard to find a job, let alone a marriage partner? How many people don't care about the bottom of the case?

But just as she said this, ah Jin's face flashed in her mind. After a few days' salary, she can buy a mobile phone for a Jin.

"Ah, you child..." sister Xu sighed and didn't talk about the topic any more.

Pay the day, Ling is still after work, take Yi Jin left the mall to buy mobile phones.

"It doesn't matter if I have a cell phone." Yi Jin is away from the light tunnel. He didn't think about it. She wanted to buy him a mobile phone.

"No one doesn't have a mobile phone yet. You can find a job. It's convenient for the company to contact you with a mobile phone. It's not a long time to send leaflets every day." Ling still said, "besides, there's a mobile phone. It's convenient for us to tell each other if there's any delay in going home late."

Two people came to a mobile phone store in the mall. There are many brands of mobile phones in it. At present, the price of the mobile phones she can afford is about 1500. She also inquired on the Internet and had several mobile phone options. So at this moment, she directly picked out the mobile phones she chose, and then let Yi Jin leave to see which one she likes.

"I can only afford these old mobile phones now, but I have checked them on the Internet. They are very cost-effective and well configured. You use them first, and when you save more money later..."