

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
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33 Chs

Such a tease.

Hello dear readers!

I hope you've had a wonderful day.

I am dedicating this chapter to Elysianish and JulesHarper. Thank you for your votes and comments. It means a lot to me and inspires me to continue writing and updating new chapters.

I hope you enjoy, ¨Such a tease¨, and tell me what your thoughts are in the comment section.



When I was sure no one else was around, I instantly freed myself from him, giving him an angry stare.

"What the heck are you doing here? And you never told me that you would come? Don't you know it's rude to come to someone's home uninvited?"

"Bibi invited me."

"...and that too at my....wait say what?" I thought I heard him wrong.

"You look cute when you act angry." He teased, ignoring my question. I knew he had to come back, but at least he would have told me!

I suddenly had an urge to smack his pretty face.

"What do you mean Bibi invited you?" I asked, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. He still didn't give me an answer, instead walked ahead of me.

"And I am not pretending to be angry. I am extremely angry with you." I was fuming so much that I didn't notice when he stopped causing me to bump into his hard body.

Holding my shoulders at arm's length, he looked down at me due to the height difference and said slowly.

"Bello," He started, slowly in a low voice that dropped to an octave, causing me to suddenly hold my breath.

"If I kiss you, will you shut up?" I swallowed, closing my lips tight unconsciously.

With everything he had done so far, I couldn't gamble he won't do it then get away in the name of playing his part.

"This was your idea, and I am not planning on sticking around for so long. I heard craziness is contagious. You are too much to handle." His statement broke any tension that he created earlier by his words, making me narrow my eyes at him.

Did he think I enjoyed his company?

Well, I did before, but now it was complicated.

"You are not allowed to kiss me," I cautioned, hoping that he would take my words seriously, not that I would mind but... oh goodness, Mel! Focus!

"Said who? It's a business deal, Bello. Both parties have to agree. As far as I know, I didn't agree to no kissing." He then smirked, leaving me stumped for words.

"And what do you want us to do? To shake hands? maybe you should ask your friend how people in a relationship behave." His attitude changed again. I kind of noticed how he kept fluctuating from flirting to being mean with his words.

Was he looking down on me? I agree that I have never been in a relationship, but that does not mean I am clueless either.

"Are we clear?" I hated how he kept treating me like a child.

"I don't need to learn from anybody about anything. This is a not real relationship." I deadpanned, glaring at him.

"You know, with the way you keep reminding me that this is fake, it's starting to sound like you are convincing yourself." He commented thoughtfully.


"Makes me wonder..." he drawled as he stepped closer. I could not stand being this close to him, so I took a step backward to which he never stopped making his way towards me until I ended up against the wall.

Where did the wall even come from?

Max went ahead, and placed his two hands against the wall caging me in between with no way out. Leaning in closer until we were only inches apart, I did not know it was possible for someone to forget how to breathe being this close to a man.

I could smell the enticing scent of sandalwood, creating a warm and woody aroma that radiates masculinity.

We were not only close, but our lips were inches apart, and I was afraid a slight movement would make them brush.

Breathe, Mel, breath.

"...Makes me wonder if you want it to be real." My senses were flooded, and I was intoxicated by his minty breath and the numb feeling on my lips. Not to mention how dry my lips felt, giving me an urge to lick them.

The close proximity and the intimate position made my mind dizzy, and I was afraid I might faint. I pushed myself against the wall, wishing that I could be one with it. I prayed that Max would step back - I wanted to tell him - but too afraid of what might happen if I moved my lips.

This is torturous! I screamed in my head. Not knowing what he was planning to do, if he wanted to kiss me, or...

I shook my head internally. It can't be that.

Bracing myself, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him back, away from me. He was not expecting my move at all as he stumbled back.

I used this chance to step away from the wall, away from him.

"You wish!" I scoffed, walking away from him.


"We have a lot to talk about." He started as I settled a bowl of porridge on the table in front of him.

I can't believe the first thing he asked once we stepped inside the house was porridge. The guy even had the guts to remind me to give him the one Bibi made and not me.

Not like I am complaining, but did he really have to make it sound like I don't know how to cook?

"You are right. Maybe I need to refresh your mind-"

"Easy firecracker." He cut me short with a chuckle, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

Firecracker? What's with the pet name. He was able to come up with many different types without struggling like me.

But then again, he is a player. It must have been easy on him.

"I remember your rules clearly. No need to repeat them. Like it or not, I am your boyfriend now. I am going to do things people in a relationship do." He firmly spoke righteously.

"I know. I also that we agreed you wouldn't touch me inappropriately."

"Yes, and I haven't done that?"

"Then what do you call what you did back there?" How could he forget what he did? Even if he was just acting in front of Jess, he didn't need to be extra. Not to forget how he almost seduced me.

His low rumble chuckle that sounded like mockery cut through my thoughts.

"What a naïve," I heard him say, shaking his head. That comment along made my inside boil.

"I am not naïve." I snapped at him.

"If you are not, you should know what touching inappropriately means," he paused for a moment before proceeding.

"You don't think before you speak, right? from the lie about you having a boyfriend to dragging me in your mix and asking me to help you-"

"Technically, we are helping each other," I cut in. I wanted to remind him that I was not the only one getting benefits.

"I am doing my job perfectly, however, you-" he pointed at me, and I couldn't help the frown.

"You are doing nothing apart from making my life difficult," I said before he could finish talking.

"It's rude to interrupt someone when they are talking, you know that, right?"

"Okay, okay, enough. I am sorry." I sighed, throwing my hands up.

"Apology accepted." he grinned.


"Now what?" I groaned in frustration, slumping on the seat. Why is their always a 'but'?

"I need to validate this girlfriend-boyfriend thing," he said, pointing between us.

What was he up to? I wondered, crossing my arms across my chest, ready to listen.

"You need to reciprocate." He stated. I was a bit confused by Max's statement. So I waited for him to explain further what he was talking about.

"What do you mean reciprocate?" I asked, despite having some clue already. I did not want to jump to any conclusion, so I patiently waited for him to proceed.

"Do I have to point out the details for you to understand?" he asked, looking at me with bored eyes, which I didn't mind

"Okay,¨ He sighed again and continued.

¨What I am trying to say is that if I have to act like your boyfriend, you also have to act the same way too. When you see me, smile, run to me, hug me, say you miss me and even kiss me. I wouldn't mind that." He then chuckled, staring at me with those sexy eyes.

All I could do was look at him, letting his words sink in, one by one. I needed to make sure that I was not hearing him wrong or anything. Was he listening to himself?

He wants me to kiss him? To hug him? To act all flirty with him? This arrogant ass? Hell no!

But again, he had a point. If I want Bibi to be convinced about us dating, we need to act like a real couple.

"You do know that in a relationship...¨ He continued, emphasizing the word, 'Relationship.'

"...both parties need to make an effort, even in making love..."

"Okay, okay," I directly threw the teddy bear I was holding at his laughing face.

Jeez, everything that comes out of his mouth is annoying today and so embarrassing!

"I get it. You do not need to go into details." I rolled my eyes, pouring myself water. I needed water, lots of it. With him around, I needed lots of things.

I need lots of courage, patience, and a lots of pretence.

God help. How did I even get myself into this mess?

"You must be thinking how you got yourself in this mess, right?" his grin widened, obviously enjoying my current state.

Is he a psychic now?

"Maybe next time, you will think twice before doing anything. But don't worry, no need to be tensed around me. All you have to do is just smile, touch me a little bit..." looking at Max's face, I started to wonder how I thought this man was even charming.

He was a pervert, and a devious person!

"Do you ever shut up?" I guess they are right when they say, never meet your hero.

"Not when a lady as beautiful as you is sitting in front of me," came his swift reply that made my words stuck in my throat.

See? courage. Lots of courage.

For what?

Not to smile. Many people have told me that I am beautiful, but coming from him made me forget that I found him annoying just a few seconds ago. Maybe his sweet words were what deluded me into thinking that he was charming.

Again, what is happening to me?

"I know I am beautiful." I scoffed, trying to sound unflustered by his words.

"I need your schedule." That was enough to rid me of every stupid feeling that was beginning to bloom inside me.


"Schedule, you know something that you..."

"I know what a schedule is, arrogant. What do you need my schedule for?"

"You said it yourself. You don't want me coming to your workplace. I respect that, and that is the reason why I need your schedule so that I can know when to visit and when not to."

Why did he always have to make sense all the time?

"I don't have a schedule. I don't have it written down.¨ Was he for real?

¨ How can I know when to visit?¨ A frown married his face, like having no schedule is a crime.

¨You have my phone number, right? Use it!¨ I wondered how come such a man who looked intelligent could not use his brain. We are in the twenty-first century, for goodness sake!

¨What do you do?¨ I asked after moments of silence. I needed to know more about him so to make everything easier.

¨Your profession, I mean.¨ I added when I saw his questioning gaze.

"I am a student. I don't work. The only job I have right now is to look for land. Which reminds me, you promised to help me get one."

¨Yes, I will. It is a promise, but only after you seal the end of your bargain.¨ There was no way I was going to help him get what he wanted without him fulfilling his part. What if he runs off once he gets what he wants?

¨You are not being fair, you know. We both are like a belt. Go that way, I take this way, but we meet at the same point in the middle." he narrowed his eyes, clearly not happy with my answer.

"You don't have to worry about me backing out. You can always come back and tell Bibi the truth, but as for you, I only have this land as my only ticket. There is no way I am helping you now."

As much as I knew I wasn't being fair to him, I still could not waver from my decision. It was business, after all. And there is no fairness in the business world. The sound of him chuckling resonated in the room, cutting through my thoughts, and making the monkeys do a flip flop in my stomach.

"You can make a hot businesswoman, you know." he complimented, back to his flirting again. I know, I promised myself, not to get affected by him or by his words. I also know he meant hot as a figure of speech, but why did I suddenly feel hot?

I needed water.

I took the jug, and to my surprise, it was empty.

When did I drink all the water?

I picked up the just, got up, and was ready to head towards the kitchen when Max reached his hands, grabbing mine while pulling towards him. I was not expecting that move as he got me off guard, making me fall on his lap with a squeal.

¨You can fall anytime you want. I am always here to catch you.¨ I heard him say above me. My eyes snapped open and raised to meet his, smiling down at me with mischief.

This son of a-

¨Cursing isn't suitable for a lady, even if it is said in one's mind.¨ I gritted my teeth, unable to speak from pure rage. I was definitely sure that he was a mind reader or something.

I tried to get off, but his grip on me was firm, unwavering even while caging me in the comfort of his masculine body. It was warm and cosy, but I did not want to get comfortable, especially when my body started heating up.

That alone made me scared. I did not want to say another minute.

¨Let me go!¨ I gritted, wiggling.

"Stop moving," I heard him say, but I did not want to listen to him. I continued struggling when I heard him hiss before...

"Damn it, stop moving, or you will be responsible." I stopped for a second, not understanding what he meant by that until something poked my thighs.

My entire body froze as my movements came to a halt. The room was silent, and somehow my body became hot. I may be inexperienced but not totally clueless to read the situation. We both fell into an awkward silence, not knowing what to do or how to react.

"Can you let me go then?" I asked weakly after some seconds. It was really uncomfortable. I was glad when I felt his grip loosen but frowned when the perv only adjusted me to a much more 'comfortable' position when I sat fully on his thighs, with my back against him.

"What are you doing?" I hissed but carefully not to move. "Let me go!"

¨I will, but after you assure me that I will get what I want. You have the land as your bargain and also need one.¨ He spoke next to my ear, his chin already resting on my shoulder. The situation was not right at all! But I was tempted to melt in it.

¨What do you want? Going to make a deal with the seller is out of the question.¨ I held unto the invisible ropes of patience, praying that this perverse man would release me.

¨That, you beautiful, have to tell me.¨ His voice vibrated through my skin, doing things to my body that I have only read and seen in movies

Curse you!

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I tried to calm down and stop myself from slapping the life out of this annoyingly dashing man.

¨Let me go them, for that to happen, I need my phone.¨

"Letting you go is out of option. I have tried to talk to you a normal way, but you proved to be stubborn. Here,"

¨Wha...¨ I was cut short when I saw my phone in his hand.

With a huff, I snatched the phone from his hand and dialled a number. The call rang for some time, but the caller did not answer, making me anxious. Haze not only had his head on the crook of my neck, but his breath was tickling me. I fought the urge to tilt my neck and flounder in the pleasurable feeling I was starting to feel while I waited for the caller to answer.

¨Ah! Mel, Mel.¨ Finally, an aged voice answered the phone.

¨Hello, mzee, how are you?¨ I smiled, trying to get away from Max, but the dude only tightened his arms around me, even snuggling closer.

Was this man touch-deprived when he was a child?

The strangest thing is that I did not feel uneasy or revolted about our position.

¨I am doing fine, my child. It's been a long since you visited.¨

¨I know, Mzee. I have been hustling up and down to keep up with time. But don't worry, I am planning on visiting very soon.¨

¨Great, I will start preparing maziwa mala for you.¨ I chuckled, feeling touched by the kind gesture.

¨Then, I am looking forward to it. Oh, that reminds me, is your land still for sale? The one you told me about?¨

I asked, picking on my nails. Something to distract me from the man I was sitting on.

¨Yes, it is. I haven't found any potential buyers yet.¨

¨That's great news. I know a friend who is looking for land. How about I bring him with me when I visit, and you two can negotiate? Though I hope you can treat him right, he is dear to me.¨ I felt Haze's arms tightening, and I gasped loudly. I almost jumped when he nuzzled my neck.

What on earth is wrong with this dude?

I closed my eyes, the hand holding on to the phone tightened as I tried to ignore it, the tingling sensation flowing from my neck through my nerves till my toes making them curl.

¨Are you alright, dear?¨ I heard Mr Luka ask from the other side of the phone, and I had to clear my throat.

¨Ye...Yeah, I am fine. I just... never mind, it's a small accident.¨ I was glad my voice sounded normal.

Finally, the call was done after setting a date to visit him. Taking in a deep breath, I turned my head to face Max, anger boiling in me, but just then, the door opened, and Bibi entered.

Just my luck.

Her eyes went wide upon seeing our current situation. Me sitting on Max, his hands around my waist and our faces inches apart.

Could this be getting any worse?


MAZIWA LALA, Is a Swahili word meaning Milk Lala, Skimmed milk, Sour milk, or Natural yoghurt.

MZEE; Old man

