

Melissa This scene made me envious, and at that moment, I wished to also have someone who would love me. Someone who would leave his comfort zone and make an exception for me. Just like any other girl, I also yearn for a relationship. One without heartbreaks. A lifetime kind of love. I know that heartbreak is inevitable, that there are no beds of roses for being in love but still hope and wish to get someone loyal. Max And we met again, unexpectedly, in the coffee shop. The funniest thing is that every time I was in a cranky mood is when our paths would cross. Was it really fate? I was only joking, knowing that she had politely denied me her number without sounding proud and elitist. The shock on her face was priceless, and just like that, my bad mood disappeared as I found myself a fun companion. I loved how she would switch personality so fast without even knowing it. At the first meeting, she was this goofy kind of girl, at the town square, a shy girl but clever not to sway off, then at the coffee, her words still ring in my ears like a seduction from a goddess. *** "You said the first meeting is considered an accident, the second meeting a coincidence?" It was more of a statement than a question, and I could not help but wonder why he suddenly asked that question. "Yeah..." I answered hesitantly, not knowing what he was driving at. "Then what about a third meeting? Fate?" He asked, my heart picking a beat. *** Melissa is a hardworking, passionate young lady who lives alone with her kindhearted and adamant grandmother who always insists on her to get a boyfriend. Melissa, bothered by her grandmother's constant nagging, ends up lying to her grandmother, giving her the description of the guy, she saw in the bus and telling her that he's, her boyfriend. Little did Melissa know that she was going to cross paths with the same guy and slowly fall for his charms and sweet talk.

Adlyne_Faith · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs



I glared at him for who knows how many times while he just sat down, checking me with a smirk on his face that I really wanted to wipe off with my fist, but his face was just too good-looking for me.

Definitely going crazy

"Now, what am I going to do the whole day? I don't like being idle, you know." I spat at him. He said nothing. Still smirking, he reached for his cell phone and dialled a number, his yellowish-green eyes not leaving mine.

"Hello, Bibi," My ears perked at the mention of my grandma.

Now, what was he up to? I wondered, crossing my arms across my chest and narrowing my eyes at him.

"I hope I am not disturbing you... so I was thinking, if it's alright with you if I take Melissa on a date?" My eyes went as wide as saucers while my heart picked a bit.

A date? Me?With Max? The gorgeous guy of my dreams? But why do we need to go on a date when we are not in a relationship?

What was he up to now?

My moment was short livened when I saw his laughing face. I frowned, wondering what was so funny.

"I will surely do, Bibi." and he hanged up.

"That was a lie, wasn't it?" Deep down, my traitorous heart hoped it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, but even though I never mind my singlehood, I still craved for one day going on a date with the guy I liked - not that I liked Max - but he was gorgeous, okay.

"Let's go." Totally ignoring the question, Max got up, grabbed my hands, and tugged me towards the door.

"Wait, where are we going?" But he did not even answer my question, only kept dragging me outside.

"Just let go and let me lock the door at least," He stopped and sighed, making me roll my eyes at him.

"And for that to happen, I would need my two hands, Haze," I added, shaking the hand he was still holding. He reluctantly let go making me miss his warmth already but brushed that feeling as quickly as it came. After I was done, he offered me his hand, which I accepted, rolling my eyes - again.

Wasn't he being clingy? I did not mind it, though.

"Why are you taking me anyway?" I asked as I followed him through the crowd of people in the market. I thought we were going to board a bus, but then he passed them, leading me towards a petrol station. One of the workers there came and handed him over a car key.

Why was he given a car key? I wondered.

He pressed the button on the remote attached to his key chain, and a car beeped. A red flashing car, to be precise. I don't know much about cars, but this was beautiful and looked expensive, I must add. I felt him tug me towards it, but I pulled back, still amazed by its beauty. Pardon me but where I came from, getting a ride from such a car is only a dream.

"Is there something wrong?" I was snapped out of my reverie by his question. I looked up at him, and man, wasn't he tall? I had to crane my neck, and my breath affixed, looking at his handsome face with those attractive greenish-brown eyes that did wonders to my being.

For some time, I thought that I was dreaming. That everything was, but a fantasy that I have created and now was messing with my head, but...

"Hey Bella, are you good?" he was real. His voice was authentic, and so was he. I blinked a couple of times to make my brain function, and with a small but quivering voice, I asked.

"Are we stealing a car?"

Oh my goodness! Did I just say that?

I felt my face burn flustered, especially when he busted out laughing that I had to look around, hoping no one heard what I said. Thank goodness everyone was minding their business. As much as I felt ashamed of my question, I did not want him to stop.

His laugh came from him, like a newly sprung leak - timid at first, stopping and starting. He wasn't done yet, though. I could tell from the way he rolled his eyes to the sky and half bit his lip to stop himself, not that he was doing any good with that. From deep inside his chest came a plentiful shaking motion, and his face muscles grew tight. I folded my arms, eyebrows arched, waiting for him to stop.

I wanted to stay straight-faced, flip my hair and storm off - he was, after all, laughing, "at me", not "with me." But before I could stop myself, my straight poker twitched upwards, and I was giggling.

I hate him for making me laugh at myself, of course.

I stopped my giggles and frowned at him. "I was just asking," I mumbled, with a hint of smile and embarrassment.

"Come on, get in," he opened the door for me once he had calmed down. I hesitated at first, still not getting the idea of me riding such a car.

"It's my car. We are not stealing it," he assured me, his voice holding traces of merriment, though. I sighed and got in the passenger's seat, and Max closed the door. Inside it was beautiful and calm. One could even smell the classiness of it.

"Seat belt," he ordered as he buckled his. I reached out to mine, ready to do the same, but it just had to stick. Of all the things, why when Max was next to me? What would he think? I am just a country pumpkin who doesn't even know how to buckle her seatbelt? I tried a couple of times but gave up eventually.

I looked at Max, who was already watching me with a smirk on his face, and I knew that he was enjoying my struggle.


With a low chuckle, he leaned closer towards me, and my breath fastened. Unable to speak, I watched wide-eyed, frozen as he reached for the seatbelt, drawing too close for comfort. There, my heart started what has now to be its favourite rhythm ever since I met him.

Involuntary, I silently drew in a deep breath, making normal breathing a bit hard for myself as if it would disrupt whatever insanity that seemed to be going on right now but not for one second did it take my eyes off him,

I watched every sight of his face, taking it in while it lasted.

Only when the click sound of the buckle emitted and he looked up to meet my eyes did I realize how close we were.

He looked deeply into mine, and I held on to my breath that I didn't know could still be possible, and strangely, it felt like we were creating a connection. Suddenly he looked away, got back to his seat, and whatever spell was there got broken.

¨All good.¨ Max stated, starting the car.

I let go of the breathing I didn't know I was holding once he returned to his seat.

"I don't know much about cars,¨ I started as he drove us out of the petrol station.

¨What do you call this one?" I asked curiously, checking the interior of the car.

"This baby is what is called Ford Mustang GT," came his answer, full of pride while caressing the steering as if it was really his baby.

Typical men. I guess it's true what they say, men's love for cars is the same as women's love for their shoes.

Can you be his baby?

A little demon whispered in my ear, making me flustered by how lately my mind has been harbouring not-so-holly thoughts of this fine specimen.

¨You never answered my question.¨ I spoke, trying to calm down the heartbeat that wouldn't just stay silent - not entirely silent for I will be dead- things were too confusing for me to crack.

¨You will see once we get there,¨ he flashed me a toothy grin that only continued to mess up with my heart before turning his attention back to driving.

Letting out a frustrating sigh, I leaned back at the headrest, my eyes fixated on the view throughout the window. My hand clenched tightly on my lap as if it was going to get my entire being in control.

This stupid game has to stop. I thought I had control over everything, but slowly I could feel everything slipping out. I was starting to read a different meaning to everything Max was doing. It was not right.

Another tired sigh escaped my lips as I continued staring outside and saw us passing Multimedia University, indicating that we were heading to town. I heard the music play but did not want to look at him, so instead, I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. Well, it did work, as the next thing I felt was someone shaking me softly.

¨Wake up, we are here.¨ I heard his familiar distant voice.

"Let me go," I grumbled, cuddling myself more. I hated when people disrupted my sleep.

"I don't care. I just want to sleep. Let me be." I heard him chuckle at my grumpiness but didn't care at the time.

I was glad when he finally stopped bothering me. I was sinking back to my slumber when I felt a warm hand underneath my knee and the other behind my back. Before I could react, I was lifted. I was immediately awoken by the harsh cold wind making my eyebrow furrow in annoyance.

"Quite a heavy sleeper, I see." I heard him say from above. It took seconds to realize that my fake hot boyfriend was actually carrying me.

My head snapped and was met with Max, looking down, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at me. I took in our situation and saw that he was carrying me in a bridal style which was more comfortable than I had imagined. I wiggled, struggling to get free from him. Luckily he gently put me down.

"Did you have to carry me?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to rid of the sleepiness.

"Unless you were planning on spending the rest of the day and night In my car," his answer came as if teasing me, which I did not care, as my mind was still foggy.

"Oh," I covered my mouth quickly when a yawn escaped.

"Sorry for that," I apologized sheepishly, looking around.

"Where have you taken me? Are you kidnapping me?" I asked, taking in my surrounding. I was looking for any sign of a restaurant that would define this date thingy.

But I was only met with a house- preferably apartments, which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

We both entered the elevator, and he pressed number 6. When it dinged and opened, I was towed along a clean, beautiful, expensive corridor and stopped in front of a door. He put in some kind of a code, and the door unlocked itself.

"Come on in," he said, showing me the way. I battle with my mind whether I should get in or not. Everything was strange to me. He just dragged all across the town to his house? Or was this place?

What if he is going to take advantage of me?

Or maybe he is one of the mafias or the Illuminati, and he wants to sacrifice me to get more riches? My thoughts were already in overdrive when his voice snapped me from them.

"I am not going to do anything to you," he said, giving me a bored look.

"Where are we?" I asked, gauging his expression carefully.

"My place, this is my house, where I stay," he answered, rolling his eyes as if I was the dumbest person to ever live. I raised my eyebrow, surprised by the answer. I was not expecting that. He actually brought me to his place, but why? And then it hit me!

He told Bibi that he was bringing me on a date! So he brought me to his apartment?

"Is this your idea of a date? Taking a girl in your apartment?" I quirked an eyebrow crossing my arms while I stepped back.

Just who did he take me for? An easy-going? Maybe I was overreacting, but why else would a man bring a woman into his house for a date? We were not even dating, but he was already thinking of taking advantage of me?

Never happening!

My train of thought was interrupted by his low chuckle. It wasn't just a normal chuckle but laced with mockery.

"Let me remind you that we are not dating.¨ Max scoffed, looking at me.

¨Plus, I don't bring the girls I sleep with to my house," he casually reminded.

"Just get in and get your mind out of the gutter," he said impatiently, pulling me in and then closing the door.

My jaw dropped at the sight that greeted. When I first saw Nicky's house- Oh, did I forget to mention that I spent the night at Nicky's house?

It is huge. A mansion, to be precise, but this one, unlike Nicky's, Max's is a studio apartment typically consisting of one large room that serves as the combine and bedroom.