
Addicted to You: The CEO's Wife

The fiancée of the richest man in the city, Yi Jinli, is dead and Ling Ling is sentenced to three years in prison. After her release from prison, she accidentally gets in trouble with Yi Jinli. She kneels on the ground and begs him, "Yi Jinli, please let me go." But he smiled, "Sister, I will never let you go." It is said that Yi Jinli is cold-hearted and desperate, but he spoils a jailed sanitation worker to the skies. However, the truth of the car accident back then destroyed all her love for him and she fled from him. One day, years later, he knelt in front of her, "Still, as long as you come back to me, anything goes." She gazed at him coldly, "Then you go to hell." note: i will upload 10 extra chapter for every new 10 power stones

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170 Chs

chapter 11

Ling Zhiguo, Fang cuie and Ling Luoyin look at each other.

Fang cuie also wanted to scold her a few times. Lingzhiguo suddenly pulled her and said, "OK, that man, maybe he came out of the prison too! What kind of people in prison do not have? Who knows what this man is in prison for. "

Fang cuie hears the words, and after a while she says, "that's all for it?"

Ling Zhiguo hesitated for a moment and said, "let's see again. If the deputy director he really investigates Luoyin in the future, we can think of another way." Now he doesn't have the guts to go in and challenge the man.

Ling Luoyin frowns. Did the man... Really go to jail? Although the man's eyes are covered by the bangs and he can't see clearly, he can still see that he looks very good.

In particular, inexplicably, she also felt that the figure of this man was a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Or is this man in the show business?

In the rental room, Ling still looks at Yi Jin and says, "thank you." If ah Jin didn't come back, she would have been beaten by her father just now.

"I'll help elder sister. What can I thank you for, isn't it?" He said, and his eyes fell on her ankles. "You're not good there. I'll rub the safflower oil on you."

He said, took out the safflower oil, wiped some on her ankle, and then helped her press her ankle.

The atmosphere was a little quiet, Ling still bit his lip, "you don't ask me, what did those three people come to me just now?"

"If elder sister doesn't say, I won't ask." He said.

"In fact, there is nothing to say. They are my father, stepmother and half sister." Ling still said, "but it doesn't matter much to me."

After a moment's hesitation, she added, "is there anything else you want to ask?" In fact, he should have heard that her father scolded her in front of him and said that she came out of prison.

His eyelashes quivered slightly, then he raised his eyes and looked at her. "Sister, what do you want me to ask?"

Dark eyes, in the dim yellow light, with a strange silence.

At this moment, Ling's original uneasy mood calmed down and took a deep breath. She said, "I've been in prison for three years, but I just released it not long ago. The original accusation was drunk driving causing death."

Many people will hear the prison color change. When she comes out, people around her, if they know that she has been in prison, will look at her with colored eyes and deliberately keep a distance with her.

And he... Can he? At this moment, she had the feeling of waiting for trial in court.

"Is it?" He was just such a light sentence, still focused on her ankles.

She blinked a little in surprise, just like this? "Do you mind?"

"Why should I mind?" He asked back, "as elder sister said, I call you elder sister. From now on, you don't care about me and I don't care about you. As for the others, there's nothing to mind."

Heart, as if because of his words and quiet down, Ling is still relieved to smile, "A Jin, can meet you, really good."

Just at the moment, she did not notice that a flash of light from his eyes.

On Sunday, Qin Lianyi specially came to Ling's rental house and saw Yi Jinli, but he could not associate with the tramp in his friend's mouth.

Although the other party is wearing ordinary cotton padded clothes, trousers, sneakers, and all kinds of goods on the floor at the moment, they are just clothes shelves. Wearing this clothes, they will not give people the feeling of being cheap.

The height of more than 180 cm, against the three-dimensional face, although the heavy bangs almost covered his eyes, but occasionally saw the eyes under the bangs, but it will be impressive.

At least Qin Lianyi hasn't seen a man's eyes can be beautiful like that, which is more beautiful than those idol stars. Exquisite facial features, standard Mandarin pronunciation, and even Qin Lianyi occasionally asked some questions, and the other side was able to answer them well.

This is a tramp?

She pulled Ling aside and asked secretly, "are you sure he's really a tramp, the kind who doesn't have a place to live? Just by his looks, he can be a star or a model. "

"It's not all good-looking for a star or a model." Ling still replied.

Qin Lianyi thinks it's also true that the meal in the entertainment circle is not so delicious. "Do you think you'll have any idea if you stay with him every day?"

Ling still rolled his eyes. Before that, ripple was worried about what ah Jin would do to her. Now it seems that he was worried about what she would do to ah Jin.

"He's a few months younger than me. I only think his brother sees it."

Qin Lianyi comes to Yi Jinli's face, "I said in front of you, you can live here, but you have to guarantee that you won't mess around, you won't cheat, you know, you still hate other people's cheating, if you are a liar, I can call the police and catch you!""Ripple, why do you say these, ah Jin won't cheat me." Ling is still busy.

"How long have you known him? You should make it clear first. Hello, ah Jin, did you hear that? " Qin Lianyi leaves for Yi Jin.

He flipped the corners of his lips. "OK, I see."

It is clear that the other side's expression at this time is a shallow smile, and the other side does not have any retort, but answers to know.

But inexplicably, Qin Lianyi has a kind of inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, just like the momentum of the other party, which makes her look like the person who was warned.

It's just a tramp. She thinks too much. Qin Lianyi says to himself in his heart. However, when she left, she secretly told her friends to protect themselves and called her when there was something.

When there were only two people left in the room, Ling still walked away from Yi Jin, "don't worry about the ripples just now, she's just worried about me.

"She's a friend of sister A. I won't care what she says." Yi Jin leaves the way. That kind of warning, in his ear, is ridiculous, "sister and her relationship is very good?"

"Do you know what life-saving straw is? When you are about to drown, no matter how you catch it, you can't catch anything. At this time, when you finally catch a straw, even if the straw may not lead you away, it will give you hope and make you not despair. " She murmured, "ripple is the straw to me."