
Chapter 13

I walked down and sae what made rose excited there were a couple of presents. under the tree.

"So you wanna go first or..."

I smiled "Nah Its cool, go wild.".

She grinned at me for leaping into the. pile,

She was polite, as she put the presents she had found that had my name on it. instead or just throwing it aside.

She opened the her first present, and realized what it was and so did I.

It was an invisibility clock, a silver one at that, must be Dumbledore who had gave her that gift,

"Who is it from?"

"It says it's from the headmaster." Rose answered as she read the letter attached, tears started forming into her eyes. "Daddy." I heard her whisper,

Ah that's right it's from her dad...whose dead,...welp on the Bright side at least she knows who her parents are now.

My eyes lingered to a certain area for too long.

I actually wouldn't mind being her da- I shook my head. what was that? I am not a pervert.

"Rose are you alright?" I asked.

It took her a few minutes to respond but she eventually did, and when she responded her tone broke.

"I...yes," she shook her self out of it and went on to the next one, which was a last one. her eyes looked on the name tag so curiousity before looking at me with curiousity?

"What did you give me?" she asked eager.

"It is a secret untill it is unwrapped, I smiled.

She tore the wrapper off like their was no tommarow, She froze once she saw it, herr gaze was awestruck.

It looked like a shard of kryptonite, only it was gold and it was made into a bracelet, The shard was small and it was wrapped up on the center of the bracelet it was a lot more beautiful than it sounded, and you would have thought a God had made this.

Actually could I be considered a God?

"Its beautiful," she whispered. as she snapped It on her wrist the color of the bracelet itself was Ruby Red, as it has matched perfectly with her. red flaming hair.

I looked at her smile, her smile was so beautiful, her eyes had shown brighter than the stars, her face, when she smiled, it was as if even time had to pause for a moment.

She gave me a hug.

"Thank you." She whispered. and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

My eyes widened, as did hers

"eep!" She instantly separated

"I'm sorry!" she squeaked before bolting out the door.

I brought a hand up to feel the sweet and wet that was on my cheek,

I ignored the heat rushing to my cheeks and smiled."Your welcome."