
Adam Throughout the Multiverse

Adam was a normal dude then, he gets stabbed in the street by a man running inhumanely fast. Then he is faced with a screen.... First World is Danmachi

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So.. it was a game all along.

Adam woke up and got out of bed. Stood up not too fast as his iron deficiency didn't allow him to stand up fast as he looked in the mirror. He had Pitch black hair and blue eyes. As soon as he was done stretching from waking up, he headed to the bathroom, wanting to take a shower before headed to work.

After the shower he got dressed and left his apartment suite and headed out into Manhattan to go to work at the hospital he worked at.

Adam was a nurse. While the profession wasn't something most people expect dudes to have as movies usually portray nurses as hot babes in skimpy uniforms. Adam liked his job. He went to college for 5 years for nursing and is now in his 3rd year of having his job. As a 27 year old man, he was making a solid living. Then he heard gasps and cries from around as he could see some dust being stirred up at the crosswalk in front of his home. The crowd around him parted, as if it was planned.

There was a man running towards him. Fast. The speed at which the guy was approaching was inhumane as if it was unnatural in the bleak world Adam lived in. As the crazed man was running towards him, Adam saw the man reach in the pocket of the suit jacket he was wearing and pulled out a butterfly knife, flipping it open, Adam stared wide-eyed as there was no reason for him to be stabbed, but Adam had a bad feeling, as the man was getting closer Adrenaline started pumping through Adam's body. He knew he was the victim. But why? Adam's mind started racing. 'Why am I going to get stabbed? I'm a nurse I help people, I haven't messed up my job once! Why me? What is the point? This is unfair!' A mix of anger and confusion played in his mind as a knife plunged directly into his sternum, piercing his heart and ending his life instantly. Then he was greeted with a strange scene.

[Death Registered]

[You Died]

[Would you like to respawn]


[ERROR: Respawn not permitted]

'WAIT A MINUTE' was all that was flowing through Adam's head, he just got stabbed on the street and was offered to respawn after being denied, 'What THE FUCK' After years of living the world he lived in was a game like scenario the whole time!

[Please pick 1 character from an "Fictional Scenario" to inherit their innate skills, Race, and body, 1 Fictional Scenario to enter, and 1 so called "Golden Finger" to inherit as an error occurred for you to respawn into reality]

[Fictional Scenarios - What is commonly called Anime, Manga, Manhwa, etc.]

Adam thought for a moment and thought about characters with the most possible potential based off of their innate skills and one certain man came to mind Adam from record of Ragnarok, it was a simple choice, he was a normal man made by the god of the Bible, that was capable of almost killing the strongest god. It helped that he also shared the same name as the person.

[Selection Received]

[Character Template Loaded : Adam - Records of Ragnarok]

Then Adam thought long and hard as he was trying to think about where he would want to go, he thought for about 4 hours before he narrowed it down to a few choices of worlds. There was Danmachi, Tensura, and High School DxD, Then Adam bit the bullet and picked Danmachi

[Selection Registered]

[Fictional Scenario - Danmachi has been selected]

[Please select "Golden Finger" - Enter specific details below]

A keyboard popped up and Adam's fingers started typing, his fingers elegantly glided across the keyboard, typing out the ability that he wanted to take with him into the world of Danmachi.

[Selection Accepted - A system that has the ability to let me travel to other fictional Scenarios and let me grow infinitely by leveling up by making my stats go up. As well as an observe skill to help identify things, per level up I get 15 skill points and am compatible with every energy, as well as removing all the negative side effects of abilities]

Adam clicked enter and then something he did not expect popped up, a chapter creation screen. It had the body of Adam from Records of Ragnarok as a base but it was like the custom character creator from Skyrim, so many bars and sliders to the point he just made the Hair black and eyes red as it was all he could think of as Adam's body from ROR was pretty good.

Adam was then greeted with his first status screen.. one of the many he would be all too familiar with by the end of this journey

[Name : Adam Sinclair

[Race : Progenitor Human

[Innate Skill : Divine Reflection

[Age : 16 (Changed for Players Convenience)

[Level : 1


Strength: 35

Endurance 36

Dexterity 27

Agility 28

Magic 10

[Falna : None

[Alert! Divine Reflection Upgraded, There is now no limit to skills copied and you keep them forever]

'Well that's great!' Adam thought to himself 'But why though?'

[Have fun. Goodbye Player]

Adam woke up in a vast open field with simple clothing with an iconic view of the city of Orario in the distance as he looked on in wonder then remembered, 'Oh shit I have to wait in line in order to get into Orario'

Then Adam waited in line for a grand total of 4 hours just after having the weirdest scenario of his life.